Affectionity ✦ OPEN!

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The affliction you perceived right now won't quisle its hard work. We'll help you to master the game, but be careful. Your competitor is not just 1 or 2, but a myriad of mankind.

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Good afternoon, affecties! Gimana harinya? Masih semangat puasanya? Harus dong! Yang mau ditemenin ngabuburit yuk rent ajaa guys, anak mami ready 24/7 nemenin kalian mah 😁

Oh iya, jangan lupa rent di sini! Buat nemenin weekend, ngabuburit juga bisa. 😁

Hello, Affecties! Friday—Friyay. We hope all of you would have a great weekend and don’t forget to take care of yourself. ❤️

Wonderful wednesday, Affecties! We’re still open, yaaa. Grab your slot to @AffectionityRobot, quick!!! 😮

Forward from: Soon.
[ To all my mutual BA or anyone who saw this message, can you please lend me a hand to share this? Each share would mean a lot for us, thank you♡ ]

Residence mengadakan 'Hiring Talent' dengan slot terbatas baik bf dan gf.

A little rules from us:
Dapat mengatur waktunya dengan baik.
• Pastikan telah mengikuti channel @Residencerent terlebih dahulu.
• Dapat bekerja sama dan memiliki tanggungjawab yang tinggi.
Dapat bersosialisasi dan berbaur dengan para talent dan admin dengan baik.
• Tidak memiliki status yang dapat menurunkan citra/nama baik.

Jika tertarik, bisa langsung mengisi form dibawah ini, dan dikirim ke @residenceform_bot

1. Nama dan username :
2. Agensi/BA yang sedang diikuti (sertakan username Agensi/BA), maksimal 3 tempat, termasuk ResidenceRent. :
3. Sebutkan alasan kami harus menerima kamu sebagai bagian dari anggota kami : (selain bu/jobless)

Note :
#. Hapus yang tidak perlu.
#. Akan diseleksi kembali dan mengikuti wawancara dari para admin dan owner.

Ditunggu formnya!♡

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[ 𖥔 Untuk semua mutual BA, maupun yang tak sengaja melihat pesan ini. Boleh minta tolong forward ke channel anda? Terimakasih 𖥔 ]

Menghalo Pidesi, Eplide open lagi nih tepat nya pada tanggal 12 April 2021 jam 15.00 WIB. Open batch kali ini kamu bakalan ditemenin sama 9 bujang & 3 gadis keceeee!!. Hanya 3.000 IDR kamu bisa mendapatkan seorang pacar sesuai kriteria mu.
Baca terlebih dahulu TnC Eplide, profile talent ada di @EplideTalent contact person kami @EplideAssist sm @JuliaNurjanah trims dha.

Good morning, dear! We're still open yeaa! Jangan lupa untuk cek peta sebelum memesan, send form ke @AffectionityRobot

And we’re open! Send your form to @AffectionityRobot. 😁

30 minutes left 🚨🚨🚨

OMG, today... We can’t wait! Oh, we hope every each one of you have a wonderful sunday! ❤️

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[To our dearest BA mutuals, mind to lend us a hand to spread this glad tidings? Will be highly appreciated, gramercy!]

After a long time we've been dilly-dallying to deciding when we shall open the first batch, finally we've reach an enlightenment! We'll open the gate for those who's craving for affection at April 11th 2021, 19.00 WIB. Unruffled my dear, we have no limited slots so set your hesistancy aside to grab the slot.

Before you send us the form, kindly read our map first so you won't be confused with the queries popped out in your head. But if you have some things to be inquire of, reach us out through @AffectionityRobot. The contact person will be announced in the opening batch. We're full of enthusiasm in this lovely batch, I hope you're enthusiastic as well. See you at the batch, dear!

Merrily, @Affectionity.

Massive thank you to Lorelei for the AMAZING kece banget set-up, Samuel for the B E S T string of kece words, and @etoiledechue for the CAKEP animated border. We're deeply in love with all of the bewitching works. ♡

Met debut cintaku. ❤️

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