Africa Covid19 Awareness

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This channel is set up to provide truthful and accurate information about the Covid19 pandemic, and discuss about the unjust restrictions and mandates imposed on Africans.

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This is not the world that we know. Pretending as if things will go back to normal by themselves is delusional.

Forward from: COVID VACC VICTIMS 💉💀
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇸 Forced Vaccination in Argentina. There is no escape!

🇩🇪 Zwangsimpfung in Argentinien. Es gibt kein entkommen!

🇷🇺 Принудительная вакцинация в Аргентине. Выхода нет!

🇯🇵 アルゼンチンでの強制予防接種。逃げる道がない!

🇮🇹 Vaccinazione forzata in Argentina. Non c'è via di fuga!

🇪🇦 Vacunación forzosa en Argentina. ¡No hay escapatoria!

🇫🇷 Vaccination forcée en Argentine. Il n'y a pas d'issue!

🇮🇳 अर्जेंटीना में जबरन टीकाकरण। कहीं नहीं भाग सकते!

🇹🇷 Arjantin'de Zorunlu Aşılama. Kaçış yok!

التطعيم القسري في الأرجنتين. لا مفر!

Never get vaccinated!
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Forced vaccination in China - soon in your country!

Zwangsimpfung in China - bald in deinem Land!

Never get vaccinated!
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Forward from: GALLIA DAILY | Voice of France

👉🏻 The French government has announced that it will massively vaccinate children.

🔎 Thus it was announced that from September onwards nearly 7000 vaccination centers will be opened directly in schools in order to allow the vaccination of children

👧🏼 In addition, the government has stated that minors could be vaccinated without the consent of their parents.

📲 In parallel to this law, the government has conducted a huge influence campaign via partnerships with influencers appreciated by children.

📺 Similarly, advertising spots tell young children that they must get vaccinated if they don't want to be responsible for their grandparents' deaths by infecting them.

⚖️ As a reminder, if parents refuse to vaccinate their children they could be prosecuted for violating "legal obligations that compromise the health, morals or education" of their child.

📌 They will risk two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.

🔗 Source : LesEchos (MSM)

All the scenarios unfolding are well thought of and preplanned long long time ago.

Read above what these 2 individuals are saying and when they were saying it.

Can these be dismissed as coincidences?


The variants and scare tactics are already prepared in advance.

It is about keeping you in constant fear until you submit to their wishes.


Forward from: Amazing Polly the Original
Galicia gives up Green Pass, last in Spain 🇪🇸 to do so!
Region had still required it for cafes and restaurants.

MADRID - The judiciary of Spain's Galicia region ruled that there cannot be any requirement of a 'Green Pass' attesting to COVID vaccination to enter cafes, restaurants, and nightclubs in certain areas.

It was the last in the country in which the measure was still considered to be in force.

Reports were from the Galicia regional court, which issued the ruling.

With this decision, there is no obligation of Green Passes in any region of Spain after similar decisions were made in other regions that had also tried to apply the regulation, such as Andalusia and Cantabria.

The regional court issued a statement saying that it had made the decision


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Frau stirbt eine Stunde nach der Impfung!

Woman dies an hour after vaccination

Never get vaccinated!
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We will get through this difficult times by joining our hands together. Africa will rise again!


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Am 16. Juli mit PFIZER "geimpft" und zwei Tage später tot aufgefunden MARÍLIO COSTA LEITE, portugiesischer Profi-Langstreckenläufer, 48 (DEP)

Vaccinated with PFIZER on July 16 and found dead two days later MARÍLIO COSTA LEITE, Portuguese professional long-distance runner, 48 (DEP)

Never get vaccinated!
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Anwältin: Ärzten und Krankenschwestern wird verboten aufzuklären, dass die meisten in der Intensivstation GEIMPFTE sind!

Lawyer: Doctors and nurses are forbidden to explain that most of the people in the intensive care unit are VACCINATED!

Never get vaccinated!
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Has nothing to do with nothing, of course:

This news item appeared worldwide exactly one month ago:

Haitian head of state Jovenel Moïse was assassinated over a week ago. Further suspects are arrested. Also, vaccine is finally arriving in the Caribbean nation. ...

And now, currently, this:

Magnitude of 7.2
"Dramatic situation" - At least 227 dead in severe earthquake in Haiti

"At least 227 people were killed in a major earthquake in Haiti on Saturday. This was announced by the country's civil defense agency. Hundreds more people were still missing or injured, it said.

The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2, according to the U.S. Seismological Survey (USGS), similar to the devastating quake in 2010 that killed up to 300,000 people and left tens of thousands more homeless."


Robin Spring Saunders

45 Years old, USA

Dose 1: June 21, 2021
Died: June 27, 2021

Robin, a young healthy mother was working at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD where she was asked to take a Covid vaccine sources say. According to her Facebook post she seemed hesitant, but took her first dose on June 21st.

Shortly after Robin suffered brain swelling and heart inflammation from the injection and was placed on a ventilator. Sadly on June 27, 2021 she passed away.

May her family find the justice they deserve for her unnecessary passing.

Rest In Peace Robin ❤️

Note: There seems to be an error on her obituary that states she passed on 6/28. Her daughters post states she passed 6/27 which would be the correct date.

#Pfizer #Death #USA #Heart #Neurological #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS


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