TonUP 🚀 (Telegram)
🫂 In light of recent events, including the arrest of Durov, various communities within the #TON ecosystem have demonstrated remarkable resilience. As a leading launchpad on The Open Network, TonUP is proud to express our unwavering belief.
💎 To further underscore our commitment to the community, our team has decided to voluntarily burn all team-held and advisor allocation tokens, which account for 13% of the total supply. This action not only highlights our dedication to enhancing the value and scarcity of $UP but also exemplifies true resistance in the face of challenges.
🔥 By burning a total of 13,000,000 $UP, we aim to reinforce our belief in a sustainable and deflationary model that benefits all holders.
✉️ Check the burned record and letter from the TonUP Team:
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🫂 In light of recent events, including the arrest of Durov, various communities within the #TON ecosystem have demonstrated remarkable resilience. As a leading launchpad on The Open Network, TonUP is proud to express our unwavering belief.
💎 To further underscore our commitment to the community, our team has decided to voluntarily burn all team-held and advisor allocation tokens, which account for 13% of the total supply. This action not only highlights our dedication to enhancing the value and scarcity of $UP but also exemplifies true resistance in the face of challenges.
🔥 By burning a total of 13,000,000 $UP, we aim to reinforce our belief in a sustainable and deflationary model that benefits all holders.
✉️ Check the burned record and letter from the TonUP Team:
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