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(n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.
contact : @Mlisfit.
connected to : @zArchivez

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gajadi anjir udah diving

gue diving nanti siangan ya moots

🗳 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

- Jarvis, S/KIA.
- 🕸Jisel dexhifer
- ayyinn
- idan
- Rajeycha @iMinjuhs
- Sabie Miyecha. prabu, Sakala dni
- Masayu Juniatara.
- 설 dd kai
- K.
- Lork. gwen
- Galena A
- Jodif
- Chifayya A.
- Renza | @BluesRenjun
- Dinara.
- exa @oNLYx4 🦥
- Hannah.
- Aira.
- arzaki
- Amoura
- Atharaya
- Ragaharis
- Sacha
- Gideon
- Ja.
- Calios
- Aceng markoceng
- Jackson, D @SellDiie.
- Senja K. Amocakra
- Asantara. DNI
- Jerome, D.
- Gibber, knt lacit
- Pacar yuta, Nata.
- Micheline E. Cattermole
- Diomira Rylee.
- Gaston De-Vilssaint.
- #HananditoBestBoy
- Abisatya.

👥 38 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

📝 can you drop make it hurt question for us? (@makeithurtlist) Thank you.

👤 kalo kamu di ajak balikan mau?

👤 ada gak satu hal dari dia yang mirip sama tipe ideal kamu?

👤 inget gak pertama kali lo chatan sama dia kaya gmn?

👤 🌞. kamu nyaman ga sama dia?

👤 semua sabi ka

👤 inget gak kamu galauin dia krn apa terakhir kali?

👤 🐺. Lo pernah ilfeel sama pacar lo ga?

👤 🦥. masih sering stalk akun dia gak?


👤 masih suka kangen dia?

👤 🛼. siapa yang milih pergi/menyudahi duluan?

👤 siapa yg confess duluann?

👤 🕸. Siapa paling cmbruan diantara kalian?

👥 13 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...

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