Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

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Reliance on writing instead of memory is dangerous. Texts can be rewritten and were, in fact, rewritten countless times. Also the very existence of a text itself discourages learning. One can always put the book aside, telling himself that he will read it later. That’s why traditional oral preservation of wisdom was so important. Vedas existed for centuries before getting written down. Same with folk tales, bylinas, epics etc, they all were transmitted orally by the professionals. This is also the reason why they existed in poetic form only. Subverting the poem is far more difficult since each word is tied with another and it takes great skill to take something out and substitute it something new. That’s why we can easily tell what parts of are christian contaminations.
Naturally, memory is not perfect either, but again, due to a very strict poetic structure one would rather skip a part or just tell it in prose, rather then inventing something of his own.
Alas, we no longer have great bards of old to share our ancestral tales and even those who attempt to fill their role nowadays rely on texts first, not bothering to learn by heart.
In some cases there’s no texts to begin with. Needless to say, this complicates things. A lot. When you have no reference besides some vague mention by foreign and/or christian scholars (basically the same since christians are mental/spiritual foreigners) revival of the old ways seems impossible. Yet, we persevere. After all, even what little we got can be used well if analyzed properly.

But, here’s another question. What if there’s nothing at all. What if, we don’t even know the names of our native Gods? This will leave us with a very primordial paganism. One where actions speak louder than words, there’s no mystic realms or supernatural, only Nature itself and us. And if this Nature is indeed natural (i.e. not an artificial environment like modern cities) we will inevitable end up developing new myth and creating names. But the core will always be the same. We will have a god of Sky, because there is sky in Nature. We will have a god of Thunder, because there is thunder Nature. That’s why Greeks had Gaia as a progenitor of all Gods. They are in Nature and of her. But we will also eventually add human nature to them, which, again is natural and of nature. We will make our Sky God into a wise, mature leader observing the world from his high throne. We will make our Thunder God into a heroic, young warrior, who strikes as fierce and fast as lightning itself. We will eventually develop smelting and make our Fire God into a stout craftsmen who never leaves his smithy.
Paganism is Natural hence requires nothing but Nature and with it there’s no need in dusty tomes.

How important are sources for paganism?

I decided to conduct a little thought experiment on the topic of paganism and sources. We know that many pagan traditions lack the latter which often causes a lot of sadness. This issue is both interesting and important. I will now try to explore t as best as I can.

First and foremost let us answer a question. What are the consequence of having a lot of authentic textual sources? Those are rather self-evident. They helps preserve and share the tradition. The first thing all new age religions do is writing their holy scripture(s). But, this phenomenon can be explained as abrahamic influence and in fact it is, at least partially.
Speaking of abrahamism, all main cults within it have piles of sacred literature, yet despite this fact we see a wast contrast between e.g. modern christians and medieval ones. Even compared to the 20th century, modern christianity is a very different different beast. And don’t even get me started on first christians all of whom were jews both by faith and blood and would be surprised (to say the very least) seeing goyim from all over the world emulating them.

Why is that? Some will try to rationalize by noting that the Bible, or rather biblical texts (as it is indeed an amalgamation of different texts) wasn’t even a thing when christian movement began and as the latter matured many once canonical parts were removed and substituted by new additions. Translation is also an issue. As a professional interpreter myself I can assure you that there is no such thing as one text in two different languages. It will inevitably turn into two different texts with the similarity level between them ranging a lot depending on countless factors. But, again, I will bring up the fact that even as recently as 20th century christianity did change even thought the Bible already existed and had canonical translation.
This is but one example, but I think it demonstrates an issue. If you still don’t get it I will bring up Socrates or rather Plato. In his «Phaedrus» Socrates recalls (actually invents) a story about Thoth (Theuth), an Egyptian God of wisdom and science visiting a king (pharaoh) Thamus and presenting different arts he created. Here’s the quote:

«It would take a long time to repeat all that Thamus said to Theuth in praise or blame of the various arts. But when they came to letters, This, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; it is a specific both for the memory and for the wit. Thamus replied: O most ingenious Theuth, the parent or inventor of an art is not always the best judge of the utility or inutility of his own inventions to the users of them. And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.»

Plan of posting a bit about Wotan/Odin. WARNING. This will be proto-Odin. The shamanic god of death, ruler of the underworld etc. Will include a lot on comparative mythology too.


Average Marvel fan

King Sviatoslav

This is the future our children will never get. Why? Because we obeyed.

Dobrynya fighting Zmey

Forward from: Cⴲle Wⴲlfᛋᛋⴲn

can't post on Facebook for some reason. Another violation, I guess. Just as we got popular again.

Since I saw some interest in the comments on FB and the Western sources are limited, at least compared to those available in Russian, I decided to write on Khazar Khaganate. There are some things I can already state with certainty. An appetizer to get you interested.
Khazar Khaganate (KK) was basically USA of it's time. Giant, young empire, formed by different tribes all run by an elite who converted to Rabbinic Judaism and constantly received letters and visits from jews supervising how things went.
KK was polyglot, polyethnic and polytheistic i.e. it had a mix of native all three abrahamic religions (primarily muslim, with above-mentioned Judaistic rulers) and some pagan Tengrian leftovers. Was praised as a land of religious tolerance where marginals fled from Europe. It was also a slave center of it's time. We are speaking white, European slaves of course.
And there's a theory (one I support) that the majority of modern Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazarian diaspora which migrated westward to Cental and Western Europe after the empire was crushed by Sviatoslav the Brave, the last pagan king of Rus.
This is indeed an interesting topic. One I want to cover properly which means it will take a while to prepare properly.

Improved the meme a bit

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