Unspoken feeling?

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An open blogs which poetically speaks about emotions and relationships.

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Forward from: Red-flower
She is black, she is beautiful,
She is my dream come true,the light on my night stand. Miss photogenic ,a portrait from heaven ,
The thief that stole my heart, Glow in the dark
My heart beats for you, you not mine but your laughter sparks light in me. I lost you ones and I can’t get you again,one in a million no wait one in forever.
She is black, she is beautiful,
She is the light in my day, the beauty in the sky,
God made the sky blue, you lit the sun.
Her body was my life and her soul my love,hurt alone and lost love escaped me ones and am gone forever. She is one in a million no wait one in forever.
She is black, she is beautiful


I don't even know where to start
It has no beginning, no end
I was blessed with this never ending torture
Praised with needles to my pure skin
And thorns to represent my royalty
With rugged robes to protect my sanity
I always had something you didn't
And you kept your loyalty
By slowly poking the fires
So the burns will be evident in my soul
You tended to my wounds
By ripping them again and again
Hoping for the better
I thought you were my saviour
Only to get captured by the shadows
I was neglected of my youth
Everything is fading away
Even the lonely comforts me no more
You don't know pain
How the blood flowing from the slits felt
How I survived all the insults and the abuse
No one believed me they all thought it was fake
They turned their backs on me
You asked me how many pieces
I want none of it
It's better to have nothing
Than the broken pieces that'll never heal




Pain. What can I say about pain... I'm ruled by my emotions so I've felt pain a lot....I can be cold and loving it all depends on you

I love too much, too fast, too deeply and too blindly. Love is the death of me. It has always been. It's time to let go because I'm the one who's dying, suffering from my own emotions.

I have to face reality now, after all not everyone gets what they want or should I say who. I'm hurt and I didn't want that to happen at all costs because I'll become distant, a distorted image my friends and family won't recognize. I become a monster.

I don't know if feeling this way is a curse. I shouldn't know from the start that you're bipolar, I should've cut you off like the rest but I couldn't.....

Because you're different, no, you make me different, but still doesn't change my deep resentment towards you

I hate you for breaking me.
For making me what I dislike
For bringing out my demons
For deciding to love again when I didn't want to

But I love you or should I say I'm in love with you. Ughhhhh. I should hate you for this...but no I don't

It's my fault for pushing too hard I should have left you when you betrayed me but I didn't, because I fucking love too much.

Now I'm in pain, the demons are out..i bet you've never seen me this distant.

It hurts but I'll get over it, I'll find another life to live. I'm not alright.. I'm in tears, I'm sad and tired I've got nothing left to give.




Days come and go
The time still ticks
Waiting for no man
Days of loneliness
Are reminded of those memories
Where there was closure
Passionate, hot intimacy
Which are turned to days of insatiable desire
There are always chances here and there
The temptations bloom
Just like a flower
Inciting and luring me to their sweet nectar
But I'm reminded everyday of you and you alone
The sweetest of them all
So please precious bud
Hurry up and bloom
Show the world who you really are
For time's running fast
You said you're coming
So hurry up
I'll be waiting
Just to dream again
And lie in your arms
Never to feel solitude again


I'm proud of who I am
No more monsters, I can breathe again

And you said that I was done
Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come

'Cause I can make it on my own
And I don't need you, I found a strength I’ve never known
I’ll bring thunder, I'll bring rain,
When I’m finished, they won't even know your name

I wasted so much time trying to prove myself to you and everyone around me that I didn't take time to love myself

This is the end of the road I guess.... It's been a pleasure riding with you and I hope that you find whatever you want and deserve

Part of me hopes this is a dream and I want to wake up so badly but It's time I face reality and let you go your way

I thought I found "The One" but I guess not....

You are deserving of more than any man can give you, even me, even though I will try my hardest every day

You are like a beautiful Goddess who rules my heart. I wanted to thank you for being all of those amazing things to me. I also wanted to let you know I love you.


We try to protect the ones we love because they are all we care about, well most of the time

All we want is to keep them close to our hearts because they are our will of fire

But we become too attached and get messy with our own emotions.

Yh Fam.... We do the unthinkable but with a dope ass reason which they tend to overlook and make us look stupid for trying....just hope they understand one day

I'm guessing its the love we have for them🙂

Paa🧜🏾‍♂ and Milton✨👑


Forward from: Poentertainment
Most of the time, it's not that the person changed, it's just that you never knew who they were when they weren't trying to please you, so i probably gave up on you if I changed on you



All we can do is protect the ones we love

That's all we want to do just protect them and keep them as close to us as possible🔥

But sometimes we do things to the extreme

Yh chale.. we do shit we regret but it's all for a reason..just hope they understand and forgive your foolish life😂😂

It's all the love we have for them man😂😂❤️

Paa and Milton


Forward from: Julia's gift
It's not that I've given up, Its just that I won't look desperate anymore cos there's a difference between desperation and desire and I've tried my best but still.

This isn't goodbye, I hope. Just won't try anymore cos I know you don't feel the way I do and you probably never will.

I’m so tired. This pain in my heart, it’s been here for more than a year and I can’t stand it anymore. I’m so tired of being sad because of you. So tired of thinking about you, having dreams about you. My mind is exhausted.

I know it’s over. It’s been over for a long time now, I don’t know why I’m still hoping, it’s such a waste of time. Why can’t I just forget you like I forgot every other girl in my life? You’re not my first and neither my last relationship, but I forgot all the other .. why can’t I just forget you? I’ve tried literally everything. I don't know what you feel and it's a burden, one I will try to lift.


Forward from: Poentertainment
Love is like a river
Flowing freely to a place
Destination unknown
It moves through lives
Breaking barriers
Conquering some hearts
And taking off other's hats
Sending them to their knees
Something they've never believe they would do
But only your power
Brings tears out of dry pupils
And begging to have you
The only thing they lack
Overlooking their amast wealth and worth

Donald 💙


Forward from: Red-flower
Laying at the feet of my fate, I slay the lion in my way. Born in eden, raise in the fires of hell. Little or no thought about love. My world life and thought yelled stop when Pluto came by, is it Christmas?
Specially hand made by the Great One,black beauty, sweeter than milk ,hotter than fire.
Little tiger, you are my dream come true, the fire in my night, my drug(Cocain), my addiction.
Bless or curse I don’t mind the hurt, your love is worth it,if your love be hell then let me burn.if it’s a crime am ready for jail, my only wish never leave me am in too deep to let you go.. I bless the day I found you ...


It is an unfortunate personal tragedy.

It's like when compared to the vast ocean
Of the collective tragedy faced by people
My illness is merely a pebble.

I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness
Unable to contribute anything substantial towards
The alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of people.

It isn't the bad memories that makes me sad
But the best ones that I can't bring it back...
It isn't the bad memories that make I sad
but the best ones that you can't bring it back...
You are not helping me
You distract me but I'm distracted without you
I don't know how to focus baby teach me how to
Cause I've accidentally fallen for you
And don't know what to do
I'm just holding on to you tight just like before
I should've known your love was a game so
I'll be ready for it 'cause I can't get u outta my mind
But it's already too late

Now I'm so lonely with no one
Who is close enough to see the pain
My tears mourn for the loss of hope
I'm alone and no one knows
People accidentally walk on my feet and apologize,
Whiles others walk all over my heart and don`t even realize.

I guess all I got to say is indeed
Reality has exiled me;
I am no longer bound by it's laws.
Baby I love you(anonymous)

Vanny_slays and Blueberry


Forward from: Red-flower
Love isn’t a just a spoken word,it’s an impulse feeling that cannot be controlled when found.

They were nightmares along each path
Chaining me away from the forbidden fruit
Surrounding me with that ancient cloak
So that I would never be noticed
But curiosity remained a child
And escaped to live; to be free
Yet they still clinged to me

Empty vessels they were
Which never seemed to care
Making the world a holy nuisance
They were angels in disguise
Protecting me from the danger ahead
But I didn't wait for patience

Their words ringed like that of a pirate
Till the sinner confessed to the priest
There's no need to hide the truth
'Cause I already know:
All the rumours were true
It's a small world after all
Guilty just marked you first


I'm not going to wait until you're done pretending you don't need anyone 'cause getting half of you just isn't enough.

Here I am trying to make it work, trying to make it clear but all you do is mess it up,
I hope you're ready to swallow all your pride cos I'm tired of floating, I want to know where we stand.

I'm not going to try anymore because there's a difference between desperation and desire. I'm not going to wait until you're done pretending you don't feel anything because I'm standing here naked.



Well, you almost had me fooled
Told me that I was nothing without you
Oh, but after everything you've done
I can thank you for how strong I have become
’Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
I never knew I could feel this sore till I met you
I got attached and I cracked
Yet in the end you were never there
I picked up the pieces and mended it
Hoping one day you'll come back
But you never did
Not even a goodbye
Just a lesson to love myself
You broke me down and I built another home
A home without you
I thought I was alone yet you were the toxin
That fed me those lies
I'm going on a journey
Far away from you
I'm not running away for your satisfaction
Oh I'm coming back
Way better than before
Then you'll curse the day you left me

Milton❤️ and Blueberry💙


I really do not give a shit anymore
Think what you want
Believe what you want...After all you never loose friends, you only learn who the real ones are

Just remember I cared when no one else did



Forward from: Red-flower
Black is gold, black is beauty.The pains of my forefather a trade mark to my existence,the pain of our mothers, the trouble of our fathers. Hate because of color, hate because of religion. I have seen it all,in the black depth of the blue skies a sun is born. Our cups full with hate, bring done one another, forgetting United we stand divided we fall. Political liars, crows of tradition hiding behind close doors pouring lies out onto our world. We stand with no fate we perish without knowing our real purpose. Easy come, easy go no purpose,hmm soo sad .
-Sena ⚡️

Nobody has ever contributed such a great amount of bliss to my life as you have. With you and you only, I discover a true love that I have never known. I find myself longing to spend every remaining moment on this earth with you. I can’t envision a single day where you are not by my side from here on out.

You are my match made in heaven. There is never a second where you aren’t there to lift me up when I need you to. I am so incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with you in the beginning. It has brought us to this beautiful point in our lives. A point where I find that I cannot wait to build with you, grow with you and face the future with you. You are everything I could ever want in a woman. I will never want anything or anyone else. That I can promise
I know I changed on you and I'm sorry,
I love you❤️💍



For the longest time I was hoping it worked between us,

You kept me in check..made me a better person day by day and I was surprisingly calm and original with you.

That's what I've always wanted, to be myself with you and I've never met a girl who could handle all my demons like you do.

I'm guessing that's why I'm head over heels for you❤️💍



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