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Freedom is something we all love, but do we really know what it is? Some people think it’s being able to choose or act with few if any restraints, limits, or accountabilities. But that is what God calls rebellion because it’s a rejection of authority, as each one does as he sees fit (1 Samuel 12:14-15). True freedom is being released from bondage to sin, and that is only possible through Jesus Christ.

The first step to freedom is recognizing areas where we are imprisoned. People who have not received Christ as Savior are in bondage to sin and unbelief. They can neither believe God nor trust the promises of Scripture because sin has blinded their eyes to the truth that they need a Savior.

Even followers of Christ can find themselves in bondage to particular sins despite repeated attempts to change. But for some of us, the struggle is with more subtle kinds of enslavement. Habitual feelings of inferiority, insecurity, rejection, or worthlessness can cloud our responses to life’s challenges by altering our ability to think or act while undermining our trust and obedience to God. 

The Lord wants us walking in freedom, and Jesus describes the pathway. He says that if we’ll continue in God’s Word, we will know the truth, and it will set us free (John 8:31-32). First of all, we are liberated from sin and its condemnation through faith in Christ. Then, as we continue reading and meditating on Scripture, our mind, will, and emotions will be changed.' The sins that once enticed us will become repugnant, and the emotional prisons will be opened as we discover our position in Christ.

😇Stay Blessed😇


Listening to God is not a one-time event. We must continually keep His Word before us, or we’ll begin to listen to the wrong voices.

In Genesis 2:16-17, the Lord gave a command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Eve began to listen to another voice and did not hold firmly to her Creator’s words. All that Satan had to do was plant a seed of doubt about God’s integrity and offer Eve one appealing advantage of doing things her own way—and she fell for it. He mentioned wisdom, but using her own reasoning, Eve added two more benefits to the temptation: the fruit is good for food and a delight to the eyes.

The schemes of the enemy have not changed. He still whispers lies and twists truth to convince us that God can’t be trusted and His ways are not the best. In every temptation, there is a deception about the character and motive of God, plus an attractive promise of a better way.

The world is filled with voices that vie for our attention and influence our thoughts and actions. Throughout the day, consider the messages that are sent your way through the media and people. Consciously begin to compare them to what Scripture says about God and His ways.

Remembering what the Lord says in His Word is our safeguard against deception and temptation. Devotions read during our quiet time won’t protect us if they’re quickly forgotten during the day. Follow Jesus Christ’s example: Be ready with truth in your mind and on your tongue

😇Stay Blessed😇

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Many of us have heard since childhood that the Lord loves us. Yet it isn’t until we begin to understand the true nature of His never-ending love that our lives start to change dramatically—anxiety is exchanged for peace, depression for joy, and fear for confidence.

Today’s Bible verse tells us that while we were still living in rebellion against God, His love sent Jesus to the cross to pay the ultimate price for our redemption. In other words, He didn’t wait for our apologies or even our recognition of Him. No, the Almighty loved us so completely that He sent His Son to die for us while we were steeped in sin.

This doesn’t mesh with our human understanding of love. Much of our concern for others is conditional, hopefully with the exception of care for our children and families. We oftentimes project this imperfect image onto the Lord. It is hard for us to imagine that there actually exists a greater love than what we ourselves can give.

Thankfully, God is not restricted by our view of Him. So great is His care, in fact, that when we trust in Him, He calls us His children and adopts us! And our Father promises that nothing can separate us from Him (Rom. 8:38-39).

As you read Scripture, focus on verses about the heavenly Father’s love. Ask Him to help you start to grasp how great His love is. Document what you learn so that it is available to review when guilt or doubt creeps into your mind. What peace there is for Christians in the Almighty’s unfailing, unconditional care!

😇Stay Blessed😇

Title:None,Content:If people criticize you look in the mirror and if it's not you, my father, my mother move on. Be emotionally intelligent (when someone offends(insults) you you have no urge to retaliate you just over look it).
B. Critics believe the worst about people.
C. Those who criticize aren't accomplishing anything with their own lives.
One day critics will come and eat all their words. No matter what you do people will talk about you.

3.Disregard the critics but don't disregard your dream.1Sam17:40-46
If you are going to face your challenges foresee danger and have a back up(he took five stones; 4 for back up). Get up and face your or problems; wake up and say NO!! today one of the offices today will see my documents and hire me. If you have a bad record you can't change anyone's life, buh the way to change it is to make a new record so avail yourself and when God makes a new record to you the whole world will see.

4. Be fearless, Be positive, Be Patient so GOD can give you victory.

Title:None,Content:The people thought David was too bad and too small to face Goliath, David saw Goliath too big to miss.
Stay strong, hang in there.

If you attempt anything worthwhile, you will endure criticisms, people will tell you you can't do it buh if you know God has given you the go ahead then do it.
People will have many opinions about you don't pay attention just be yourself. Whatever you have appreciate it, don't let people use it to block you from your breakthrough. Don't let anyone define you, be yourself.
God says you'll be rich buh you're still sitting there and not doing anything about it. Its better to Prepare yourself for opportunity and not have it than not prepare yourself for any opportunity.
When someone criticizes you, ask yourself is it true, if it's not true ignore it and move on.

Facts about critics
A. Critics focus on insignificant issues.
People who are weak go about asking people why the spoke about them buh people who are strong focus on their calling. Critics believe

Title:None,Content:Things to remember in a crisis
You can't conquer everything by Prayers only, by our spiritual strengths.
How to overcome crisis. (David and Goliath)1Sam17
1.Crisis often seems indestructible.1Sam17:4
Every problem you face is not a champion. Because the one in you is greater than the problem.
2. Crisis often defies our strength.1Sam17:8-11
It makes you feel useless like you're nothing and defile your strength, buh any crisis you face is powerless.
3.Sometimes crisis seems permanent
It will go whether it likes it or not. Crisis need to be dealt with at the early stage right away, don't let it grow. You don't end up in a problem in a start by doing what you are supposed to do. If it becomes big we have to solve it slowly. If you pray and it doesn't go away doesn't mean God is not there just stay strong and have patience it will go.
God is bigger than any problem I will ever face. And in the end I will win. Keep praying, Keep going to church, Keep pushing.


We’re all familiar with Jesus’ last instructions to His followers: Matthew 28:19says to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But the next verse contains a second aspect of the directive: “Teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” The Great Commission is usually associated with world evangelism, but baptism and obedience to Christ are also important because they are outward signs of a disciple’s inward faith.

In today’s passage, Paul explains the reason for proclaiming Christ and admonishing and teaching believers: “That we may present every man complete in Christ” (Col. 1:28). To simply lead someone to salvation without teaching him God’s Word is equivalent to leaving a newborn baby to fend for himself. Salvation begins the lifelong process of learning obedience and growing into spiritual maturity.

Furthermore, we can’t limit the task of teaching to pastors and missionaries any more than we can say that they alone are called to evangelize the lost. The entire church is given the assignment of making disciples and teaching them to obey the Lord. Instead of simply sitting in church services, Sunday schools, and Bible studies to soak up more truth for our own benefit, let’s pass on to others what we have learned.

Teaching isn’t the exclusive role of those who stand at podiums in front of large groups. It’s something that can be done one-on-one over coffee. Think about all that you have learned since you were saved. What can you share with someone else that will help him or her grow in Christ?

😇Stay Blessed😇


The Bible passage that says to turn the other cheek may confuse us. Are we to stand still while someone beats us up physically or emotionally? That’s not the message Jesus was delivering. When He gave the Sermon on the Mount, He was expanding outward obedience to the Law to include attitudes and motives.

The familiar expression “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” comes from Exodus 21:23-25, an Old Testament law describing appropriate penalties for injury. Some interpreted this as allowing retaliation by civil government. But Jesus was showing a better option—the way of love.

Pride will certainly trigger a desire for revenge if a coworker takes credit for our work or a family member repeatedly says unkind words. Yet we are not to “repay evil with evil or insult with insult” but should instead give a blessing (1 Peter 3:9 NIV).

In daily practice, the form a righteous response takes depends on the situation. We may need to ignore the other person’s actions, walk away from the abuse, or confront our enemy. Instead of trying to get even, we should seek to understand that person and the reason for any animosity toward us.

God has lessons for us to learn in these difficult situations. When we endure unjust treatment, we are following in Christ’s footsteps. No one was more unjustly treated than the sinless Son of God. Yet He “did not revile in return” and “uttered no threats” but kept entrusting Himself to His Father, knowing that He judges righteously (1 Peter 2:20-23). Surely God can also handle our grievances if we’ll respond as Christ did.

😇Stay Blessed😇

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A lifestyle of obedience requires commitment and perseverance. Noah needed both as he obeyed the Lord’s instructions to build a large boat with a roof, doors, and three decks. God spelled out the exact measurements, the type of wood to use, and the way to make the vessel watertight. It was essential that Noah adhere to every detail if the ark was to house all the animals and stay afloat.

Scripture does not describe reactions to the project, but knowing human nature, we can imagine the disbelief and rejection Noah probably experienced. Yet he worked faithfully to the end and “did everything just as God commanded Him” (Gen. 6:22 NIV).

The Lord wants us to follow His instructions precisely. Unfortunately, we like to add some of our desires and preferences to His plan. We are like a child whose parent assigns three chores. The first is done satisfactorily, the second is put off until another day, and the third is skipped because the child deems it unnecessary. This is not obedience. In our case, we know we’re called to show compassion and kindness, forgiving others as the Lord forgave us (Col. 3:13). However, our human nature wants to pick and choose which parts of Scripture we’ll obey. As believers, we should keep in mind that God honors those who wholeheartedly follow Him (John 12:26).

Many people in the Bible saw obedience as their goal. Abraham determined to go wherever God led. Moses felt inadequate but still carried out the Lord’s plan. Paul did an about-face to become Christ’s disciple. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to follow the path of righteousness.

😇Stay Blessed😇

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