Beauty Traffic

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Here is only the main channel of beauty, @RapperCutie for more amazing.

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anw, yang channel udah update tele aku belum bisa ya. soalnya tele plus belum ada info update 👀

Good morning mootsiee, I've been diving and fill in your board nee.

One time I asked, would you fuck me on our first date??

📝 [ HFW pt2 ] Hello, kindly drop ur @. for sfs main acc with @Veugenie, only MAIN ACC!!. Pleas read this before dropping.

👤 @gyownjung everyone's allowed

👤 @janedenini everyone's allowed

👤 @NjaemEy

👤 @jj33nogf

👤 @suchkingdick

👤 @fnyyrv

👤 @sunghoonth everyone's allowed

👤 @thvtaeh7ung

👤 @girlfjenno

👤 @sextiestking everyone's allowed only main acc.

👤 @ihttpsake

👤 @roseuich everyone's allowed

👤 @lLknUrbf

👤 @Xaechani everyone's allowed only main acc.

👤 @yeriicutesgirl

👤 @joseoenghee

👤 @vibekarina

👤 @Taevhyungvi

👤 @arjangf

👤 @lxxjjeno

👤 @thizyerikim

👤 @RoceanneParkj everyone's allowed

👤 @jo_yuriiz0ne every1's allwd but main acc!

👤 @rvkimyri everyone allowed

👤 @s1nec11

👤 @Jgendeuk

👤 @fParkXiyeon

👤 @vgxlisa everyone's allowed but only main acc

👤 @fckfacee every1 allowed

👤 @imhsohee

👤 @JE0NK00KlEE everyone's allowed, but if you homophobic, rprl area, minor, side acc, ch store, admin upsubs, PLEASE DNI.

👤 @AhniHeeyeon everyone's allowed

👤 @yerim_q semua orang boleh SFS dengan saya

👤 @roseannyeh

👤 @kwimnter

👤 @pchanyeolz

👤 @yNiingYizhuo

👤 #EVZ . @imasucjs everyone's allowed

👤 @andreasboyy everyone's allowed

👤 @Rosseandne everyone's allowed but only main acc.

👤 @Younjoungx everyone's allowed only main account

👤 @tKimYeri

👤 𝕵. @LimJemie

👤 @hyuckke

👤 @iGucciGuy everyone's allowed

👤 @WebsiteMite

👤 @beautyboyzs

👤 @eteahyungkim

👤 @eRoseanrne everyone's allowed

👥 49 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Helloo, untuk board yang aku isi nanti ada simbol ini yaa 𓋜. Contohnya kaya board fi, tbh & lainnya. Biar aku inget juga yang mana aja yang udah aku isi okay.

 ‍ ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍ ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍ ‍  ‍ Jóullis H Veugenie ‍  ‍  ‍ ‍
  ‍  ‍  ‍ 
A beautiful girl like an angel who uses Jennie Kim's face to play in this world. Joli, the name they used to call me.

I like boy who are cute but also cool, I also like pretty cool but cute girl. Be friend with me will not lose, honey.
 ‍ ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍ 

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𔘓 ATTENTION 𔘓

Due to @Telegram new policy, mundane declared this channel built for roleplay purpose only with Jennie Kim from BLΛƆKPIИK. There is no attachment at all between the roles used with related idols. All media here are sourced from the internet in the form of Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr by prioritizing idol and agency policies.

This channel contain NSFW things, explicit content, and some sensitive topic. Mundane would not put any Contain Warning but still will use Trigger Warning for some specific content. And another warning that content here are inappropriate to all underage and someone who doesnt like vulgar things.

You were minor, racist, mannerless, using genital harshword, religion-phobic, using sara as your joke, homophobic, a liar, spy account, an egoist, using side / second while doing sfs, normalizing rprl area, rude grammar police, normalizing plagiarism. DNI.

If you were uncomfortable with this channel, you may leave and make sure you have kick my account out Jóullis H Veugenie from your channel. For any further about SFS things and personal question, you may greet the owner of this channel at @Joullisrobot politely.

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