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The patient was counselled and admitted to hospital for close monitoring. However, at 33 weeks gestation, six weeks following admission, she went into spontaneous labour and was subsequently delivered vaginally of a dead female leading twin (papyraceus) and a live female second twin.

They weighed 300g and 2100g respectively, with a diamniotic-dichorionic placentation.

Anatophoric dysplasia (TD) is a rare and lethal skeletal dysplasia with an estimated incidence of 1 in 20000 to 40000 births

TD can be classi ed into two types: type I is characterized by micromelia with bowed femurs and, uncommonly, the presence of cloverleaf skull deformity; type II is characterized by micromelia with straight femurs and moderate to severe cloverleaf skull deformity

A common feature to both types is the presence of a narrow thorax which causes respiratory failure shortly a er birth

A 400g female fetus was delivered dead at 20 weeks and 2 days of gestation. All limbs were noted to be extremely short with redundant skin folds.

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Hospitals that denied an emergency abortion broke federal law

✅ to abortion!

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So again

a) what Greta is saying IS NOT related to Asperger!
and previous posts

same for Elon Musk

exactly like how Breivik is acting IS NOT related to Asperger! He made a terror attack, but he has no Asperger, if you analyse that with a terroristic mind ...

and maybe even other criminals

With that, we are NOT saying Greta has not Asperger
because we can even understand how looking to people directly in the eyes could be a pain or isolating themselves or or or. At the end Asperger has many similarities to Vigorexia / Anorexia and similar things!

Same for Breivik, Elon Musk, etc. since we don't know them directly ...

b) no matter what, NO DISCRIMINATION to people with real Asperger! TED people said that too. Aspergers are pretty similar to other, means they have even empathy! and this is showed by Greta too

Stop evaluating people with ignorance
and without knowing the story behind

So we are against the abuse of Asperger definition, BUT Asperger is still something important we need to RESPECT!

Our statement about this bullshit " Asperger's Syndrome" that is overused, when maybe in reality the problem are other or generated by other people ...

We don't want to say that Asperger's Syndrome doesn't exist, but is just overused. There are for sure some situation where people are obsessed with things ... We are not saying Greta or Elon or other don't have Asperger, because we KNOW NOTHING about them, how they act, etc. but correlating for example "you speak directly" to Asperger is bullshit.

Again the example:

- you are in a bar, you see a xxxl girl and you think "she should start losing weight" 😐

- same situation, but you think "yes, BUT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER STORY!" too ❤️

- same situation, but you are talking that directly to your friends, while the girl is 2 meters away 🙅‍♂️

- you are in a bar, and you say "politicians are shit, they just waste their time with bullshit getting overpaid" ✅

We are AGAINST PEOPLE talking directly WITHOUT KNOWING THE STORY! plus it's NOT YOUR LIFE! so maybe she is happy or not with that. In case you can talk about that in an indirect way, but without saying "you are a 🐳" THIS IS A NO GO!



But talking facts like they are should not be classified as "being racist, rude, Asperger or whatever you want", since if such facts are based on science / stats / etc. THEY ARE FACTS!

Facts give a shit if you like that or not! Facts are not Hitler! Facts are facts!
but remember we don't agree with Jordan too

Check our statement from

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Elon Musk discussing his Asperger's Syndrome

Being direct is not synonym of having Asperger. Exactly like saying specific things, if this is your goal. We could for example change by removing 💩 .... but nope, this is our decision to show exactly how things are 💩! (showing our feelings, that otherwise cannot be showed online ...)

Do we use 💩 during a job interview? Obviously nope, otherwise you would get excluded by default ...

Do other professional and scientists use 💩 when they talk? YES! (not all ..)

Like said before vigorexia is influencing how you act and think, exactly like planing terrorism generate a sense of untrust / distance to other people, DISCRIMINATION AND ABUSE BY PEOPLE / STUDENTS create similar symptoms of Asperger, etc. So we cannot make confusion and thinking all is Asperger, if you don't use the mind of a criminal to understand why?

So can we call it Asperger? NOPE! because this is missing education of kids that discriminate other kids FORCING TO LIVE / PLAY ALONE! So in this case we have a problem with:
a) governments that provide 💩 education

b) parents, that give a shit to their kids, like some do with their pets
Like said, better an abortion, than a bad educate kid! And no, not all people need to have kids!

c) other parts, that allow such discrimination or missing education (just think what YouTube, Rappers and co. are doing)

A victim of a discrimination should NOT be downgraded as a person with a problem, if the problem are the kids who discriminate!

Just an example using a different point of view ... because the problem is that people just check such things with limited view ...

PLUS AGAIN, IT'S RIDICOULUS THAT OTHER FACTORS ARE NOT CONSIDERED! No one like said talk about vigorexia, anorexia, etc

Elon Musk: Learning "meaning of life" reading religious book 🤣 WTF .. you will just learn bullshit

What Greta Thunberg is saying IS NOT Asperger Syndrome! This is facts, just check the pictures of German politicians while other are speaking!

People are saying "home office is bad". The reality? DOESN'T MATTER! You can go somewhere directly and don't listen to things or having other things in your head. Being there IS NOT SYNONYM of doing things better! Some people prefer to study at school, other at home, other in group, other ... THERE IS NO JUST ONE WAY TO DO THINGS!

So don't call people who want to study alone for example "Asperger Syndrome" since they refuse to be in group ... WTF! This doesn't mean anything! Wasting time being in a group knowing you can study better alone make no sense! Only ignorant prefer to waste time in such way ... just as example ...

If they did a good job, we don't need to change laws in 2023 ... but ... we still need to change laws, because they did a 💩 job!

We need to be honest NORDIC COUNTRIES ARE THE BLACK SHEEP OF EUROPE! exactly like 🇳🇱!

Nordic people have simply a different way to act! and the failure of Lidl in Norway is the best example. Is this synonym of Asperger Syndrome? NOPE!
They are more 🧠, just think 🇮🇸 and 🇳🇴 refusing to be part of 🇪🇺 💶, not like most other 🐑 did ...

Do we learn about climate change with 8 years in our countries? NOPE! Like we don't learn other important things. Because we prefer to remain ignorant, instead of smart.

Teaching climate change but after that saying "i fly to New York"? NOPE, is not Asperger Syndrome! This is ignorance by the teacher doing such lecture in the wrong moment! It's like talking about sex and saying "tomorrow i will rape a girl" or talking about laws and "tomorrow i will steal a bank".

In another interview she is saying "because i see all black or white, how i do things, i need to share the true".

The true get shared by scientists too!

Black and white? We don't agree, there is much more ... But we cannot ignore black and white too!

Being a sheep != doing right

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Greta Thunberg on the "gift" of Asperger's in fighting climate change: "We need people who think …

Social codes exist wherever people interact with each other and vary between groups. In various social contexts there are implicit rules governing acceptable behaviour. People use both conscious and subconscious signals to communicate and these signals are socially and culturally bound. Therefore, social codes are also culturally bound, but how, when and where are they learnt?

Social codes are also culturally bound. When religion / culture and tradition ARE ALREADY BULLSHIT per default based on 0 science and facts, you can even understand how social codes are in part bullshit ...

Again, there is way and way. Obviously you should not discriminate people talking like if they don't exist or hear you, when in reality they are 3 meters aways from you and hear all discrimination you did ...

So smart people have the ability to control what they are saying to avoid similar situation, but this doesn't mean you always need to follow "social codes" or "rules" if such rules are based on bullshit ... Obviously it depends from which rule ...

In fact let we remember "Pornhub’s most senior visitors, over the age of 65, searched for ‘extreme’ videos 210% more than previous years"

Showing how "social codes" go already away with porn ...

What do we want to say with that? Not only because you are acting in a way that people maybe consider "strange" means you are strange! If in reality everyone is doing that in some way ...

A bit the topic black sheeps AfD said ... but they made just bad examples and they are not black sheeps, they just promote bullshit thinking to be black sheeps

Exactly like "indifference towards the feelings of others". Well, it depends. Remember that facts don't care about your feelings! and will never care about your feelings!

Meanwhile we just noticed that they did that for Jeffrey Dahmer too

Killing always people in the same way (or pretty in the same way) is similar to waste 8 hours every day doing always the same job / things at job ... or doing always sex with your wife (instead of switching person ... ) (to use a "rude example")

Like bodybuilder are saying "if something is working, you don't need to change!". The same get done by big brands etc.

Killing black people is the same like doing sex always with a girl. Instead of getting crazy for women like men do, he is going crazy for black men ... Is this a problem? NOPE! except the part about killing, eating, etc.

"A process of eroticization of nonliving objects"? Ok so all girl using dildos, beds, bananas have Asperger Syndrome? Same like people who buy a sex doll ... and probably there are a lot ... What about using cakes (American Pie style)?

So if you think to rape a girl, buy this one

So in such case, better that Dahmer did that with the doll, instead of trashing the doll ...

Paraphilic behaviors, no idea what this means ... answer? Check picture

The case of Jeffrey Dahmer provides an excellent case study of a serial killer who is highly likely to have had ASD in addition to experiencing psychosocial stressors during childhood

Dahmer's murders involved rape, dismemberment, necrophilia, and cannibalism.

While Dahmer was not clinically assessed and diagnosed with an ASD, there is overwhelming evidence (both peer reviewed and in a plethora of books specifically about this serial killer) to suggest that he displayed numerous indications of Asperger syndrome which is why we have chosen to discuss this as an example of a serial killer with ASD and psychosocial stressors.

No matter what, Dahmer is more complex than Breivik ... and we have no enough knowledge about Dahmer real story ..

One point: like not all people want to have kids, not all people want ..

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