Forward from: The Disclosure
Here I present the PUBLICLY DOCUMENTED FACTS of the last week, which point in an UNDENIABLE fashion to the unavoidable conclusion that PATRIOTS ARE IN TOTAL CONTROL of the Republic of the United States of America..... (1) Mark Zuckerpunch is history (forced to resign his post at FakeBook; (2) Jeff Bezos is history (forced to resign his post at Amazon); (3) Jeff Zucker (of CNN - interesting name, eh?) is history (forced to resign his post at CNN); (4) Charlie Flynn (General Mike Flynn's brother) was named the Chief of Pacific Operations for the US Army (the Flynn Family, in its entirety, is nemesis to the very wealthy Biden, Clinton, Obama Families, and the Democrat Party); (5) There are FIVE Aircraft Carrier Groups (of 100+ ships EACH) off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the USA, unprecedented in all of US History; (6) Russia has also deployed to sea ALL of its Navy to protect its own shores and homeland; (7) There is an Aircraft Carrier Group off the coast of China, and one off the coast of India, on high alert, ready to protect US Allies in that region; (8) The FCC made a very unusual major Announcement stating the following; Any FCC licensed broadcasting station who refused to carry Official US Government Announcements, Emergency Alerts, and/or Information for the Public Welfare shall be IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OBLIGATIONS, and therefore at risk of immediate SUSPENSION OF THEIR BROADCAST LICENSE. // Now, if any of you still 'believe' that 'nothing is happening' . . . well, you're just being either ignorant, intentionally blind, or disgustingly weak (aka 'playing the victim'). GET ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITIES, People, and SPREAD THE GOOD WORD!! 🗣⚡️🎆💪🏽👍🏼