Jeg forstår at hevn er viktig og at veldig mange hater meg. Men jeg er fortsatt et menneske og det er grenser for hvor mye man kan klare. Selv om jeg kanskje er et av de sterkeste menneskene
I understand that revenge is important and that a lot of people hate me. But I'm still human and there are limits to how much you can handle. Although I may be one of the strongest people.
Breivik sa til retten at han tror myndighetene prøver å presse ham til å begå selvmord.
Dette er ikke noe liv verdt å leve, sa han.
Breivik told the court that he believes the authorities are trying to pressure him to commit suicide.
This is no life worth living, he said.
Under terroristens forklaring har Storrvik avskåret Breivik hver gang han ville snakke om sine ideer og verdensbilde.
During the terrorist's explanation, Storrvik cut Breivik off every time he wanted to talk about his ideas and world view.
Breiviks sa at han tar avstand fra sine egne «grufulle handlinger» og manifestet han publiserte i 2011. Det er likevel vanskelig å tro på ham.
Breiviks said he distanced himself from his own "horrific actions" and the manifesto he published in 2011. Still, it's hard to believe him.
Allerede da Breivik oppga personalia minnet han oss på hvorfor han sitter her på landets høyeste sikkerhetsnivå. Han oppga å være CEO i det politiske partiet Nordic State og i «noen organisasjoner han ikke ville gå nærmere inn på her».
Even when Breivik gave his personal information, he reminded us why he sits here at the country's highest security level. He stated that he was the CEO of the political party Nordic State and of "some organizations he would not go into further here".
De spiser frokost og baker kake med ham, spiller kort og trener. Og det jobbes kontinuerlig med å finne andre innsatte som kan treffe Breivik under streng kontroll.
They eat breakfast and bake cake with him, play cards and exercise. And there is continuous work to find other inmates who can meet Breivik under strict control.
I understand that revenge is important and that a lot of people hate me. But I'm still human and there are limits to how much you can handle. Although I may be one of the strongest people.
Breivik sa til retten at han tror myndighetene prøver å presse ham til å begå selvmord.
Dette er ikke noe liv verdt å leve, sa han.
Breivik told the court that he believes the authorities are trying to pressure him to commit suicide.
This is no life worth living, he said.
Under terroristens forklaring har Storrvik avskåret Breivik hver gang han ville snakke om sine ideer og verdensbilde.
During the terrorist's explanation, Storrvik cut Breivik off every time he wanted to talk about his ideas and world view.
Breiviks sa at han tar avstand fra sine egne «grufulle handlinger» og manifestet han publiserte i 2011. Det er likevel vanskelig å tro på ham.
Breiviks said he distanced himself from his own "horrific actions" and the manifesto he published in 2011. Still, it's hard to believe him.
Allerede da Breivik oppga personalia minnet han oss på hvorfor han sitter her på landets høyeste sikkerhetsnivå. Han oppga å være CEO i det politiske partiet Nordic State og i «noen organisasjoner han ikke ville gå nærmere inn på her».
Even when Breivik gave his personal information, he reminded us why he sits here at the country's highest security level. He stated that he was the CEO of the political party Nordic State and of "some organizations he would not go into further here".
De spiser frokost og baker kake med ham, spiller kort og trener. Og det jobbes kontinuerlig med å finne andre innsatte som kan treffe Breivik under streng kontroll.
They eat breakfast and bake cake with him, play cards and exercise. And there is continuous work to find other inmates who can meet Breivik under strict control.