cheloupi: sheeny-butter. 𓍼

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(forget-me-not. ♡)
shaggy lump, caramel bagel fresh from the oven. puny-wee jimmies alongwith milky skim: dealt for you, @cheloupibot &. @cheloupirobot.
(super-treats! take a peek of our former results in @cheloupis. 🫙🧷)

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sudah diclaim semua yaaa, thank you so muchh ☺️

dan buat yang ngga dapet, mohon maaf ya lupiess. tungguin cheloupi di event costless mendatang!! 👍

yang dapet boleh chat aku yaaa @.

YAAAAAYY!! congrats mouche mouchieeee 🍪

🗳 last 🍪

- Mouche @ndoirei

👥 1 people of 1 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

kok aku yang deg-degan lupies 😳

aku send boardnya di 19:07, paham!

hayo nungguin ya

satu lagi yaaaa

HOREEEEE, congrats Elsemery!! 🍪

🗳 🍪

- Elsemery Vsyle. @Jubilaant

👥 1 people of 1 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

OH IYA, put @ di dn kalian ya

gift 15s pertama (🍪), board aku send di 18:58!

flop ia *mengsedih*

oi riek oi

DIKIT AMEETT, kalian ndak mau 🍪 kah lupies¿?

cek ombak dulu, riekk 🔥

rame nggak, lupiess?

and for cheloupi's pals, they will be called 'lupies' ya temen-temen. sesuai dengan hasil vote kemarin! thank you so much to everyone who helped us choose! 🎉

temen-temen, aku dan rume mengucapkan banyak-banyak terima kasih ke kalian semua. without you guys, we wouldn’t have reached 100 subscribers 🥹

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