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Arichan & Xenea Quiz

Finisterra Labs (@BaselightDB)

💰Raised ~$3.8M

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WAI Listing Gate io Soon 🔜👀

Confirmed Airdrop ✅️

🎁WORLD3 Airdrop Live
💰Reward 150M WAI Token 🔔
🎉For All Users

☑️ Event LINK ≈

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Listing soon 🔥

Xenea & AriChain Quiz answers

Nexus Testnet II Final Points Are Live! 🎉

Check your points now! 🔥

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Xenea & AriChain Quiz answers

Arichan & Xenea Quiz today

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Live session ya Bure itafanyika leo humo


kabla hatujaenda kuona mbinu hizi za siri.

Nataka uweke kila kitu chini na usome kwa makini…

Hii inaweza kuwa fursa ambayo itakufanya uache kupoteza pesa kwenye shitcoins na uanze kutengeneza faida halisi! 🚀

Jibu hili kwa ukweli…

❌ Umewahi kuinvest kwenye shitcoin, ukafikiria itapamp, lakini ikageuka kuwa SCAM?
❌ Umewahi kuona watu wanapost faida kubwa kutoka kwa shitcoins, lakini hujui wanapataje hizi token kabla ya wengine?
❌ Unasikia kuhusu memecoins zinazopanda mara 5, mara 10… lakini wewe kila unapoingia, soko linashuka?

💡 Kama jibu lako ni NDIO basi hii class ni ya kwako!


Darasa litafanyika katika telegram channel yety Link 👇


✅ Introduction to Shitcoin – Fahamu misingi ya soko hili la faida kubwa
✅️jinsi ya kulink wallet na trading Bots pamoja na kutumia dex kufanya miamala
✅️ jinsi ya kuset trading bot ili kufanya trading kiurahisi na kupata matokeo mazuri.
✅ Mbinu ya filtering token za faida – Jinsi ya kupata coin zinazoweza kufanya hadi 10X kabla ya explosion.


📅 Darasa linaanza rasmi: 04 march hadi 07 March 2025

Darasa litafanyika kupitia telegram channel Link 👇


Forward from: XDAO | Official channel 💠
Not just another “tap-tap” app 👆

We read all the comments and sometimes notice that some people still see our project as just another “tap-tap” app. Time to bust that myth 😐

Our team knows that many Telegram Mini Apps come and go, leaving behind only hype because there’s nothing real behind them. But our app isn’t just a project for the sake of a project — it’s part of XDAO, a fundamental Web3 product that has been successfully evolving for years 💻

TONxDAO is a gamified way to dive into the world of DAOs, explore the largest ecosystem for creating and managing digital decentralized organizations, and get a valuable token in its early stage ⭐️

Our core product, XDAO, runs on 40+ blockchains and is used by real DAOs with millions of dollars in turnover 💸

Now, we’re expanding to TON, unlocking new opportunities within its ecosystem, and transforming TONxDAO into a full-fledged DAO product

We’ve already launched fast and free DAO registration directly in the app and achieved impressive results — you’ll see it soon 🔥

In the near future, we’ll be rolling out new updates and sharing more about TONxDAO’s features and development plans — including the utility of the $DAO token, the farming end date, and what’s coming before TGE 🔜

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Introducing: Pay with BSX 🎊

Starting today, you can use $BSX to pay trading fees on BSX and save 10%!

Lower costs for high volume traders + boost $BSX utility.

More savings on every perp trade!

Arichan & Xenea Quiz today

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