I’ve spent the past few days analyzing everything in detail. With my targets and invalidation levels set, I’ve positioned myself accordingly.
Here’s how my current portfolio looks:
-15% ENA
-10% AIOZ
-10% AI low caps
-10% L1s
-5% Gaming
The remaining 50% is still held in stablecoins.
Now it’s time to set alerts, step back, and let the market take its course over the next few days.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Take some time to disconnect, relax, and enjoy the holidays!
Here’s how my current portfolio looks:
-15% ENA
-10% AIOZ
-10% AI low caps
-10% L1s
-5% Gaming
The remaining 50% is still held in stablecoins.
Now it’s time to set alerts, step back, and let the market take its course over the next few days.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Take some time to disconnect, relax, and enjoy the holidays!