Belle Ame! : Open.

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ʚ♡ɞ Far far away, a little kingdom was built near the Sirius star. Blessed with the ability to turn words into art with their magical hands, they try to be a help to those who are in need in chaining words.
Testi: @DeTestimonials
Catalogue: @DeCatalogue

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January Order List: Lilianne!
[✦] Finished.
[✧] On progress.

✦ Customize wording a.n. A.
✦ Pinned wording for OOC channel a.n. S.
✦ Customize wording a.n. C.
✦ Pinned wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ GEN RP update caption a.n. E.
✦ GEN RP update caption a.n. L.
✦ Customize wording a.n. V.
✦ Pinned wording for BA channel a.n. O.
✦ Promotion wording for BA channel a.n. S.
✦ Bio wording for BA channel a.n. S.
✦ Short pinned wording for BA channel a.n. S.
✦ Pinned wording for GEN RP channel a.n. F.
✦ Bio wording for GEN RP channel a.n. F.
✦ Pinned wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ Order form wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ Promotion wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ Terms & conditions wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ Pricelist wording for BA channel a.n. A.
✦ Short cute message wording a.n. Y.
✦ Birthday greetings wording a.n. C.
✦ 5 GEN RP update caption a.n. J.
✦ Pinned wording for BA channel a.n. E.
✦ GEN RP update caption a.n. J.
✧ Pinned wording for BA channel a.n. J.
✧ Bio wording for BA channel a.n. J.
✧ TnC wording for BA channel a.n. J.
✧ Pricelist wording for BA channel a.n. J.
✧ Promotion wording for BA channel a.n. L.

January Order List: Yurika!
[✦] Finished.
[✧] On progress.

✦ Mensive wording a.n. M.
✦ Confession wording a.n. N.
✦ Pinned wording for OOC channel a.n. H.
✧ GEN RP update caption a.n. L
✦ GEN RP update caption a.n. H.
✧ Confession wording a.n. E.
✧ 2 pinned wording for OOC channel a.n. E.
✧ Personal promote wording a.n. E.

Forward from: soon.
[ to all my lovely BA mutuals, please help me share this message to anywhere because it means a lot to me. thanks in advance!

Forward from: 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒂 𝑬𝒔𝒕 CLOSE
[ dear my mutual BA or anyone who saw this precious message, pls help me to spread this! ♡♡ ]

hello all ! this is the first time @minimaest open after a long time taking a rest. And im so happy to announce it.

And for this batch, its handled by Hasya. So i will hold 10 slot only. Psst, make sure u dont missed it. SOO WHT U WAITING FOR ??? LETSS PREPARE UR FORMAT.

And before u ordered it, don't forget to read the pinned && precious TNC

Forward from: S꩜RCELLERIE!♡ ✧・゚:* OPEN
[teruntuk BA atau siapapun yang melihat ini, boleh sampaikan pesanku?]

Marvelous day to you all, everyone! @LaSorcellerie will be opening for the second time tomorrow at 12PM. Akan diadakan promo setiap pembelian 2 themed/scenery icons akan mendapatkan gratis 1 couple icon (choose between Monkey Swing or Masha and The Bear)! Hope to see you soon (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

Forward from: ㅤᨳ𝗗𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗉𝗎𝗐'𝑺 ✭៸៸
[ To all business account, especially my BA mutuals, boleh minta tolong forward pesan ini ke channel kalian? aku akan sangat berterimakasih ♡__♡ ]

Hello Bello! DarkPuws is finally open Kamis,21 januari 2021. Kami menyediakan berbagai macam shaped icons dan scenery icons dengan harga yang terjangkau !
dan untuk metode pembayaran hanya menerima Dana dan vipul isat saja.
sebelum order jangan lupa untuk baca Terms and Conditions dulu okeyy

Forward from: GRAVILLEA. OPEN!!
[ Dear my beloved BA mutuals or anyone who see this. Please help forward this message to your channel. Thank you beforehand! ]

Henlo benlo Gravies! Hari ini Gravillea open untuk yang pertama kalinya lho. Kita menyediakan Profneeds, Carrd, Upsubs dan Premium Apps, tetapi untuk sekarang Upsubs hanya menerima 3 orderan saja. (๑ ˃ᴗ˂ ๑)

Oh iya khusus buat carrd dan icons milik Jejes hari ini sampai dengan besok bakalan dapat bonus. Buat yang mau cek ketentuannya ada disini ya.

Kirimkan format pembeliannya ke @Gravilleabot atau masing-masing admin ( username tertera dibawah format ). Dan jangan lupa untuk lebih dahulu membaca Terms and Conditions. Terimakasih banyak dan semoga harimu menyenangkan! ♡____♡

Forward from: Nande's Handwriting • OPEN!
[Dear all my BA mutuals, can you guys help me to spread this message? One forward mean a lots for me, thank you!]

Yo-Ho! Nande's Handwriting is officially open today! Send your form at 11.00 WIB to @LohJeongin or @TulisanNande_bot. For Joki tugas only available 3 SD slots and 3 SMP slots. Jasa tulis always open for those of you guys who are lazy to write your assignments or notes! Payment only available with Gopay, Dana, Ovo, Vipul 3, and Qris.

What are you waiting for? Contact our team and get your assignment done with only 1,000 rupiah for each question! Check our TnC and pricelist first.

Forward from: Works By C. : OPEN
( To my dearest BA mutuals, can you please forward this good news to your channel? It means a lot, thankyou! )

Hello, Cereal is officiallly open for the first batch with unlimited slots for of all services that has been written in here.

Once again, don't forget to read the TnC and let me do the best for you! Send your order form to Cereal's bot here. I'll be waiting!

[ To all my dearest BA mutuals and to anyone who stumbled upon this post, I'd be very grateful if you would spend a bit of your time to spread the news! ]

Saluting with glee to anyone who stumbled upon this chapter! 'Tis, I, Yurika, to inform that I'm finally open for wording services. If you're wondering, payment can only be made through Go-Pay, DANA, and QRIS for now. Kindly fill in the form and send it through @ApriINaeunie or @BelleAmeRobot to order. Worry not, your order will be finished as soon as possible!

Forward from: Asterophile : Open.
Berhubung saudara/i kita yang berada di KalSel sedang berduka, Asterophile ingin memberikan seluruh pemasukan yang didapat untuk didonasikan melalui web kitabisa untuk Kalsel.

Mulai dari tanggal 17 Januari sampai tanggal 20 Januari seluruh pemasukan akan dikumpulkan untuk didonasikan. Kalau kalian berminat ikut boleh banget beli di Asters yaa! Pembelian dari PSD, Wording, Manips, Faceswap yang bakalan di donasikan ya! Boleh banget buat siapapun yang ikutserta membantu tanpa membeli disini, semua Aster terima dan 100% langsung didonasikan untuk Kalsel. Terimakasih. 🙏🏻😇 Semoga kalian semua dalam lindungan Tuhan.

ps: Bantu fw ke seluruh ch kalian.
Kalau ada pertanyaan boleh langsung ke @chruu!

Forward from: 𝐄𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬⭑close.
[For my mutuals BA who read this message, it would be nice if you want to spread this message. Thank you!]

Hi, @Ephroses lagi open! Ayo jajan, kirim format ke @EphrosesBot. Testi lihat di @EphCatie. Murah lho, pas dikantong! Yuk?

Forward from: 𝐄𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬⭑close.
[For my mutuals BA who read this message, it would be nice if you want to spread this message. Thank you!]

Hi, @Ephroses lagi open! Ayo jajan, kirim format ke @EphrosesBot. Testi lihat di @EphCatie. Murah lho, pas dikantong! Yuk?

Forward from: BEHAVS
Dear business account who read this, please help me to spread this message.

Behavs is open for bf rent and also gf rent. Bisa dilihat rulesnya, format dan price nya di pinned. Can't wait to see you, see you!

Forward from: ✦ 𝐚𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐦
sudah open lagiii!

Forward from: Radiant Spot. (Close)
Mari isi form dan habiskan uangmu di @RadiantSpotBot 👍

Forward from: 𝓜ellifous ✦ OPEN.
[ To all my BA mutuals, can you share this on your channel? 5 seconds forward is not a crime and won't hurt anyone. ]

Bonjour, everyone! I want to let you know that Mellifous is open every day. I also just uploaded a new catalog, you can check @Mellifousc. Immediately send your order format to @Mellifousbot or @Bvona for order. Don't forget to read the TnC and How to Order too. It is highly recommended to fill in the format with details so that there is no revision. Payment pulsa ku close dulu.

Forward from: 𝐅roggie𝐑o. : open
[ Dear my BA mutuals, can you help me forward this message to your CH? It's mean a lot to me thank you!!]

Haii guys! Akhirnya aku balik lagi ke dunia per-BA-an setelah sekian lama rest. FroggieRo sekarang sudah mulai open lagi ya dan juga ada katalog dark. Ayo kirim format lengkapnya ke @FroggieRobot atau ke @Cldnjcity yaa. Kalau mau tanya tanya dulu juga boleh. Happy shopping

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