Forward from: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
In addition, a visiting dog from the Red Cross has come to the prison. The dog visits are one of the few cases where the lattice gate has been opened so that the terror convict has been able to pet the dog.
Det er dette som kan kalles en hodepine for staten og Kriminalomsorgen. For hvor lenge kan man holde 22. juli-terroristen nesten helt isolert uten kontakt med andre fanger?
Det er et dilemma.
This is what can be called a headache for the state and the Correctional Service. For how long can the 22 July terrorist be kept in almost complete isolation without contact with other prisoners?
It is a dilemma.
It's a dilemma like human rights of prisoners vs human rights of the population!
Terroristen selv har en annen fremtoning i retten denne gangen, enn i tidligere rettsrunder. Borte er både propagandaeksempler og høyreekstreme hilsener. Også det er nok etter råd fra advokaten.
The terrorist himself has a different appearance in court this time than in previous court rounds. Gone are both propaganda examples and far-right greetings. It is also enough after the advice of the lawyer.
This doesn't mean anything!
«Det virker for meg som intensjonen til regjeringen er å prøve å presse meg til selvmord, og de er i ferd med å klare det», var den terrordømtes svar på brevsensur og mangel på kontakt med medfanger.
"It seems to me that the government's intention is to try to push me to commit suicide, and they are about to do it," was the terror convict's response to letter censorship and lack of contact with fellow prisoners.
Like etter brøt han tilsynelatende ut i gråt, da advokaten spurte om selvmordstanker.
Soon after, he apparently burst into tears, when the lawyer asked about suicidal thoughts.
Det er dette som kan kalles en hodepine for staten og Kriminalomsorgen. For hvor lenge kan man holde 22. juli-terroristen nesten helt isolert uten kontakt med andre fanger?
Det er et dilemma.
This is what can be called a headache for the state and the Correctional Service. For how long can the 22 July terrorist be kept in almost complete isolation without contact with other prisoners?
It is a dilemma.
It's a dilemma like human rights of prisoners vs human rights of the population!
Terroristen selv har en annen fremtoning i retten denne gangen, enn i tidligere rettsrunder. Borte er både propagandaeksempler og høyreekstreme hilsener. Også det er nok etter råd fra advokaten.
The terrorist himself has a different appearance in court this time than in previous court rounds. Gone are both propaganda examples and far-right greetings. It is also enough after the advice of the lawyer.
This doesn't mean anything!
«Det virker for meg som intensjonen til regjeringen er å prøve å presse meg til selvmord, og de er i ferd med å klare det», var den terrordømtes svar på brevsensur og mangel på kontakt med medfanger.
"It seems to me that the government's intention is to try to push me to commit suicide, and they are about to do it," was the terror convict's response to letter censorship and lack of contact with fellow prisoners.
Like etter brøt han tilsynelatende ut i gråt, da advokaten spurte om selvmordstanker.
Soon after, he apparently burst into tears, when the lawyer asked about suicidal thoughts.