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hi kakaa tengil

Rest for personal gain. please don’t leave this channel knowing how mutual workers. Stay healthy and immune, thanks a lot. See you soon.

Ann Landers ever said, expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘i will be bigger than you. you can't defeat me.' Happy saturnight, dude.

Happy birthday to Kim Doyoung from NCT and also for all Doyoung rpers out there. Especially for best bro, Fazio. Hopefully can use the muse even better.

Begini, kalau dengan adanya cinta kamu keberatan, tinggalkanlah. Maka jika kamu kuat resiko untuk terluka, cobalah. Maka dari itu saya coba, menghargai kehadiran. Karena rasa rindu hadir ketika kamu kehilangan objeknya.

Had time, I walked around the crowded streets, alone. Not with you, nor with him. Until I'm weighed down by thoughts, you are there to greet me. Your presence is felt there, really. Gives an antidote that hasn't been around for a long time. Embracing, hold and then walk hand in hand, also linking several parts of the body. Until the moment I pressed the nape of the neck to deepen it, exchanging saliva between them. Sht, i woke up. Just a dream. I cursed a lot. Fuck girl, I love you too much, badly.

Don't be scared to love again, not everyone is your ex.

Skenario tuhan memang selalu indah. Mungkin baiknya begitu, agar engkau perlu yang namanya ditampar realita. Perilaku memang tidak akan semulus pola pikir dan prasangka, ekspetasi misalnya.

Sekiranya semua orang selalu melakukan evaluasi diri setelah menjalani harinya. Engga ada yang namanya saling menjatuhkan dengan cibiran, menilai dengan perspeksi yang tidak jelas, bukannya begitu nikmat? Evaluasi lisan, atas seberapa buruk ucapanmu terhadap sekitar hari ini. Evaluasi perilaku, atas sikapmu. Evaluasi cara pandang, atas tatapanmu terhadap sesama. Evaluasi pemikiran, atas pola pikir yang kau kelola yang berpengaruh pada sekitar.

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