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Remember what I’m saying and it may save your life one day.

He couldn’t open the door because the pressure of the water was keeping it closed. Hundreds of pounds, don’t think it’s just because he’s weak. This pressure doesn’t work to keep the windows closed though, so if you ever crash into a body of water, roll the windows down. If they are manual you’re good, but if they are electric, do it as soon as possible because they could quickly short out.

Also if possible, do it from the back. Most cars, especially front wheel drive are much heavier over the front, so cars will almost always sink front end first. To be honest he probably could’ve hopped in the backseat and opened one of the rear doors as it nosed down… anyways, doors being unable to open is also why they have a glass breaker on those emergency seatbelt cutting doohickeys, so if you can’t roll the windows down, and you have one, a breaker will work. I would try rolling the window down first, I don’t necessarily want to crawl through a broken window, or have of hundreds of gallons of water smash a broken glass window into my face.

Also I recommend attempting to exit from the back windows if possible, as rolling the front window down will allow more rapid water ingress, decreasing the amount of time it takes for the vehicle to sink. if you need to assist someone else like a child getting out of the car, seconds matter.

If all else fails, hop in the backseat and breathe real deeply as the water fills the vehicle, stay calm, and prepare; once the inside is filled with water it equalizes the pressure differential and any door should open relatively easily, that’s when you use the o2 in your bloodstream to make your escape. If you struggle to hold your breath and have a strong gasp reflex, hyperventilate as the water rises, this will abnormally lower the CO2 in your system, increasing the amount of time after holding your breath before you feel the need to breathe. Don’t go crazy though and get your heart rate highly elevated, that won’t do you any favors.

Most healthy people can go 1 minute without breathing perfectly fine *if they don’t freak out*, longest I’ve done is 4:28 but that’s short compared to the pros.

Spread the word.

Since I’m being a dad and talking about safety stuff I learned when I first started driving: if you are waiting to make a left at an intersection, don’t wait with your wheels turned ready to make the turn; if someone rear ends you, you get sent into oncoming traffic. Wait until the coast is clear and you are ready to go before turning the wheels.


Jews get to stay tho!

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Congrats, pajeets. Your prayers for the H-1B candidate have been answered.

Forward from: Thomas Sewell
Cops arresting me

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Do not add C4 nor drone AI in Minecraft

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Forward from: Privacy & Security Goys
You can request the Telegram Transparency bot to provide a list of "fulfilled requests" that the Telegram administration has made with the governments of various countries.

🇬🇧 For example, so far this year, there have been 3 fulfilled requests by the UK government for user information (allegedly, only IP addresses and the cell number used on sign-up). As a result of these 3 requests, "7 users were affected."

🇺🇸 In the US, 14 requests were made, affecting 108 users.

🇮🇳 Compare this to India: 6992 requests were made, affecting 15,599 street-shitters so far this year. I'm sure they weren't all busted for being pedophiles. There are a lot of scammers there, too.

🇨🇦 In New India, a whopping 0 requests were made. But to be fair, they also depend on intelligence from the US for everything.

Remember that the 5 Eyes gets around pesky domestic privacy laws by providing intelligence on each other's citizens.

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Forward from: Lauren Witzke IS the Senate ☦️🇺🇸
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Swifties when they hit menopause

Forward from: Kingdom of the Two flops

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Forward from: snek chanel
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