Meilleurs vลux! Hello, We are EYEZONE, looking for our members who disappeared on earth for us to pick up and bring back to a place we call Parallel Universe. If you are one of our members, please pay close attention to the following rules:
แฏผ. Make sure that you wear the IZ*ONE muse as fixed muse. Multichara or Temporary are not allowed so please make sure one more time. Max twins are only 3, so ask your muse first.
แฏผ. For two face, spy, silent reader and using clone account with wrong purpose, please stay away from this area.
แฏผ. Make sure you can blend in with others and be active, also make sure you know your muse well and IZ*ONE.
แฏผ. Not on purpose for a long hiatus/rest, and certainly not aiming to leave this virtual.
Make sure you have read the rules carefully. If you are interested in join with us, please contact us at
๐ฎ. We're a kinda selective, so good luck pretty!