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CEFR ga tayyorlanayotganlar qancha kanalimizda ⚡️qoldiring

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Bugun Lesson bo'lmaydi, sizlardan umuman support bo'lmayapti motivatsiya o'ldi 😔

Darslar bo'yicha fikr va takliflaringiz bo'lsa shu post commentiga yozsangiz bo'ladi

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21:00 da ikkinchi speaking darsimiz

Rostini aytsam bunday arzon kursni Respublika bo'yicha topolmaysiz 😎

Shohjahon Teacherimizmi SAT kursni narxini arzon qilishga ko'ndirdik.

Endi kursimizga Atiga 200 000 So'm bilan qo'shilsangiz bo'ladi, faqat ushbu chegirma 22- noyabargacha va cheklangan sonli o'quvchilarag beriladi.

Sizlarga xushxabar bor , topingchi ?🤔

mavzuga doir

1️⃣ Question: What do you do in your free time?
What I do in my free time is read books and practice playing the piano.

2️⃣ Question: Where do you like to go on holidays?
Where I like to go on holidays is somewhere near the beach because I enjoy swimming.

3️⃣ Question: How do you usually spend your weekends?
How I usually spend my weekends is by meeting my friends and going for a walk in the park.

4️⃣ Question: Why do you enjoy your favorite hobby?
The reason why I enjoy my favorite hobby is that it helps me relax and forget about stress.

5️⃣ Question: What kind of music do you like?
What I like about music is how it can change my mood and make me feel better.

6️⃣ Question: Where do you usually go shopping?
Where I usually go shopping is the mall because it has everything I need in one place.

7️⃣ Question: How often do you exercise?
How often I exercise is three times a week to stay fit and healthy.

8️⃣ Question: What makes you feel relaxed?
What makes me feel relaxed is listening to calming music and taking a long bath.

9️⃣ Question: Why do you study English?
The reason why I study English is that it opens up many opportunities for me in the future.

🔟 Question: What is your favorite type of weather?
What my favorite type of weather is, is when it’s sunny and warm, perfect for outdoor activities.

Menimcha Sizga Bu mavzu sal tushinarsizroq bo'lishi mumkin, agar shunday bo'lsa keyingi darslarda osonroq mavzuni o'rganamiz.

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300ta obunachiga 39 ta qoldi. Agar 30 obunachim kamida 2 obunachi chaqirsa, 300 dan oshib ham ketarkanmiz. 😎

Nahotki ilojsiz bo'lsa? 💪 Qani, biroz kuchimizni ko'rsataylik! 🔥

Mayli agar shu hafta oxiragacha 300 ta bo'lsak ikkalasidan ham tekin marafonga start beramiz.
Sizdan faqat kanalni share qilish talab qilinadi xolos.
Ja qiyinmasku, tog'rimi ?

IElTS/CEFR writing va IELTS speaking eng ko'p ovoz yig'ibdi lekin biz faqat bittasidan marafon qilaolamiz

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