𝐈t's all here goodbye goodbye
𝐈'll see you too so hurry in
𝐀fter the pretty back disappears
𝐓he moment I turn around
𝐈 already miss you good night
𝐆oodbye see you tomorrow
𝐁ecause it's the weekend I've
𝐁een waiting for in a few hours
𝐈'll come to pick you up so after
𝐎versleeping let's meet again later
at two o'clock there.
: 𝒲alk 𝒴ou ℋome, NCT 𝕯ream.
𝐈t's all here goodbye goodbye
𝐈'll see you too so hurry in
𝐀fter the pretty back disappears
𝐓he moment I turn around
𝐈 already miss you good night
𝐆oodbye see you tomorrow
𝐁ecause it's the weekend I've
𝐁een waiting for in a few hours
𝐈'll come to pick you up so after
𝐎versleeping let's meet again later
at two o'clock there.
: 𝒲alk 𝒴ou ℋome, NCT 𝕯ream.