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Knowledge will give you power,but character respect《Patience🛫🇺🇲🇬🇧🤲》

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Guysss sizlar uchun izlab topib tashlepman bu postlarni minnat qilishmaskuya 😁arzimagan reaction ni bosib qo'ysez tashletkan postlarim kim uchundir manfaatli bo'letkanini bilib juddayam mamnun bo'lardim 😁🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥

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📌 Ingliz tilida koʻplab oʻrganuvchilarni adashtiruvchi soʻzlar

🧡 All ready va Already

All ready = hamma tayyor
Already = allaqachon

🧡 Any way va Anyway

Any way = istalgan yo’ldan
Anyway = nima bo’lganda ham

🧡 To listen va To hear

To listen = tinglamoq
To hear = eshitmoq

🧡 Ago va Before

Ago = hozirdan avval/oldin
Before = o’tmishdan oldin

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Three supplications are not rejected: the supplication of a father, the supplication of a traveler, and the supplication of one who has been wronged."

• Jami` at-Tirmidhi.❤️‍🔥


Har bir jon, bir jasadga mehmon.
© Yunus Emro

Hayotingni yaxshilashni hozirdan boshla.

💼 Abbrevations for chatting online:

▪️2 = to
▪️2 mrw = tomorrow
▪️4 =  for
▪️AFK = away from keyboard
▪️AKA = also known as
▪️ASAP =  as soon as possible
▪️A/S/L =  age/sex/location
▪️AYT = Are you there?
▪️B2W = back to work
▪️B4 = before
▪️BBL =  Be back later
▪️BBS = Be back soon
▪️BF = boyfriend
▪️BFF = best friend(s) forever
▪️BRB = Be right back
▪️BTW = by the way
▪️CMB  = Call me back
▪️CMIIW = Correct me if I’m wrong
▪️CU  = See you
▪️CU L8R = See you later
▪️CUZ/COS = because
▪️CWYL = Chat with you later
▪️DC = disconnected
▪️DIY = Do it yourself
▪️DM = Direct Message
▪️F2F = face-to-face
▪️FAQ = frequently asked questions
▪️FB = Facebook
▪️FYI = for your information
▪️FYEO = for your eyes only
▪️GB = goodbye
▪️GF = girlfriend
▪️GG = Gotta go
▪️GL = good luck
▪️GR8 = great!
▪️HBD = Happy Birthday
▪️hhhhhh = very funny
▪️How r u = How are you?
▪️IC = I see
▪️IDK = I don’t know
▪️IMHO = in my humble opinion
▪️IK = I know
▪️IM = Instant Message
▪️IOW = in other words
▪️J/K = just kidding
▪️K = OK
▪️L8R = later (goodbye)
▪️LOL = laugh out loud
▪️M/F = male or female?
▪️mins = minutes
▪️MSG = message
▪️nv = nevermind
▪️OIC = Oh, I see
▪️OTW = on the way
▪️P2P = person-to-person
▪️PLZ = please
▪️PM = Private Message
▪️RUOK = Are you okay?
▪️Sup or Zup = What’s up?
▪️SYL = See you later
▪️TGIF Thank = goodness it’s Friday
▪️THX or thnx = thanks
▪️TYT = Take your time
▪️u = you
▪️U2 = you too
▪️ur = your / you’re

Personality adjectives 💥

1 Brave - jasur💪
2 Creative - yaratuvchan🌝
3 Friendly- dostona🥰
4 Hardworking- mehnatkash⛑
5 honest- vijdonli 🤝
6 lazy- dangasa🙃
7 Mean- xasis🤨
8 Moody - kayfiyati ozgaruvchan🫠
9 Patient- sabrli🥹
10 Polite- odobli😌
11 rude - qopol😤
12 Selfish- xudbin🖤
13 Sensible- tasirchan🥺
14 Punctual- rejali,tartibli🙂
15 Careful- mehribon,etborli🥰
16 generous- sahiy🤗
17 humble- kamtar☺️
18 naughty- shox💃
19 neat- pokiza🧖‍♀
20 greedy -ochkoʻz🙎

Teskari haqiqat

“Odam qancha ko’p qiziqsa, shuncha ko’p o’qiydi. Qancha ko’p o’qisa, shuncha ko’p biladi. Qancha ko’p bilsa, yashashi shuncha qiyin bo’ladi.”

• O’tkir Hoshimov

Shundey bo'lsayam do'st tanlashda ehtiyotkor bo'lish kerak.❤️‍🔥Dadajonim bilan ayajonimlarni menga bergan maslahati.O'ylashimcha🤔ko'pchilik ota-onalar farzandiga shu kabi maslahatlarni ko'p berishadi.Lekin biz ularga quloq solmasligimiz natijasida bosh devorga urilgandan keyin"Ehh"dymiz lekin Tajriba bo'ladi (Dars tayyorlash davomida qandeydir useful nimadirlani o'qib qolsam ustida mulohaza yuritib ko'rishni yaxshi ko'raman,hoziram shunde bo'ldi😁).

2024–2026 йилларда олий таълим ташкилотларининг хорижий тил филологияси таълим йўналиши бўйича 3 ва 4-курсда таҳсил олаётган ҳамда камида C1 даражадаги сертификатга эга талабаларига умумий ўрта, ўрта махсус ва профессионал таълим ташкилотларида ўқитувчи сифатида меҳнат фаолиятини амалга оширишига рухсат этилади.


letters (1).pdf

Multilevel writing part one structures and samples 📝

Xat yozishda qiynalayotganlar uchun maxsus 📝

Requested ✅



✅ Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamonning faqat 10 tasida "Passive voice" hosil qilsa boladi. Bular quyidagilar:

Present Simple passive:
Object + am/is/are + V3(-ed)

Present Continuous passive:
Ob. + am/is/are + being V3(-ed)

Present Perfect passive:
Ob.+ have/has + been V3(-ed)

Past Simple passive:
Ob. + was/were + V3(-ed)

Past Continues passive:
Ob.+ was/were being V3(-ed)

Past Perfect passive:
Ob. + had + been V3(-ed)

Future Simple passive:
Ob. + will/shall + be V3(-ed)

Future Perfect passive:
Ob. + will/shall + have + been V3(-ed)

Future Simple in the past passive:
Ob. + would/should + be V3(-ed)

Future Perfect in the past passive:
Ob. + would/should + have + been V3(-ed)

❌Quyidagi 6 ta zamonning passive voiceni(majhul nisbatini) hosil qilib bo'lmaydi.

Present Perfect Continues
S +have/has been + V-ing

Future Continues
S + will/shall +V-ing

Future Perfect Continues
S will/shall have been V-ing

Past Perfect Continues
S + had +V-ing

Future Continues in the Past
S + would be + V-ing

Future Perfect Continues in the past
S + would have been +V-ing

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