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How can 🇪🇺 countries be neutral, if at the end they are influenced by many factor like gas import ..
Until recently, Israel was a net importer of fossil fuels, importing almost all of its oil and gas needs. Oil exploration has continued in Israel since the discovery of the first well in 1947, but today imported oil meets over 99% of the domestic oil demand. However, recent discoveries of offshore natural gas reserves have transformed Israel from being a net importer to a self-sufficient and an exporter of natural gas.
Last year, the European Union imported around 155 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas from Russia, amounting to 45% of all its gas imports, according to the International Energy Agency.
Israel currently has two working natural gas fields, Tamar and the bigger and newer Leviathan.
Israel Agrees to Export More Natural Gas to Egypt, Lifting Potential LNG Supply for Europe
Israel is inching closer to finalizing plans for exporting natural gas to Europe, with a decision on transportation route expected within the next three to six months, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday after meeting with his Greek and Cypriot counterparts
Global uncertainties are fuelling the increase, after US oil giant Chevron Corp stopped production at its offshore Tamar natural gas field near Israel's northern coast, as the Israeli-Hamas conflict intensifies
Chevron Shuts Down Israel Gas Field on Government’s Request
LET WE SAY THINGS HOW THEY ARE, OUR POLITICIANS ARE JUST A GREAT MAFIA! with personal / financial interest influencing their decisions too, like we said previously.
Greenpeace jointly files FTC complaint against Chevron
International environmental groups unite to warn Israel against Chevron
La resurrezione del gasdotto Eastmed
Until recently, Israel was a net importer of fossil fuels, importing almost all of its oil and gas needs. Oil exploration has continued in Israel since the discovery of the first well in 1947, but today imported oil meets over 99% of the domestic oil demand. However, recent discoveries of offshore natural gas reserves have transformed Israel from being a net importer to a self-sufficient and an exporter of natural gas.
Last year, the European Union imported around 155 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas from Russia, amounting to 45% of all its gas imports, according to the International Energy Agency.
Israel currently has two working natural gas fields, Tamar and the bigger and newer Leviathan.
Israel Agrees to Export More Natural Gas to Egypt, Lifting Potential LNG Supply for Europe
Israel is inching closer to finalizing plans for exporting natural gas to Europe, with a decision on transportation route expected within the next three to six months, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday after meeting with his Greek and Cypriot counterparts
Global uncertainties are fuelling the increase, after US oil giant Chevron Corp stopped production at its offshore Tamar natural gas field near Israel's northern coast, as the Israeli-Hamas conflict intensifies
Chevron Shuts Down Israel Gas Field on Government’s Request
LET WE SAY THINGS HOW THEY ARE, OUR POLITICIANS ARE JUST A GREAT MAFIA! with personal / financial interest influencing their decisions too, like we said previously.
Greenpeace jointly files FTC complaint against Chevron
International environmental groups unite to warn Israel against Chevron
La resurrezione del gasdotto Eastmed