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Franz Eher Nachfolger GmbH.
Restoring the memories of the Third Reich.
Contact: franzeherverlag@proton.me

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"The Cathars saw far too much intent in visible creation to somehow deny it an intelligent origin. From the analogous principle of cause and effect, they deduced that bad effects came from bad causes and that our world, which could never have been created by a good God, had to have as its creator a bad principle. This dualist system, which we have already found in Mazdaism, Druidism, and Pythagorean philosophy, bases itself in the fundamental opposition between Good and Evil."

Otto Rahn


O MOTHER and Spouse of the Destroyer of the three cities, they who thrice recite Thy Bīja formed by omitting from Karpūra, the middle and last consonants and the vowels, but adding Vāmākṣī and Bindu, the speech of such, whether in poetry and prose, like that of men who have attained all powers,issues of a surety with all ease from the hollow of their mouth, O Thou who art beauteous with beauty of a dark rain cloud. 

"Obeisances to Narayana, the holder of conch, disk and mace. The innermost Brahman is AUM. Therefore the upasaka (practitioner of Upasana Yoga) who worships with the mantra “Aum Namo Narayanaya!” attains Vaikuntha, the spiritual realm." (Atmabodha Upanishad, 1.1)

We would like to thank all the comrades who subscribed to the channel and also the comrades who helped us spread the word to reach wonderful followers.
So let's open the first part of our great work so that everyone can access it * for a limited time * and get a sense of how important and vast our work here will be.

Follow the link below to our Original Third Reich PDF scan!

ore information to come soon


"The death head's ring is a sign of our loyalty to the Führer, of our unchanging obedience towards our superiors, and of our unshakeable solidarity and comradeship. The death’s head admonishes us to be ready at any time to commit our individual life for the life of the whole community. The runes on the opposite side of the death’s head are the sacred symbols of our past, with which we are reconnected through the ideology of National Socialism. The ring is garlanded with leaves from the oak, the ancient German tree."

-Heinrich Himmler

“Vyasa Veda, son of the noted Maharishi Parashara, is a central figure of devotion in most Hindu traditions. He is considered the author of the famous Hindu epic poem “Mahabharata” which can be taken as a kind of autobiography of Vyasa, narrating his personal story and the fratricidal war between his grandsons, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. In Sanskrit Vyasa means divider, the divider of the Vedas of our age is Krsna Dvaipayana, the son of Parasara Muni and Satyavati Devi. He is the literary Avatar of Lord Krshna in the age of Kali-yuga. He classified the Vedas into four, Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana and taught them to four great Rishis (sages/poets) – Sumantu, Vaisampayana, Jaimini and Paila respectively”

Reichsjugendführer Artur Axmann (18/02/1913)

“That we live in this great age is a gift of fate; that we may fight with Adolf Hitler Germany is the greatest joy of our existence.”

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The New World Zionist Order systematically managed to introduce through homosexuality the plan of population reduction and extermination of Whites. Since once Wars and diseases have not had the desired effect they want then they proceed with the mental castration plan, promoting homosexuality and interracial sex. What they don't seem to be aware of is that the monster that is swallowing the White people will one day swallow them too. You can't control africans, semites and the asiatic hordes, they don't have the minimum conditions to live in society, they are systematically replacing everything we built since the beginning and now they will not only swallow us but the lords of the world too.

Forward from: 𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆 𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖘
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ss ᴍᴀʀsᴄʜɪᴇʀᴛ ɪɴ ғᴇɪɴᴅᴇsʟᴀɴᴅ - sᴏʟᴅᴀᴛᴇɴʟɪᴇᴅᴇʀ 📼

Gold in the furnace written by Savitri Devi in 1950.
This one is the newest edition by Conter-Currents Publishing Ltd.

The SS Race and Settlement Main Office (Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt der SS, RuSHA) was the organization responsible for "safeguarding the racial purity of the SS" within Reich .

The RuSHA was founded in 1931 by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darré, who later rose to the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer. In 1935, it was upgraded to an SS Main Office. Under its first director, Darré, it propagated the ideology of blood and soil. Darré was dismissed by Himmler in 1938 and was succeeded by SS-Gruppenführer Günther Pancke, SS-Gruppenführer Otto Hofmann in 1940, and then SS-Obergruppenführer Richard Hildebrandt in 1943.

The RuSHA was created in part to monitor Himmler's 1931 order that the marital decisions of unmarried SS men should be supervised by the state. SS men would thereafter have to apply for a marriage permit three months before getting married so that the parents of the fiancée could be investigated to ensure her racial purity. One of its duties was to oversee the marriages of SS personnel in accordance with the racial policy of the Reich. After Heinrich Himmler introduced the "marriage order" on December 31, 1931, the RuSHA would only issue a permit to marry once detailed background investigations into the racial fitness of both prospective parents had been completed and proved both of them to be of Aryan descent back to 1800. With time, the marriage laws became less strict. Thereafter, in December 1935 Himmler ordered the RuSHA to establish the Lebensborn network of maternity homes, whose purpose zu was "to accommodate and look after racially and genetically valuable expectant mothers." The RuSHA increasingly focused on processing SS marriage applications, genealogy, "racial-biological" investigations and the social welfare services of SS members.

By 1937 more than 300 SS men had been expelled from the SS for violating the race laws (Rassenschande), although an order later stated that they could remain if they were already married and could satisfy racial criteria. In November 1940, Himmler reinstated all SS personnel expelled under the marriage laws, provided they met racial requirements of the Reich.

In 1935 the RuSHA consisted of seven departments (Ämter or Amtsgruppen):

•Amt Organisation und Verwaltungsamt (Organisation and Administration)

•Amt Rassenamt (Race)

•Amt Schulungsamt (Education)

•Amt Sippen und Heiratsamt (Family and Marriage)

•Amt Siedlungsamt (Settlement)

•Amt für Archiv und Zeitungswesen (Records and Press)

•Amt für Bevölkerungspolitik (Population Policy)

In 1940 it was reorganized to create four main departments:

•Verwaltungsamt (Administration Office).

•Rassenamt (Racial Office), it selected future SS personnel and conducted racial selections.

•Heiratsamt (Marriage Office) it controlled the selection of suitable wives by SS men.

•Siedlungsamt (Settlement Office), it dealt with the settlement of discharged SS men, especially in the annexed eastern areas.

The Race and Settlement Departments were further divided into the Hauptabteilungen (Main Branches). One of these managed welfare and pensions in cooperation with the SS-Hauptfürsorge- und Versorgungsamt (SS Main Welfare and Pension Department) at the Reich Ministry of the Interior.

Following the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the RuSHA worked in partnership with VOMI in the "germanization" of captured territory, monitoring of settler welfare, and the plantation of ethnic Germans in areas designated for settlement by the SS, particularly in occupied Ukraine. This involved in part, the resetting of Germans in the Eastern territories.

The RuSHA was also an advisory and executive office for all questions of racial selection. Racial examinations were performed by Rasse und Siedlungs (RUS) leaders or their racial examiners (Eignungsprüfer).

“It is the legacy of our age that we sink - submerge into the deepest depths-so that the highest can be elevated into the Light.”

- Alfred Rosenberg

First work completed! 1.823 original scanned books from Pre/During Third Reich are now available.
Soon we will open this archive for limited time for any comrade to join for free.

Our archives are in constant expansion, you can also help us sending any book you want!
Contact: franzeherverlag@proton.me

"We are the new 'barbarians,’ forged in iron hardness in the fires of their hate and persecution. All over the world, we wait to pounce."

– George Lincoln Rockwell

My Dwaraka
Painting by Giampaolo Tomassetti,part of the Mahabharata art series.

"We National Socialists, who are fighting for a new worldview, must never base our stand on the famous ‘accepted facts’–and false ones at that. If we did, we would never be the protagonists of a new and great idea, but rather would become slaves of the present lie. We must make a clear-cut distinction between the State as a vessel and race as its contents. The vessel has meaning only if it preserves and safeguards the contents; otherwise it’s worthless."

— Adolf Hitler

“The essential objective of the campaign against the Jewish-Bolshevik system is the complete destruction of its instruments of power and the eradication of influence Asia over the European cultural sphere. Therefore, troops also have tasks that go beyond the tradition of soldiers. In the east, the soldier is not only a fighter, but also the bearer of an inexorable racial conception and the avenger of all
bestialities ever committed against the Germans and related races.”

— Generalfeldmarschall Walter von Richenau

Work goes fine! +1k original scan books are already uploaded. More news coming soon!

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"The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are not a race, because they have mingled with the other races to the point that they are only a people, not a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful."

— Tacitus

Horst Wessel, you Sturmführer! You foresaw prophetically the victory of the Swastika.
You had to die to become a wake-up call for many lost and indifferent people; you had to die to show German youth the way, the way to the new Germany, which can only arise through blood and sacrifice, through discipline and loyalty.
You could not live to see the day of victory: January 30th, 1933, when your storm and tens of thousands of SA comrades marched past in your Berlin, marched under blazing torches past the grasping field marshal of the World War and your leader Adolf Hitler, the chancellor of the German Reich, no longer despised and persecuted, but as the victors and saviors of the new Germany.
You have passed away, you have become the Sturmführer of the brown storm of the dead up there, and yet you live among us as an immortal.
Your old storm, grown mightily, marches today behind the proud standard that bears the name “Horst Wessel” in silver letters: your immortal name.
As Sturmführer, you march in front of the young Fascists in our allied Italy, to whom their leader pinned your immortal name on their eagle shield.
Horst Wessel, you worker, you marched with us on that May 1st of 1933, on that day of German labor.
You marched with us in the endless procession among them, working with their heads and hands, who had come together through your example, who wanted to honor and love German labor again.
You will continue to walk ahead of them, to show them the national community, you worker Horst Wessel.
Horst Wessel, you student, you conquered the youth of the universities with the swastika. They stood up against everything alien and un-German. They handed over dirt and trash to the flames. You showed them how to defend themselves instead of blind knowledge from books, cheerfulness and hope instead of a bleak view of the future. You live among them as a German student.
Horst Wessel, you singer! Never in the Third Reich will your victorious song perish. It has become the consecration song of the whole nation. The brown and black and gray columns stand in solemn posture at the sound of it. Every act of consecration closes with your song as a vow. The flags are lowered at the open grave of those who have gathered for your storm of the dead, until your song calls out to them: “Raise the flag!” Immortal you are, like your shining image Theodor Körner, the student, singer, and freedom fighter!
Horst Wessel, you German! Your name rings immortal in German regions over which the sun symbol of the swastika now shines.
Everywhere in the German fatherland squares, streets, and buildings bear your name. You have regained the capital of Germany through your struggle and death, and in the middle of German Berlin, in the Nikolai cemetery, you rest, having passed through storm and struggle to immortality. Your grave has become a place of pilgrimage for young and old; the flowers on it never fade. You have reawakened in German youth the spirit of the German fighters of Langemark, the spirit of fortitude, devotion, and loyalty. Horst Wessel, you fulfilled the words of a German workers’ poet: “Germany must live, even if we must die!”

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