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Forward from: 🌲ValkyrWaffen🌲
"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed and they think it's funny."
-Sam Hyde

Forward from: 🐍The ϟnake Pit🐍
First Aid - Department of the Army, Navy, & The Air Force

Having the correct gear is important, but don't be under the impression that the Gear Is the Weapon.

Your mind (critical thinking, strategy, Killer Instinct) is the most important Weapon you bring to the battlefield.

You don't need a rifle to inflict damage on your enemies. Something as simple as a lighter and a bottle of lighter-fluid might be just as effective or more effective in many scenarios. The applicable uses of 1/4 filled propane tanks are too many to list.

Your Mind is the weapon, everything else is a tool for your creative, Killer Mind.

The Guerrilla is in defense of nothing, and always on t
he attack.

Forward from: Punished Eco-fascist central
Let violence unleash itself , it is the only way to break free of Jewish tyranny....

Forward from: White Art Realm
In order to ensure our survival we must cultivate fanatical fire.
We must fan the flames of fanaticism with every beat of our hearts.

Every breath must fuel our fervor.

Forward from: Skelter 0rder Numen
The soil needs blood, like roots need to breathe.

American Whites,

You just found out the political-system is not fair.

You just found out that your vote doesn't matter, and maybe it never has.

You just realized that in 8 days you will be a slave to the Leftwing/Communist Party of America.

These politicians that just stole power from you? Well, they want you and I dead or on our knees in total compliance to their disgusting ideas, anti-White, anti-American.

The special interests that just stole the election from You, American Whites, are about to make you and your lifestyle illegal.

Everything you care about is being ripped away from you, and the Leftwing/Communist cabal is laughing in your face.

They have written your name on a list, simply because you are White and you "voted for the wrong guy".

The Leftwing/Communists are now introducing gun-grabbing legislation to disarm you. To fully enslave you and I, White Americans.

Notice how the "rightwing" politicians and talking heads are just allowing this to happen? They never cared about you, America. The Republican politicians only ever cared about the back-room deals that paid for their second, third, fourth, fifth Mansion.

Notice how they, the Republican Politicians, are aiding and abetting the hostile communist take-over of America? Again, they're paid-off, and they have no moral back-bone.

How will you respond?

How will We respond?

We cannot wait for 4 years, Brothers. If we do, it will be close-curtains, end of line.

Do not listen to the shill-talking heads promoting a "peaceful solution", or a "wait and see" attitude. Imagine if the founders of America had taken that approach.

The Founders didn't wait, they declared War. They acted, they took their shot and they hit the mark. We are those same Men, with the same opportunities and circumstances Today, Right Now, HERE. This is our reality.

We cannot vote Our way out of this, White America.

Voting Will Not Remove Them.

We Must Fight, or be Slaves.

What's it go
nna be?

For every pig there is a blanket.

Forward from: 💉🧬 The Great Reset 👹⛓
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More arrests of people caught on the "No-fly list" after the Capitol storming

Forward from: Smokes & Memes: Banned in Europe EDITION
Courtesy of our good friends at @HateLab. Let us end the religious squabbling and unite for a worthy cause.


FBI= Fat Bitches Investigatin'

Forward from: Fat People Hate
A pig in more than one way. 🐷

Today 91 channels took the Race First Challenge. It was a wonderful thing to see.

Now it's our turn...

We, at HateLab, will always say:



Forward from: Pax Aryana

Forward from: Corona Chan News 🦠
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China 🇨🇳 will send their troops to the USA in the coming years to "restore the peace" without much opposition from the bought off government politicians or the US military 🏳️‍🌈

For all the new-types joining.

I would encourage you to not use Telegram as a replacement for the Social Media platforms you have been banned from.

Use Telegram to educate yourself about what is to come, to learn from the survivalist channels, the tactic channels etc. Figure out your place inside this struggle. Everyone has a place.

Use Telegram as a tool to better yourself and prepare. Time is running out, or running in. The threat is almost on your doorstep. We don't need anymore meme channels, become useful instead. Share knowledge from your particular skillset and insights for others to learn from. The communists are closing in on ALL Whites.

Get lethal, get educated. You should have been here years ago. Use the time we have left before showtime wisely.

More important now than ever

Forward from: HateLab
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