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ৎ PAGE: XII … o’ soiree is round to dawning, o’ strudy is earlier yawning overall. soul procure evoked employing diverting, they homily a acreage and boogie. a shapely obscurity to simper desolate with solitude.

organize they fathom what taciturnity is? no one imply to discern, further who decree demand to prize. necessity this locale to boase a dewy heavens, novelty o’ psyche that pining everlastingly be recalled beyond myriad soul.

whatsoever you do, mileage a beam and decency. not crucial but not entire of them jar utensil it. impel separate spare’s pathway, hilarity jar lone be plenary detached.

Memoria juntos mi amor

Lit. "Drift"; a spontaneous journey where the traveller leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them

When in front of someone you like, your body will change in glitch mode. Your heart will also be excited and can think to stop thinking about it. That's what NCT Dream is trying to describe in the song "Glitch Mode" which is the title track in this latest album. NCT Dream describes a situation where it instantly freezes or changes in glitch mode when near your idol.

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Forward from: ﹫៸ COᗰΞLY ƆHUU ៸៸↓

yang keep ch aku @MixyeonCho tolong balikin, aku baru aja beli masa udah nyolong:) yang diatas adalah bukti pembelian nya. yang keep usn nya tolong balikin yaa @c0mely_bot ini contact

tap dong

Forward from: Ar' Guitarist
(HFW) hallo guys! good morning/afternoon/evening. i'am duplicate chanyeol want to calling all exo-rpers for celebrate anniversary exo 10th year. absent to this bot if you exo-rpers thanks everyone, have a great day all.

Forward from: ✬ سكايزلين
🗳 [HFW] what’$ up bub,It’s kim ye-rim twin here, looking for new moots. Put ur @. on ur dn and press the “participate” button below I only accept main acc, adm upsubs, side/fake acc & plagiaristic,channel sq / store, rarely dive,pls DNI.

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Forward from: Mikey fan #1
𝐅inally! After waiting for a long time. Today NCT DREAM 엔시티 드림 '버퍼링 (Glitch Mode)' MV is out now! With energetic, powerful and cool dances, they provide an addictive sensation that will make you want to over and over again. Thank you for 𝐌ark, 𝐑enjun, 𝐉eno, 𝐇aechan, 𝐉aemin, 𝐂henle and 𝐉iSung for their worked really hard on this comeback.

𝐇appy comeback 𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 and their roleplayer especially ;

Anselio (me), Sadam, Arkanna, Arsenio, Renan, Resha, Sekala, Zeedane, Abe, Abiaragaska, Abitama, Abivandra, Abizam, Adipati, Adrian, Agivran, Aldo, Alzio, Antarios, Arjeno Javient, Arkala Radeya, Arkana, Asheer, Atakalaz, Azidan, Bastian, Benio, Bernard, Carenza, Chen-Leo, Chimaru, Daichan, Deicho, Dipta, Drake, Dylano, Ethan, Farrel, Habrian, Hachiko, Havian, Helios, Hugo, Injun, Injunio, Jasper, Javka, Javio, Jáxon, Jaziel, Jazuan, Jeano, Jegra, Jeidar, Jejev, Jeo, Jeremy, Jerka, Jero, Jerroliam, Jevano, Jorge, Juan, Julian, Julio, Juna, Justin, Kadarna, Kafdan, Kahfa, Kaino, Kaka, Kivandra, Khaèl, Khalid, Khiel, Langit Januartha, Mahen, Malik, Maraka, Markenzo, Migo, Nana, Nana (2), Nacalo, Najean, Najendra, Naraya, Naresh, Nayanika, Naziel, Nehan Ragnala, Njaa, Noel, Pasha, Pradika, Radjeno, Radjiestama, Rai, Raiden, Reiza, Ranggalang, Rayyazan, Reanjanna, Rendy, Rendy (2), Sahan, Sakalaswara, Zach, Zacky, Zeano, Zielo.

Let's do streaming party and enjoy our comeback!! 🍻🥳.

#NCTDREAM #GlitchMode

Forward from: Jourel #Beautiful
On this beautiful day NCT ​​Dream has just started their comeback! where they look stunning and of course a new era! of course anyone is very happy with this news, especially those who miss his presence. they released a new song called "GLITCH MODE" of course with a different concept from before, im sure you can be amazed by the song and sound they release.

congratulations for NCT Dream and also NCT Dream rp-ers! especially : Me (Joelle), Gabiyel, Jen, Jaan, Renazie, Jerrett, Marshall, Jerycho, Kaino, Harsa, Miguel, Chenlaeno, Adnanta, Rabumi, Yasser, Reanjanna, Mario, Kenzo, Karaja, Alres, Nana, Allen, Jero, Zeano, Nacalo, Zale, Laskar, Jagad, Darvyn, Jayden, Marshall, Agivran, Narendra, Hazel, Jendral, Langit, Jendra, Demanion, Jzuan, Jegran, Ravelgo, Vegaz, Sajay, Pradika, Kenzo, Ares, Haris, Kevar, Rai, Najendra, Kala, Jasper, Jaefroy, Zaki, Jeron, Arendra, Reiga, Rasi, Bagas, Halviss.

Don't forget to stream "GLITCH MODE" im sure you will be attracted by their good looks and talent, the music they have is also cool! i hope with this MV you will be more interested in them. Happy listening and have fun! 💟

Forward from: Bawelan Injun
To The World, 안녕하세요 NCT DREAM 입니다!!!

Finally today 28th March 2022, NCT DREAM Comeback with their 2nd Album ‘Glitch Mode’ with 'Glitch Mode' as their main track MV!

And also Happy comeback to NCT DREAM and All NCT DREAM'S Roleplayers especially Me, Jauzan, Altta, Tristan, Raenjuna, Ziyyan, Ryan, Elio Vandèjhon, Rejero, Najen, Hasan, Manuel, Kaino, Adènzra, Peter, Kaezar, Reiki, Naderon, Kevar, Haekal, Reheksa, Jerka, Asher, Mikhael, Andhika, Ajiro, Khaviar, Hanan, Harits, Aby, Migo, Nalesha, Rasi, Jasper, Jevaniel, Renjino, Ranggalang, Adip, Raden, Ricciardo, Haldrich, Zekael, Jédrigo, Nando, Jaspér, Reign, Nana,
Hugo, Lonan, Ajisaka, Deicho, Reign, Reil, Renu, Melvin, Arkala Radeya, Atakalaz, Rachan, Renan, Mahesa, Ayden, Kala, Rakael, Leano, Reveindra, Noah, Reno, Jian, Allen, Alres, Jeana, Azura, Khanze, Nareksa, Jeno, Biandra Arsyaka, Antarios, Jeron, Helsio, Kàrsten, Josee, Hiro, Dipta, Ayess, Farenjun, Aziel, Narel, Jiero, Carenza, Afrizal, Jacarios, Devroz, Arsi, Abintara, Rayhan, Abieza, Jendo, Bayimi, Julio, Fazie, Haeci, Harsaka, Nana, Jaezel, Paskal, Evard, Marshall, Abian, Javion, Drian, Najendra, Rusclee, Sertiaji Kertarajasa, Jaerez, Vandra, Agivran, Rabumi, Kathio, Zacky, Mahesa, Margel, Elpichuw, Najuie, Kadarna, Harsa, Haidar, Maguire, Aleno, Aka, Rezvandra, Reivant, Jafran, Reksa, Nazala, Rayyanza, Karaja, Laskar, Rai, Hema, Josee, Gabriel, Galang, and Yudanta.

Once again happy comeback!!


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