BTS has comeback with a new MV entitled "Butter"
This comeback has been eagerly awaited and will be released on May 21, 2021.
I'm Keith, would like to congratulate BTS on the success in this comeback. And especially for rp-ers who used BTS as their muses:
Aland, Jakolan, Juno, Michi, Maru, Araska, Ercole, Roderick, Elodie, Keijiro, Likoo, Shasi, Leonce, Brilliane, Ale, Elias, jaden, Zarchie, Nisse, Nakao, Aldrich, Bibble, Eason, Ryden, Lean, Chaiden, Danzel, Eleora, Dalton, Athaya, Vagarda, Nala, Galvastra, Nicho, Marvieth, Jonathan, Jellios, Luke, Genta, Benjamin, Baston, Jillian, Diego, Karel, Judias, Vendrick, Vanderick, Travis, Jekario, Jergarry, Jake, Jack, Arash, Javar, Soul, Angelo, Rascal, Deliko, Marvel, Atheries, Deon, Jevino, Kenavie, Maverick, Javier, Jeorge, Filemon, Reki, Isaiah, Geoffroi, Mora, Cayden, Kou, Bryan, Baskara, Fletcher, Zeorich, Aksara, Hudson, Leyton, Brooklyn, Bumi, Katharsys, Mayo.
Vantage: Viktor, Adrian, Jankarogas, Maksimilian, Elysian, Jahran, Ganjiler, Fazel, Carlisle, Grivand, Aaron, Marcello, Jexard, Javas, Seth.