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Behind the gas mafia - part 3
In contrast to this energy resources poverty, the oil and fuel infrastructure has been in Palestine since the British mandate era; for instance, the Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline and Haifa refinery plant (Shaoulian-Sopher, 2017, p. 143). After the State of Israel was established, Israel took these facilities and wanted to be energy producers by starting gas and oil explorations in the 1950s.
Israel is located in the Middle East, as an energy-rich region, but it did not participate early in the energy-producing association such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran.
Moreover, the Middle East’s conflicts are protracted, energy resources are one of the main issues in these conflicts, and security questions regarding it are not new. For example, although Saudi Arabia has a solid defense doctrine, including the Patriot Air Defense Missile System, Abqaiq- attack in eastern Saudi Arabia was executed by Houthis last September 2019 against the energy-oil fields.
On the Palestinian side, Despite the Oslo agreement that did assure Israeli- Palestinian energy cooperation, but Israel still uses energy supply to the Palestinian as a controlling method. On the contrary, Israel needs them as part of its energy customers. Moreover, Israel benefits from the late development of Palestinian gas fields, and the “no peace” situation still serves Israel's energy position against Palestinians.
Energy transition in Israel happened in the 1980s when it decreased oil dependency and used coal instead. At the dawn of the new century, Israel started to use natural gas in its energy basket, which began gradually by discovering modest natural gas reserves in Palestine-Gaza offshore.
Greenpeace UK statement on the conflict in Gaza
Fossil criminals should stop drilling and start paying
Early Monday morning, six Greenpeace Israel activists broke into a Noble Energy natural gas facility
Part 1
In contrast to this energy resources poverty, the oil and fuel infrastructure has been in Palestine since the British mandate era; for instance, the Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline and Haifa refinery plant (Shaoulian-Sopher, 2017, p. 143). After the State of Israel was established, Israel took these facilities and wanted to be energy producers by starting gas and oil explorations in the 1950s.
Israel is located in the Middle East, as an energy-rich region, but it did not participate early in the energy-producing association such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran.
Moreover, the Middle East’s conflicts are protracted, energy resources are one of the main issues in these conflicts, and security questions regarding it are not new. For example, although Saudi Arabia has a solid defense doctrine, including the Patriot Air Defense Missile System, Abqaiq- attack in eastern Saudi Arabia was executed by Houthis last September 2019 against the energy-oil fields.
On the Palestinian side, Despite the Oslo agreement that did assure Israeli- Palestinian energy cooperation, but Israel still uses energy supply to the Palestinian as a controlling method. On the contrary, Israel needs them as part of its energy customers. Moreover, Israel benefits from the late development of Palestinian gas fields, and the “no peace” situation still serves Israel's energy position against Palestinians.
Energy transition in Israel happened in the 1980s when it decreased oil dependency and used coal instead. At the dawn of the new century, Israel started to use natural gas in its energy basket, which began gradually by discovering modest natural gas reserves in Palestine-Gaza offshore.
Greenpeace UK statement on the conflict in Gaza
Fossil criminals should stop drilling and start paying
Early Monday morning, six Greenpeace Israel activists broke into a Noble Energy natural gas facility
Part 1