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Hello modukkiรฉ, I'm @donediving for today. I used bracket [ #๐๐•๐‹ ] to fill the boards in your channel. If there is something I have missed, you can contact the contact below. Don't forget to give appropriate feedback, thank you. Have a nice day เซฎโ‚ หถแต” แต• แต”หถ โ‚Žแƒ

๐‚๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐˜ : ๐ueendeukkiรฉ ๐•๐‹


Hello modukkiรฉ, I'm @donediving for today. I used bracket [ #๐๐•๐‹ ] to fill the boards in your channel. If there is something I have missed, you can contact the contact below. Don't forget to give appropriate feedback, thank you. Have a nice day เซฎโ‚ หถแต” แต• แต”หถ โ‚Žแƒ

๐‚๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐˜ : ๐ueendeukkiรฉ ๐•๐‹

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kalian kasih reaction nya disiniii ajaaaaaa tolongggg

kok malah ada lagi disiniiiii, siapa yang kasihhh. tolong di hapus donggg moddd :(

aku nyuruhnya kalian kasih reaction disinii moddd, bukan yang di lainnya. tolong dong jangan reaction sembarangan :( kecuali kalau kita lagi ngobrol atau lagi main, baru kalian boleh kasih reksyen sesuka kalian.

sama yang ini jugaaaa.

modukkieee inii siapa yg reaction iniii yaaa???? tolongg baget di hapusss yaaa. soalnya mengangguuu.

inii yang dapet kirim @listboard ke bot aku yaaaa. board nya jgn ada fekcet, prompt, sama long desc nyaaaa

๐Ÿ—ณ haloo moddd

- Abygail. @kimyeriimst
- Kaeriiiiiii. @iqJoshua
- Wildern @Ternsk #TRAINEEBLPM
- candace @bncggx
- Kazeera A. @kyrinaesp

๐Ÿ‘ฅ 5 people of 5 have voted so far.
๐Ÿ“– Personal Participation

๐Ÿšซ This poll is closed...

bismillah ga jebol

ini beneran nih


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๐Ÿ—ณ haloo moddd

๐Ÿ•ธ 0 people of 5 have voted so far.
๐Ÿ“– Personal Participation

syap syap seng

yang ga pake aku skip

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