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In the previous post focused more about job discrimination and law requests
Now let we check the other part he is saying.
First, we need to remember that the real CLIMATE CHANGE GENERATED DEBTS still need to start!
Second "there will be nothing that will be a pain for our lifestyle"! YES THIS IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM TOO!
We are IGNORING ALL TABU TOPICS! checking such topics without empathy, without considering indirect influence and then acting like if all is perfect!
Best example? Arbeitslosigkeit (SECO) = Nicht erwerbstätig (
Now let we check the other part he is saying.
First, we need to remember that the real CLIMATE CHANGE GENERATED DEBTS still need to start!
Second "there will be nothing that will be a pain for our lifestyle"! YES THIS IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM TOO!
We are IGNORING ALL TABU TOPICS! checking such topics without empathy, without considering indirect influence and then acting like if all is perfect!
Best example? Arbeitslosigkeit (SECO) = Nicht erwerbstätig (