Les Lansquenets 🏴

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International project animated by Gabriele Adinolfi.
Network of national radicals from 🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇱🇧🇪🇳🇱 🇱🇹
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#GabrieleAdinolfi #USA #Russia #CurrentSituation 🇺🇸 🇷🇺

Gabriele Adinolfi on the today pro-Americans 🇺🇸/ pro-Trumpists 💲, who just couple months ago were simple pro-Russians 🇷🇺:

I imagine it must be tough to have supported a brutal imperialism for years, to have cheered for it against an invaded people, to have accepted the "denazification" campaign, the rituals of the "patriotic victory" of 1945, the Russian demands to dissolve our movements, the Kremlin's interventions even against Acca Larentia*, the criminalization of Azov—all justified in the name of anti-Americanism. And now?

And now you find yourselves—and here I take the satisfaction of saying: I warned you from day one—supporting the Americans who now support the Russians (what a surprise...

You can read more: HERE

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#GabrieleAdinolfi #USAandRussia #Europe #War 🇺🇸🇷🇺 💥🌐

New article by Gabriele Adinolfi is out now!

In this bold, and direct material, Adinolfi tackles the contradictions in global politics and challenges readers to rethink European identity. He exposes the real alliances between Russia 🇷🇺, the USA 🇺🇸, and Israel 🇮🇱, urging a deeper reflection on ideological consistency and the future of Europe.

Now you find yourselves with Russia 🇷🇺 being supported at the UN by the USA 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱. You find yourselves with Russia 🇷🇺 abandoning Syria 🇸🇾, and Israeli 🇮🇱 lobbies in the US 🇺🇸 demanding that the Tartus base be handed back to the Russians 🇷🇺

Are you ready to confront uncomfortable truths about shifting global dynamics? Read Adinolfi's thought-provoking letter and discover a fresh perspective on Europe's role in a rapidly changing world.

You can read more: HERE

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#Russia #SmolenskCenter #FutureOfRussia #Interview 🇷🇺🔥


We're sorry to say that the interview with Vadim Sidorov has been postponed due to some technical issues. But don't worry, it's now set for March 8th at 17:30 on Kultura Europa.

Thanks for being patient and for sticking with us. We're making this change to make sure we bring you the best content possible.

Follow us and wait for the further communication.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsPic 🏴🏴🏴

It's not that democracy is sick. The disease is democracy.


#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Poland #Leftists #BoysDay 🇵🇱 👦

In a stunning display of political acumen, Polish Deputy Minister of Science Karolina Żioło-Pużuk has declared "successful fight against Boy's Day," claiming it's not a real holiday and that boys in Poland already enjoy their special day for the remaining 364 days of the year❗️

Let's appreciate this groundbreaking stance while we casually glance at some totally unrelated statistics. Did you know that in 2023, out of the 5,200 suicide deaths in Poland, majority were men? Or that a 2023 study found over 71% of Polish adults screened positively for depression? But surely, these figures have nothing to do with societal pressures or lack of support for men's mental health.

Here's hoping that in the next elections, the Polish left will continue its trajectory of irrelevance and finally disappear altogether. After all, who needs political parties that actually address societal issues when we can have ones that tilt at windmills 🙈?

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

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#Russia #SmolenskCenter #FutureOfRussia #Interview 🔥 🇷🇺

Video advert regarding our interview❗

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

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#Bulgaria #LukovMarch 🇧🇬🏴

Our comrades translated a speech that was given at this year's Lukov March - enjoy!

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#Russia #SmolenskCenter #FutureOfRussia #Interview 🔥 🇷🇺

The future of Russia 🇷🇺: an interview you cannot miss❗️

As we mark another anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine 🇺🇦 the question of Russia's future looms larger than ever. What lies ahead for this vast nation at the heart of global tensions?

🗓 On 3rd March 2025 at 15:30 CET, Kultura Europa together with Les Lansquenets brings you an exclusive online interview that dives into these pressing questions.

🎙 Featuring 🎙:

➡️ Gabriele Adinolfi & Giancarlo Ferrara

➡️ In dialogue with Vadim Sidorov, Russian dissident and Deputy of the Smolensk Center.

This is more than just a talk; it’s a deep dive into the political, social, and cultural crossroads Russia faces today. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear unique perspectives from Russian dissident, who is working on these subjects from many years.

Share this post❗️Be with us❗️See you on 03.03.2025❗️

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Elections #Germany 🇩🇪🏴

Elections in Germany: There is no Alternative

Yesterday, parliamentary elections to the 21st Bundestag were held in Germany. Expectedly, the Christian Democrats won, but the most interesting question of these elections was how many votes the Alternative für Deutschland will get - a right-wing populist party that has become popular in the last few years in the lands of the former East Germany.
Known for its ties to Russia, in the last few months it has found a new admirer - the famous American billionaire Elon Musk. Even Alexander Dugin said that if the Germans do not vote for the Russian-American protégés, then these countries will be forced to divide Germany.

As it turned out, this party did not become an "alternative" for Germany, which was another confirmation of the need for a national-revolutionary struggle outside of inter-party squabbles and elections.

Fortunately, there is a force in Germany that meets the requirements - the party "Der III Weg", a national, social and revolutionary alternative to modern Germany.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

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#Lansquenets #Viral #Russia #EPISODE2 🏴🏴🏴

The world we find ourselves in is constantly moving forward.

Those who cannot accurately read the signs of the times are destined to fail. That is why we need to continually develop our methods of propaganda and adapt them to the changing conditions.

With that in mind, we present to you Episode 2 of the #LansquenetsVirals series. It discusses Russia 🇷🇺 and the position that national revolutionaries all across Europe should adopt towards this country.

Regardless of your background, country of living and private views on specific geopolitical matters, there is no doubt that Russia's 🇷🇺 criminal invasion of Ukraine 🇺🇦, which has been ongoing for two years, was a serious, life-changing event which should have a significant impact on our worldview, political programmes and strategies of activism.

Feel free to share the viral on your pages and chats on the Telegram app❗️

The voice in the material was provided by Gabriele Adinolfi.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

It is proper time to remind our viral:

#War #Ukraine 🇺🇦 🏴

02/24/2022. The day that echoed throughout Europe.

On this day, Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine.

The new Red Army 🚩 inflicted death and destruction throughout Ukraine - in Bucha, Mariupol, the peaceful towns of Zaporizhia, Kherson regions, and Donbas. Europe has not seen such dedication, such sweat, tears, and blood in the last 80 years.

February 24 is the day when the atomized Ukrainian society united around the Idea of the Nation. Around the idea of a Free Ukraine 🇺🇦 in a Free Europe.

Along with the memory of the fallen, we call for revenge. To help Ukrainian struggle, we urge you to donate only to verified organisations and comrades from Azov and other nationalist brigades:

The legendary 12th National Guard Brigade "Azov":

One of the best units of the Armed Forces, founded by Azov veterans - the 3rd Assault Brigade:


🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Bulgaria #LukovMarch 🇧🇬🏴

Yesterday, the famous Lukov March 2025 took place, gathering hundreds of patriots from all over Europe to honor the heroes who fell for the freedom of Bulgaria. Before the march itself, the well-known enemies of Europe - Russia and the USA, in a statement from their ministries of foreign affairs, condemned the march "because of the fear of extremism" and called for it to be banned, but this, fortunately, did not happen.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsPic 🏴🏴🏴

Tragedy is the price of glory.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Poland #Migration #BorderGuard 🇵🇱 🔥

On February 13-14, nearly 1,000 officers from all Polish Border Guard 🇵🇱 units conducted a nationwide operation targeting illegal migration. In collaboration with the police, they carried out over 2,400 checks on the legal status of foreign nationals, resulting in almost 400 deportation proceedings.

The largest groups checked included Ukrainians 🇺🇦 (1,000+), Georgians 🇬🇪 (264), and Colombians 🇨🇴 (204). Officers also verified individuals from Nepal 🇳🇵, the Philippines 🇵🇭, India 🇮🇳, Bangladesh 🇧🇩, Belarus, Indonesia 🇮🇳, and Moldova 🇲🇩.

As a result, nearly 180 Ukrainians 🇺🇦 and around 60 Georgians 🇬🇪 and Colombians 🇨🇴 were ordered to leave Poland 🇵🇱. Most cases involved illegal stays, while three individuals (two Colombians and one Ukrainian) posed a security threat.

Poland 🇵🇱 remains resolute in enforcing migration laws, refusing to cede ground despite the growing issue of migrant-related crime.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴


"Deus Vult"

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#Europe #Russia #USA #Ukraine

Europe on the crossroad

As we await the outcome of the Riyadh summit between Russian and US delegates, one aspect remains dramatically clear nonetheless: Europe appears to be permanently cut off from any Russia-Ukraine talks. The sidelining of key European countries and the entire EU itself, openly confirmed  by the American envoy to Ukraine, Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, on February 15th at a side event of the Munich Security Conference, the annual international venue where European and global leaders gather to discuss security issues, is of the utmost gravity and denounces the disregard US officials hold towards their European counterparts. This blatant disregard is the inevitable result of the three-year sad spectacle of inaction and disunity the European countries exhibited, especially those from whom Ukraine and the world expected the strongest and most assertive response.

The day before, during the very same conference, more subtle but no less apparent than Kellog’s remarks had already been J.D. Vance’s speech, in which the US vice president rhetorically laid emphasis on various concerns within Europe and the EU and explicitly claimed that Europe’s greatest enemy isn’t any foreign power but herself. Irrespective of the righteousness of the speech’s contents, what is relevant is the conveyed message: as much as the Russians don’t recognize Ukrainian sovereignty, the United States disowns European authority regarding matters of American interest (i.e. rare earths in Donbas), even when such interest is partial and the particular issues occur in Europe. Although this should not surprise anybody, when the balance of power is considered, such contempt for the European interest and authority has to raise serious questions about Europe’s dependence on our American partners – or masters.

On February 17th, in the wake of the Munich conference and fearfully looking at the Riyadh talks, French president Emmanuel Macron convened an “emergency summit” at the Élysée palace with UK, Germany, Italy, Poland, Denmark and EU leaders. What could have been an opportunity to take swift and decisive action in response to the aforementioned matters turned out in just another failed attempt. All sides were stuck to their well-known stances, ranging from the French and British interventionism to Germany’s hesitancy. Moreover, Italian PM Meloni expressed disappointment of the lack of involvement of NATO’s and EU’s easternmost countries, those bordering with Russia. Thus, the rush to convene appears to have been driven by hysteria rather than resolve.

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

Forward from: ‡ Р У Х ‡
🔥 16 лютага ў Вільні адбыўся традыцыйны патрыятычны марш у гонар Дня незалежнасьці Літвы. Віленская філія Руху беларускіх нацыяналістаў прыняла ўдзел у шэсьці і арганізавала на ім Міжморскую калёну.

Марш прайшоў у вечаровы час ад Вострай брамы ў старым горадзе да Лукіскага пляцу. Падчас шэсьця былі запаленыя шматлікія паходні, што прыдавала мерапрыемству дадатковай атмасфэрнасьці.

Наша калёна прадстаўляла ідэю Міжмор'я ці Інтэрмарыюму – палітычнага і эканамічнага хаўрусу краінаў былога Вялікага княства Літоўскага і Рэчы Паспалітай. У будучыні, такая супольнасьць роўных, незалежных, дэмакратычных і нацыянальных краінаў будзе зьяўляцца гарантам дабрабыту і моцы нашых народаў, а таксама бясьпекі для рэгіёну ад расейскай агрэсіі.

РУХ падрыхтаваў да маршу банэр з цэнтральным надпісам – IN‡ERMARIUM і дадатковым лёзунгам на беларускай і літоўскай мовах: moc i biaśpieka našych narodaŭ і mūsų tautų stiprybė ir saugumas. Побач знаходзіліся сьцягі міжморскіх краінаў – Беларусі, Літвы, Украіны, Латвіі, Польшчы і Эстоніі. 

Акрамя гэтага, РУХ надрукаваў улёткі на літоўскай мове з тлумачэньнямі ідэяў Інтэрмарыюму, якія былі раздадзеныя перад пачаткам маршу. Адзначым, што рэакцыя на нашу калёну і яе тэматыку была выключна станоўчая. Удзельнікі шэсьця віталі і выказвалі падзяку за ўдзел. Гэта яскрава паказвае, што Міжморская ідэя актуальна і запатрабаваная нашымі народамі.


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🏴 Беларусь перадусім! 🇧🇾

Report from the Lithuanian Independence Match 🇱🇹🏴 did by our friends from ‡ Р У Х ‡ ❗️

#Europe #Elites #Security #TimeToAct 💣 🌐

European elites have been disastrously unprepared for today’s geopolitical reality.

For decades, Western leaders 🇪🇺 cultivated economic and political ties with Russia 🇷🇺, turning a blind eye to its imperial ambitions. Their reliance on Russian 🇷🇺 energy and a policy of appeasement left Europe dangerously exposed – a vulnerability that became undeniable after Russia’s 🇷🇺 full-scale invasion of Ukraine 🇺🇦.

Despite warnings, many European politicians refused to strengthen their defenses, dismissing the risk of a major war on the continent. The hypocrisy is glaring: while publicly condemning Russian aggression, they prioritized economic convenience over security, weakening Europe from within.

Now, there is no time to waste. We need a new leadership, a new vision, and the courage to confront the greatest challenges of our time. The time to act is now.


🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

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