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#Shirtifsy. Sending my warm greetings! We're from Lacoste Event Organizer want to give you some information about our September's Open Book. Hello, Lacostiest! I'm Lacoste's Assistant here, come here and hear me out.
★. Open book start from August 25th 2021, 12.00 AM. Kindly send your form on that time and we'll response you. If you send form before that hour, mmm sorry we won't accept your event.
★. Do not forget to get our Terms & Conditions, then fill out the form and the last step you have to send your form.
★. Check the Terms & Conditions at @LacosteNeeds and check the date at @LacosteDate.
★. Do not interact with us if you tetchy and haven't attitude.
★. Do not sending excess messages, we'll response your message maybe later (Afternoon - Evening)
★. Serious with your form, do not make it just for your jokes.
I think that's all from me, be polite and be elegancy. Thank you Lacostiest, hope you can understand as well. Contact us on @LacosteOrganizerBot. Good Luck & Thanks a bunch!
With Love, Lacoste.
★. Open book start from August 25th 2021, 12.00 AM. Kindly send your form on that time and we'll response you. If you send form before that hour, mmm sorry we won't accept your event.
★. Do not forget to get our Terms & Conditions, then fill out the form and the last step you have to send your form.
★. Check the Terms & Conditions at @LacosteNeeds and check the date at @LacosteDate.
★. Do not interact with us if you tetchy and haven't attitude.
★. Do not sending excess messages, we'll response your message maybe later (Afternoon - Evening)
★. Serious with your form, do not make it just for your jokes.
I think that's all from me, be polite and be elegancy. Thank you Lacostiest, hope you can understand as well. Contact us on @LacosteOrganizerBot. Good Luck & Thanks a bunch!
With Love, Lacoste.