Forward from: melody's ; openg
[ X3 KAWAII.DOC HFW! ] CUTE. soft concept, dainty cute and popte3N look, grab your shopping cart! ! ๐๐ยฐโ.ใ
.. texting my mates;
"bonjour fellas! if you see this message, can you forward it to your channel? t_T and thank you, i really appreciate it! >3"
โ . โ . โ . โ . โ . โ >3
i heard the steps of heels, i can smell it really sweet and it cames from melodys โ the prettiest and hottest lady alive. "i love her! she's definitely the most fashionable person ever" with her sweet fancy scent. her mini-pleated skirt and belt, corset around and shaping her body onto a perfectly one and will be the body - goals ! โ ๐โญ๏ธ๐ฅi'm the #melody 1st lover, dweller be making her comfortable with the dreamhouse! .. เญจเญงโ๏ฝก yeah . yeah . i love my dreamhouse with many rooms in it. selling my moodboard to those who needed and want to look alike me! in [] you'll be finding cute stuffs. *munch munch*
.. texting my mates;
"bonjour fellas! if you see this message, can you forward it to your channel? t_T and thank you, i really appreciate it! >3"
โ . โ . โ . โ . โ . โ >3
i heard the steps of heels, i can smell it really sweet and it cames from melodys โ the prettiest and hottest lady alive. "i love her! she's definitely the most fashionable person ever" with her sweet fancy scent. her mini-pleated skirt and belt, corset around and shaping her body onto a perfectly one and will be the body - goals ! โ ๐โญ๏ธ๐ฅi'm the #melody 1st lover, dweller be making her comfortable with the dreamhouse! .. เญจเญงโ๏ฝก yeah . yeah . i love my dreamhouse with many rooms in it. selling my moodboard to those who needed and want to look alike me! in [] you'll be finding cute stuffs. *munch munch*