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Forward from: untitled-redpills
RC is deleting his twitter account.
He will be missed.
He said later he may may write a book compiled of his writings from his time on Twitter, but now he dealing with some personal issues.

I made a archive of as much of his work as i could get my hands on. Enjoy.


Forward from: Racial Consciousness Archive
Guilt, Persecution and Tradition, Feat. Racial Consciousness
Racial Consciousness's Twitter: @Nature_and_Race My Twitter: @thisislaurat To support this channel: My organisation's Twitter: ...

Forward from: Fashy Goy
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Psychiatry in a nutshell.

And just think, the same mental health “professionals” who will decide which Americans should be red flagged, claim that this is perfectly healthy and normal.

Forward from: Scrimshaw Saga
Noticing isn't gonna be enough fellas.

I fear many of us believe that noticing jewish behavior on the internet will miraculously produce some self induced exodus of jews from our ranks. This will never be the circumstances. They will not simply forfeit their mongrelized, zionist, globohomo machine because a few of our more vigilant folk happened to notice.

And nor should we want them to.

The system has become so thoroughly saturated with liberal filth, that it is fundamentally incompatible with true White principles. The system, in and of itself, has become a physical manifestation of jewish temperament. No amount of political reform can properly correct this.

Never forget the devout hatred implemented whilst building this system against us. Only with a greater hatred and further means can we successfully achieve our ends. Accept that there is only one way. All others ultimately result in failure and failure is not an option.

The fate of everything that ever was or ever will be, rests in our hands now. It's time we embrace that responsibility. Hail Victory.

Our new country is going to be great.

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Forward from: Boss Akuma
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All fucking niggers must hang

Oh, but would you look at this...what actually prevents gun deaths? Social cohesion.

Interesting. Who’d have ever thought that diversity could be the cause of conflict and instability? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Peter Israel is on the scene, guys. Have no fear.

Stricter gun laws totally would have prevented this. 🙄

Forward from: Scrimshaw Saga
Reminder, there's still a satanic, baby raping, jew cult in operation. One dead kike isn't enough.

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'We got him'

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