Midwest White Nationalist

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"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

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Organized by: Midwest White Nationalist @midwest14

The results of yesterday's poll show that we have 2 or more brothers in Illinois and Minessota.

There is discussion in the group chat about Kenosha being a good meetup spot. It wouldn't be a bad drive for those coming from Illinois.

For Minnesotians it might be better to have a separate meetup if Kenosha is too long of a drive.

Join the group chat if you haven't already so we can sort out the details of the meetup:


Which state do you live in? (Comment below if in Ohio or Wisconsin)
  •   Illinois
  •   Indiana
  •   Iowa
  •   Kansas
  •   Michigan
  •   Minnesota
  •   Missouri
  •   Nebraska
  •   North Dakota
  •   South Dakota
9 votes

Forward from: National Socialist Network
Many people can see what is going on, yet refuse to do anything about it. "I don't want to get on a list" or "I could get doxxed" are the usual excuses they give, before wondering why there are no White men standing up to the system.

Hitler and his men understood that there is no such thing as a danger-free revolution. They risked their lives and freedom every single day of their struggle, against armed communist bands and the forces of the state. Many heroes fell in the political struggle, when the price was high and victory seemed remote.

Yet today's self-declared "National Socialists" are scared that someone will print their name and photo online, or the police will knock on their door!

Join the struggle to save your people. Your courage may surprise you, and the example you set will inspire more to join you. The first step is always the hardest, but those who have already taken it will be always by your side. History calls!

Our methods and actions will always remain the same on this channel.

Keeping things simple and being a "step 1" channel to organizing white nationalist is our method and action.

We are organizing meetups for white nationalist to make friends (that's the full extent of this channel). Also nothing illegal will ever be welcome here. These will never change.

With that said I am linking two other channels similiar to ours who have different methods and actions but with the same goal (organizing) for you guys to check out if you are interested: @AmericanLiberationFront @nscmidwest

Forward from: Equality is for ugly losers
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We need to fill admin and loyal member positions, so if you are interested PM: @midwesternanon

>Admin responsibilities: (channel management, planning)

>Loyal Member responsibilites: (leadership, deligating membership coins)

I am happy to announce the official membership coins for this channel!

Silver: Member
Gold: Loyal Member
Black: Admin

Each coin will be numbered on the back to make every coin unique and keep track of how many of us there are in each membership position.

After Christmas we will organize a meetup!

We will continue to promote this channel and also subscribe to the group chat if you haven't already to talk to other WN's in this community.

We must forge ourselves a new future, a future where our kids are not indoctrinated in school to feel guilty for being white.

We must get together and build this community strong and make life long friendships so that we may survive.

We will get this channel popular; this is a priority right now.

We wont stop until we have white nationalist in every midwest state getting together, building a brotherhood.

Which idea has potential to strengthen the white nationalist community in the midwest?
  •   A white nationalist podcast
  •   IRL meetups
  •   Waiting for now and keeping things online
  •   Other (comment below)
7 votes

The plan with this channel is to get white nationalist in the midwestern region of the US to create a stronger community.

What this will look like is meetups and connecting online with other WN's to promote: friendship, mentorship, leadership, professionalism, health & communication between us.

Anything illegal isn't welcome on this channel.

The purpose of this channel is to get us together and build this community stronger.

>Who can join: European ethnic people with white nationalist views

>Who are discouraged from joining: people outside the midwest, people under the age of 18, non-european ethnic people

>Who are not allowed to join: jews, homosexuals, feds, & people with ideology that contradicts white nationalism

Official group chat: @Midwestchat14

14 last posts shown.


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