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Forward from: The_Nativist
Weh de chile da, wa bon fa be de Jew people king? We beena see de staa wa tell bout um een de east, an we come fa woshup um op."

- Clarance Thomas

Forward from: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela
🇯🇵🔫❗ — 🇯🇵 Nikkei Asia Review: Abe shooting suspect's motive was related to 'specific organization', police say
— "The suspect who allegedly shot Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the police here that he had a grudge against a specific organization*, and that he thought Abe had a link to that group, a police official told a news conference on Friday.

The suspect, now detained for attempted murder, is identified as Tetsuya Yamagami.
He is 41 years old.

The police official said that Yamagami admitted to the shooting, which took place in broad daylight Friday while Abe was giving a speech on a crowded street in the central Japanese city of Nara.

Police had confirmed that the gun used in the shooting was handmade, and that the length of the weapon was about 40 cm. The Nara police obtained several other objects that are thought to be handmade guns when they investigated the suspect's residence.

Yamagami learned about Abe's whereabouts on a website showing the former Japanese prime minister's schedule for campaign speeches, according to the police."


* Special note
— The Only Organization, outside of the LDP Party, that Mr. Shinzo Abe was known to participate was Nippon Kaigi, an Traditionalist, Monarchist, Anti-Secularist, anti-LGBT, Pro-Family and considered, by some, as "Ultranationalist" organization, since it, through peaceful ways, seeks to change the Japanese constitution and do away with its pacifist clauses, and replace it for a Pro-Sovereignty and that ensure Japanese National Defense Rights.

It’s like an ambush

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Revealed check

Forward from: Morgoth's Review
I've been seeing more and more reports of a sudden and dramatic drop in fertility rates across the world emerging. There's a bit of a collection of data here

Forward from: Millennial Woes
The Dutch government want to reduce the NL farming sector by 30%. The UK government is paying farmers to retire. Sanctions against Russia are going to deprive us of their food exports as well. Meantime, due to being actively encouraged, mass immigration continues apace.

There is going to be a massive food shortage in the West, entirely avoidable but created by deliberate policy. "They" clearly want to redesign society. This is now obvious. If you find it outlandish and unlikely, just look at the policies being enacted and I think you will conclude there is only one interpretation: they are consciously destroying our food supply.

The only question is what they intend to replace it with.

Clearly they want to streamline the economy. This means eliminating small producers and small retailers. The covid lockdowns got rid of a great number of small businesses, clearing the way for global corporations to expand into those nooks and crannies.

Farmers are small producers. Like the Canadian truckers, they are freelance workers and therefore a hazard to the system, because they can act independently of "the power" and even outright oppose it. In the future to come, they might be replaced by workers who maintain farmland owned and operated by global corporations - workers who have no autonomy and can easily be replaced if they defy "policy" in even the tiniest way.

Or, maybe "they" don't intend to replace the production of food as we know it, and instead want to do exactly what they've been signalling: force us to eat bugs and synthetic meat.

Bill Gates paid $600m and redesigned the economy of an entire country. Of course he isn't operating alone. Of course he is acting in concert with other powers (the WEF, the WHO, etc.). But we have to accept that the billionaire oligarch is not an absurd archetype of fiction, but an absurd archetype of the real world.

There comes a point when you also have to accept that 2020 was not a chaotic accident, but deliberate, orchestrated theatre. It was not a blip, but a foreshadowing.

Forward from: Morgoth's Review
The Great Tory Boy cope for replacing Boris Johnson is current favourite Penny Mordaunt. Mordaunt recently co-authored a book called ''Greater Britain, After the Storm''. The book attacks conservatives such as Roger Scruton for being ''stuck in the past'' and posits a Globalist vision for Britain's future.

Bill Gates wrote a two page foreword in which he shilled vaccines and the climate change agenda. On Amazon gushing reviews can be seen by people such as Tony Blair and Richard Branson.

If you want someone to blame for why we're stuck with this dross then Tory Twitter is a good place to start because these retards are the ones deluding themselves any of this makes a difference.

Forward from: Laura Towler
The British police are more interested in harassing people who speak out about abuse than they are in arresting actual criminals and paedophiles.

Forward from: Blackpilled

Forward from: The_Nativist
The media rn is lamenting the arrest of this morbidly obese fruit, as if it’s some fucking tragedy. This meathead fairy fucked a minor.

Apparently he helped craft a lot of the policy around hate speech laws. Good riddance faggot.

Forward from: The_Nativist
“Oh look a faggot”

Forward from: Unknown
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Forward from: Cⴲle Wⴲlfᛋᛋⴲn
by nightjarillustration

Forward from: Blackpilled
Q is back, all MAGA boomer IQs just simultaneously dropped 20 points and BitChute traffic is about to increase by 1000 percent. They must really be worried about civil unrest if they’re rinsing off this pacifier.

Forward from: Blackpilled
Biden's DoJ headed by Merrick Garland, a jew who repeatedly states the greatest danger to America is white people, is saying they are ignoring the Supreme Court.

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