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ATTENTION ⚠ Rumors circulated about a secret mission and search for new members from the intelligence agency @OFCNRMSPACE . Many citizens are curious about the secret mission. Are you interested about the mission ? Let's read the instructions below to find out ! 🔎
O1. read the rules first
O2. how to join and attributes
O3. form to join
Have you followed all instructions ? then what are you waiting for ? Hurry up to join with us, and complete the secret mission together !
Best regards , NRMS team.
ATTENTION ⚠ Rumors circulated about a secret mission and search for new members from the intelligence agency @OFCNRMSPACE . Many citizens are curious about the secret mission. Are you interested about the mission ? Let's read the instructions below to find out ! 🔎
O1. read the rules first
O2. how to join and attributes
O3. form to join
Have you followed all instructions ? then what are you waiting for ? Hurry up to join with us, and complete the secret mission together !
Best regards , NRMS team.