NS Heathenry

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Showing imagry of ancient symbolism and traditions in the Reich.

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"On one such sunny evening ,we were discussing whether we should complete a form issued earlier in the day. Signing this form would release us from our membership of the church and therefore of the payment of Kirchensteuer – a small tax deducted from our wages to help pay for the upkeep of the churches in Germany. Though I did, and still do, believe in an ultimate Creator of the Universe, I decided the money would be better in my pocket than in the coffers of the church and duly signed the release form." - Page 150

The Völkischer Beobachter snapped shut. Father picked up the letter and screwed it into a ball. He tossed it in my direction. ‘How could you embarrass me like this?’ There was no point in mentioning the small saving I would make by not having to pay the church tax, the Kirchensteuer, or assuring him that I still believed in a Supreme Being even if I felt disinclined to follow the teachings of a particular church.
- Page 262

Source: Für Volk and Führer: The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler by Erwin Bartmann ISBN 9781910294277

What is at Stake by Joseph Goebbels

We do not take the occasional outbursts of British-Jewish rage all that seriously, giving them no more attention than they deserve. Over the past 20 years, our opponents have so often prophesied our dreadful end that we have become perfectly immune to them. We see such outbursts not only as expressions of rage and a desire for revenge, but also of impotence. We have always seen through our opponents. But perhaps there may be one person or another who, in a careless moment, is inclined to take their humanitarian phrases more seriously than their OLD TESTAMENT outbursts of hatred. Such people will be brought back to reality by the Reuters dispatch mentioned above. The enemy himself has made it clear to them that war is the worst of all possible times for stale sentimentality.

Source: Was auf dem Spiele steht,” Der steile Aufstieg (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1944), 3-9.

The Jews or Us... by Robert Ley

We have become a people that believes in God. This is what our idea of life and of affirming life has accomplished, becoming the idea of Germany. We will be able to do everything if that grows from its small beginning into a religion, to something holy to the German people. It will not be a false religious mysticism, but rather it will be frank, honorable, military, manly, disciplined and tough.


They [the church] ruled counts and kings for two thousand years that way, destroying worlds and building states as they wished. They brought Negroes and Whites together because it suited them and their desire to rule. We are building our NEW STATE on the basis of race and community, our race, THE GERMAN PEOPLE.


The CHURCH may say its only weapon is peace. There is no institution more bloodthirsty than the CHURCH. No state, no count, no world ruler has spilled anywhere near as much blood as the CHURCH. It says it was all for a higher cause, and that the end justifies the means. No, that was not for the glory of God, who created humanity so that it could live. It was only for the glory of the POPE and to satisfy the power lust of the PREISTS. The Führer drew the proper conclusions, and built an army that today is the best in the world.


It is childish of England to want to play our baby-sitter. We cannot allow that. We must see our enemies clearly. Their worldview is CHRISTIAN and NEGATIVE. Of course Roosevelt does not imagine himself only a liberator of the Christian world; he knows the Jew is at the root of it all. If the Jew wants to fight, it is fine with us. We have wanted that fight for a long time. There is no room in the world for the Jews any more. The Jew or us, one of us will have to go.

Source: Robert Ley, “Wir oder die Juden...,” Die Hoheitsträger 3 (May 1939), pp. 4-6.

"We all know that each family is only a cell in a great people, and just as each Christmas celebration in a healthy and hardworking family resounds throughout the entire people, so the people’s community that our Führer Adolf Hitler has given us will not forget those who cannot celebrate Christmas with their loved ones.

Each soldier, whether in a bunker or barracks or patrol boat, celebrates Christmas with his comrades in the German manner.

Notice the non-Christian Hagal rune in the middle of the booklet and not anything relating to Christ, but Hitler himself.

Source: “Es
wächst viel Brot in der Winternacht... Der Hoheitsträger spricht zu den Soldaten in einer Lazarett-Weihnachtsfest,” Die neue Gemeinschaft, October-November 1944, pp. 538-540.


"Himmler even had him [Karl Wolff] conduct a pagan name-giving ceremony on January 4, 1937, for Karl Wolff’s first son, who would go forth into life blessed with the name of ‘Thorisman,’ with Weisthor/Wiligut inscribed as his Godfather."

-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff ALLOWED this SS naming ceremony to happen on his son as THORisman

Source: True H
immler by David Irving p.308

I know that my un-Christian Germanic SS units, with their general non-denominational belief in God, are able to grasp their duty to their people more clearly than the other soldiers who have been dumbed down by the catechism.


In Oslo, December 1943. Minister President Vidkun Quisling presents the front fighters a front fighter in Klingenberg cinema. Front fighter.

Minister of Norway Vidkun Quisling presenting on behalf of the SS Norwegian Legion with a huge figure behind him with (Pagan) Runic letters all over a NORDIC VIKING with a sword representing the fighting spirit of the Norwegian people.


This picture shows a march from the Norwegian (SS) Legion that has stunning imagery of what was going on in their culture as SS men.

This picture shows the Germanic (Pagan) Rune of Life ALONG with the depiction of an SS man on a VIKING SHIP as VIKINGS against bolshevism.


resort for Norwegian SS men with the their symbol on top. Along with Germanic (Pagan) Rune of Life tree cutouts a the entrance of this resort

SS Magazine - "SS Dagen 1943" magazine made in Norway in 1943 for the GSSN(Germanic SS Norway) for the SS-Day. The magazine has 40 pages with lots of B/W photos of Nordic volunteers taking part in athletics, shooting events and on parade.


Waffen-SS propaganda poster to recruit Norwegian men in Norway, 1943.

Notice the appeal to the SS as a VIKING fighter for the SS along with the ancient VIKING SHIP along with it that shows the implications of Norwegian men fighting as Norse (Pagan) VIKINGS


Enlistment in NORWAY for the SS DATED 1941


Notice the appeal to their fellow (NORDIC) Norwegians depicting the SS man as his NORDIC ancestor, which is a VIKING.


Adolf Hitler with Vidkun Quisling, 1942


HIMMLER NORWAY Friday 23 May 1941, Heinrich Himmler arrived on Wednesday 21 May: «The first branch of the new Norwegian SS taken under oath. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler speaks to the SS people. For the second time, the Reichsführer has SS. and Chief of the German Police, Heinrich Himmler, visited Norway at the invitation of Reichskommissar Terboven. Wednesday afternoon came Reichsführer SS. to Fornebo, where he was received by a number of guests of honor with Reichskommissar Terboven, Colonel-General von Falkenhorst and Nasjonal Samling's leader Vidkun Quisling at the helm.


Vidkun Quisling visits the German SS Norway branch at the camp. In Filmavisen Norway on 28 June 1943 Second World War Quisling Germanske SS Norges Nasjonal Samling, abbreviated NS, was a Norwegian political party founded by Vidkun. The party eventually aligned itself closely with the ideology of National Socialism and became a collaborator support organization for the NS German occupation forces in Norway during the Second World War.


Original propaganda poster (WWII) at Ålesund museum (Norway): With Waffen SS and the norwegian legion against the mutual enemy... against Bolshewism dated 31 December 1941

Notice the appeal to their fellow NORDICS with ancient history displaying a Viking ship with the implications of Norse (Pagan) mythology


SS graveyard, that has a huge SS logo in the back of the photo

Each of these SS runes within this graveyard, shows the Germanic (Pagan) Rune of Death (upside down life rune) of those SS men that fought.


Within the same album of photos founded, we can see many SS graves of fighters of War

And within this War, we see the graves of the SS men signifies the Germanic (Pagan) Tyr Rune which represents the God of War according to SS-Obergruppenführer Fritz Weitzel


SS cemetery

As we can see from the huge SS insignia in the background that indicates that this belongs to the SS, we can see massive amounts of graves of dead SS men that fought to their death for the sake of Germany.

Notice how all of these graves all comprise of the Germanic (Pagan) Tyr Rune which signifies the God Of War and self sacrifice



this is from controlled agricultural land from the Waffen SS, with the Germanic (Pagan) Sig rune on the sign that would show this as their own markings of the SS.


"DAF award ""For the exemplary concern for public health"", 1938". "The distinction ""for exemplary concern for the public health"" awarded on May 1, 1938 by the German Labor Front as part of the ""performance competition between the German companies""


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