Xoaquin FIores - New Resistance

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Category: Politics

Save the Republic: Intel and geopol analysis by veteran consultant XF
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💢 Marine Le Pen: “You can be a foreigner and live in France if you respect the laws and culture of our country. We demand that those who come from abroad behave correctly."


💢 Panic in the streets of Washington ...

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💢 "Folks, I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.

I might not debate as well as I used to.

But what I do know is how to tell the truth. "

- Brandon

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💢 This is like the special Olympics where everybody's a winner.

- Ger

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💢 This part actually happened - they argued about declared vs real height (Biden got it mixed up though) and golf handicaps


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💢 Breaking: SCOTUS has overturned the Chevron Doctrine of 1984 which required courts, through the APA, Adminstrative Procedures Act, of 1946 to defer to unelected agencies for interpretations of ambiguous statutes.

In the words of a sobbing leftist blogger today: “ The administrative state is dead.”

[Remember that many of the 'constitutional law' experts which the DNC and the Deep State rely on, are actually 'administrative law' experts.

Their whole conception of government is 'agencies rolling out policies'.

Even during the height of Occupy Wall Street - where one of the unofficial slogans was 'policies can't fix this', these clowns responded - 'We have a policy for that too!'.

XF ]

Forward from: Dmitry Medvedev
Look who’s come!
A wonderful trio is emerging in NATO and the European Commission: Mark Rutte, Ursula von der Leyen, and Kaja Kallas, the new and the old heads, each one more beautiful than the other.

Number one. Mark Rutte, the Netherlands’ former PM, and now NATO’s Secretary-General. Quite a peculiar guy. In a relatively short time, this once moderate statesman whomI used to meet at summits has turned into an avid Russophobe and loyal Atlanticist.
Let’s not even begin to guess what substances from Amsterdam coffeeshops were the reason for this sudden change in his mood.
The Dutch are a very specific people standing out even against the rest of free Europe. His ostentatious modesty at home is matched with ferociousness at the political arena. Since a while ago, he fiercely hates our country;supports increasingly tough sanctions; is likely to faithfully follow the course of the classical paranoidal Atlanticism.
Number two. A familiar face, no longer young and emaciated: Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, aged 65. An unkind Belgian-German political grandma. Outwardly resembles a medium-sized Volga roach.
During the pandemic, she achieved notable prosperity procuring overpriced Pfizervaccines. Even the have-seen-it-all liberoid “kinda men” of the European Commission clearly beware of her. And all the more so, her record lists serving as West Germany’s defense minister: in her term in office, she also found herself at the centre of a corruption scandal involving millions’ worth contracts with “external consultants.” Was about to resign with disgrace, but dried roach doesn’t sink. Since 2019 Ursula has been the head of the European Commission, drilling her nonbinary commissioners with a heavy masculine hand.
At the very same time, she is masochistically loyal to the overseas masters and is ready toprovide the geriatric playboys from Washington with any kind of perverted forms of love. She is constantly spouting angry nonsense towardsRussia, paying no heed to whatever she is saying.
Number three.  Kaja Kallas, aged 47. Will most likely become the head of European diplomacy, i.e., the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policyinstead of flaccid-faced Borrell.
For now, she is the PM of a great superpower, the fearsome Estonia. Clearly, such a country has a matching PM. Kaja wonderfully combines the two most important features of a successful European politician: atomic Russophobia and endless greed for gain. As she was hysterically screaming about the Russian threat for all the country to hear, her own dear husband, Arvo Hallik, one of the owners of a transport firm was doing very profitable business with Russian companies. And in 2022-23, he made about €1,5 million. By the way, once upon a time the wifey invested in the hubby’s business about €350.000 (in her words, “lent”). After the facts had come out, and the enraged Estonian public tried to bring the enterprising madame to justice, she cold-bloodedly lied to the esteemed fellow citizens, saying, she “didn’t know anything, and is very sorry”, but wouldn’t resign no matter what. Like, she needed money.
She is also an expert on human rights; she is the one who uttered the well-known nazi phrase, ““visiting Europe is a privilege, not a human right.”
And she is also very brave: she courageously legalized same-sex marriages in the demographically collapsing Estonia.
It is no wonder thus, that now she is Ursula von der Leyen’s protégé, and will soon become her right hand.
Anyway, speaking more seriously, the European freak show is getting more and more amusing: the further it goes the uglier the participants become.
Now we should be expecting some Pennywise from across the ocean.
I wish all the best to the newly appointed; that is, to translate it from the diplomatic language, the most epic failures and monstrous problems when executing the high powers while in office! We’ll be helping them with it in every waypossible!

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💢 When I'm in deep shit with my third grade teacher, so I just let my mom do the talking


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💢What the kids are saying on tik tok - Trump 👍🏼

I said well we didn’t know how it was going to go, the media could’ve spun it like Joe nailed it and trumps a liar and convicted felon but yes, Trump lied but panic Joe needs replaced we’ve been lied to about just how bad he really is.

Also that “it feels like 2020” and “I thought 2017 was just a few years ago”…

Kids are feeling the time warp 😹

- Nikki

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💢 One of these justices just joined the majority opinion, backing Trump and the wrongly imprisoned J6'ers in a massive Supreme Court decision, just released hours ago.

The other justice is Amy Coney Barrett

"May you live in interesting times"

The Supreme Court has just ruled, significantly narrowing the scope of the federal obstruction statute used in many of the prosecutions related to the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack on Friday.



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💢Imagine here they were paid to tell the truth, against their own conscience


💢 "God Help Us" - Great momentos in the simulacrum

🫵😃 Thx NYT


💢 Thanks!



The push against Biden is so over-the-top a coordinated message, when in truth Biden performed last night as he has for the last 4 years.

Who will be the DNC candidate for prez?



💢 Hammer to Anvil

The die is cast.


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📰 FLORESBERG - June 28th, '24 - In the aftermath of Joe Biden's resounding success against a clearly addled and stammering Donald Trump, our Floresberg media correspondents on the ground were privy to exclusive photo-ops of the DNC's electoral strategy moving forward.

Biden came across as assertive, collective, confident, and exemplified American leadership. The DNC says that so many Americans will be voting for Biden, they've launched this ballot initiative to make sure there are enough Biden ballots available to millions of new voters we never even knew existed until now.


💢 😂 Houston, we have a problem

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💢 Lower Tier Dem functionaries in media are in panic mode. Rest assured, my pedophile friends, this is all part of a script. You'll soon have Newsom or Harris or Michelle or Hillary. -XF

"Biden’s performance was bad but watching Democrat after Democrat, people who would normally defend anything the party or leader did makes me think there is a coordinated behind the scenes attack on Biden by Dems."

Brian Lilley (@brianlilley)
Biden’s performance was bad but watching Democrat after Democrat, people who would normally defend anything the party or leader did makes me think there is a coordinated behind the scenes attack on Biden by … 💖 814 🔁 97

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