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Meanwhile shitty laws are not available just in Norway ... but even in Switzerland (and other places).

A dude could get no crime, if he is not able to understand what he is doing ...


Like if a "brain wash" fix such issues ...

A criminal should get the same exact sentence, no matter if he know or not what he is doing ... what is changing is the type of therapy.

Without considering the fact that psychologists are the first one saying bullshit. Many of them are not able to understand what is going on and then they are saying the opposite of what is really going on ...

It's a bit like doctors / nurses / etc. saying "yes, i understand your situation", when the reality is NOPE, you cannot understand, until you are in the same situation. You can maybe imagine how this could be, but it's still different.

Other similar shitty things are "yes, i can understand" said by call - services, "How are you?" (when in reality the goal is not to find out how you really are ... it's just a default question everyone is doing ...), etc.

Well, let we make a sentence ...

Wait ... first we (= lawyers, judges, policemen, psychologists, etc.) need to read 1500 pages ...

Probably most people have 0 idea about such old histories written in such book, like we have too, when we read some parts. So they probably needed to contact even history experts and they needed to read that too.

Then we need to investigate 100+ hours such dude, go to Utøya and rewind all what happened, once done write and read 300 pages of psycho report, then we discover such report make no sense
and we need to redo all again ...

Then we discover that is better if people outside 🇳🇴 do such things, to avoid subjective influences ...

But the prisoner doesn't agree to redo that and we think is not the best too ...

When a 3 hours event generate not just a massacre, but even months of work and a lot of cost, for example:

Terrorofre får maks 3,1 millioner i erstatning

Victims of terrorism receive a maximum of 3.1 million in compensation

near all court / damage / investigation / emergency / trauma related loss of work / etc. costs.

Let we check what psychologists shared during the court of Breivik

"Excessive interest in a single topic such as religion, or categorization of other people's behavior as either "right" or "crazy>>> ... 🤦‍♂️

Well, in this case almost every people in the world would have mental issues ...

Even when you need to do your thesis you could be considered in the same way ... since you spend most time with just one topic ... and this happens in thousand other situations ... where people have intervall interests.

Same for "excessive details" ... what the fuck does this mean? If someone wants to be detailed, now he has 1 of 3 symptoms ...

About the first point "unmotivated 😋" yes this is true. But still depends. There are still people that show happiness even in strange moments. Meanwhile for Breivik there is no discussion, even if we would really love to see the reaction he had when the victims shared their stories ... He shows happiness listening to the police call for example.

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of unwarranted distrust and suspicion of others that involves interpreting their motives as malicious. Diagnosis is by clinical criteria. Treatment is with cognitive-behavioral therapy and sometimes medications

Well, one thing is sure, you can't trust anyone! and this is a fact, because in reality you don't know anyone, even your kids! This doesn't mean all have double faces or you need to avoid them ... but simply don't be surprised, if someone is doing what you never expected ... at the end you don't know such people and what they think the whole time. You know just what they show you ...

About sexual behaviour ... well, read the book, because he wrote about that very good and no matter what, remember that many people reduce sex during their "job carrier", so even this does mean nothing! Plus, why do psychologist don't consider the "terrorist" way to act? It's huge different and so obviously many factors could influence negatively the plan

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🧠💩Psychologists Bullshit🧠💩

Anders Behring Breivik investigation part 2

If the court accepts the report, the only alternative outcome of the trial is that Breivik is sentenced to compulsory mental health care.

Dette er de viktigste ankepunktene mot rapporten:
**Manglende uavhengighet
Flere kritikere har hevdet at to sakkyndige er ikke uavhengige av hverandre slik mandatet krever, fordi de har gjennomført alle samtaler med Breivik sammen.
**Diagnosen er ikke dokumentert
**Fagfeltet er for usikkert

These are the most important points of appeal against the report:
**Lack of independence
Several critics have claimed that two experts are not independent of each other as required by the mandate, because they have conducted all conversations with Breivik together.
**The diagnosis is not documented
**The field is too uncertain

Breivik selv har hevdet at 80 prosent av innholdet i rapporten er oppspinn.

Breivik himself has claimed that 80 percent of the content of the report is fabrication.

Totalt har 36 bistandsadvokater bedt om en ny vurdering på vegne av minst 130 terrorofre. Breivik har via sin advokat Geir Lippestad formidlet at han ikke ønsker en ny vurdering. Det samme har påtalemyndigheten statsadvokatene Inga Beyer Engh og Svein Holden.

A total of 36 aid lawyers have requested a new assessment on behalf of at least 130 terror victims. Breivik has communicated via his lawyer Geir Lippestad that he does not want a new assessment. The public prosecutors, Inga Beyer Engh and Svein Holden, have the same opinion

Just another example about how shitty things have been done ... by wasting time and money! Not just Norway provided shitty rescue ... but they even made a lot of shit during the investigation!


It's time to improve all such things once at all

Etter terrorangrepene mot regjeringskvartalet og Utøya ble de to sakkyndige Torgeir Husby og Synne Sørheim satt til å utrede Breivik.

Det gjorde de gjennom 13 samtaler med ham i fengselet, gjennomgang av 130 timer med politiavhør og samtaler med flere personer som kjenner Breivik, inkludert moren, flere søsken og venner.

After the terrorist attacks on the government quarter and Utøya, the two experts Torgeir Husby and Synne Sørheim were appointed to investigate Breivik.

They did so through 13 conversations with him in prison, review of 130 hours of police questioning and conversations with several people who know Breivik, including his mother, several siblings and friends.

29. november leverte de en rapport på 243 sider som konkluderte med at Anders Behring Breivik lider av diagnosen paranoid schizofreni, en psykotisk lidelse preget av blant annet paronia og vrangforestillinger. Ifølge rettspsykiaterne har Breivik «et vell av psykotiske vrangforestillinger av grandios natur, eksemplifisert ved ideer om egen suverenitet knyttet til hans skriftlige arbeid, og verkets overordnede betydning for fremtidig borgerkrig og maktovertagelse i Europa».

On 29 November, they submitted a 243-page report which concluded that Anders Behring Breivik suffers from the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, a psychotic disorder characterized by, among other things, paranoia and delusions. According to the forensic psychiatrists, Breivik has "a wealth of psychotic delusions of a grandiose nature, exemplified by ideas about his own sovereignty linked to his written work, and the work's overall importance for future civil war and the seizure of power in Europe".

Den norske straffelovens paragraf 44 sier at personer som er psykotiske i gjerningsøyeblikket ikke kan straffes.

Dersom retten tar rapporten til følge, er det eneste alternative utfallet av rettssaken at Breivik dømmes til tvungent psykisk helsevern.

Section 44 of the Norwegian Penal Code states that persons who are psychotic at the time of the crime cannot be punished.


Because you cannot say "we are not ready", "we never imagined that", "it's not possible this happens here"!

If you think in such way YOU HAVE UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT TERRORISM! and you learned ANYTHING from the past

exactly like Israel!

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 15

Part 1:
Part 11

Bei einem optimalen Gesprächsverlauf hätte Vili-Viorel Păun von der weiteren Verfolgung abgesehen und vermutlich überlebt. Abschließend lässt sich diese Frage durch den Ausschuss nicht mit hinreichender Wahrscheinlichkeit beantworten.

Der Untersuchungsausschuss stellt weiter fest, dass selbst wenn Vili- Viorel Păun den Notruf erreicht hätte, der Anschlag am zweiten Tatort nicht hätte verhindert werden können.

—> Doesn't matter if the second attack would not be fixed, because maybe 2020 the situation was so, in 2025 the situation is different by having same issues! no matter which country! Exactly like it happened in Norway!!!!

Ob es bei den drei Anrufversuchen von Vili-Viorel Păun zu einem Verbindungsaufbau kam, konnte nicht abschließend geklärt werden. Ebenso konnte nicht festgestellt werden, in welcher Funkzelle das Signal des Mobiltelefons von Vili-Viorel Păun einging.

Ob Vili-Viorel Păun bei seinen Anrufversuchen ein Freizeichen, ein Besetztzeichen oder Stille hörte, konnte ebenfalls nicht geklärt werden. Die Dauer der Anwahlversuche von Vili-Viorel Păun hätte auch bei einem eingerichteten Notrufüberlauf nicht dazu geführt, dass seine Anrufe weitergeleitet worden wären.

Der Notrufüberlauf greift nach einer Wartezeit von 60Sekunden. Diese erreichte Vili-Viorel Păun bei keinem seiner Versuche. Der längste Anrufversuch von Vili-Viorel Păun betrug 39 Sekunden.

Der Grundsatz „Ein Notruf muss immer funktionieren“ muss ausnahmslos und überall in Hessen gewährt werden.

Für außergewöhnliche Situationen, wie es das Anschlagsgeschehen in Hanau am 19. Februar 2020 darstellte, muss weiterhin eine Notfall-Strategie festgelegt werden, um eine Unterbesetzung eines Notrufs auf einzelnen Polizeistation künftig zu vermeiden.

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 10

Part 1:

Eskil Pedersen is a former politician for the Labor Party who was LEADER of Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) from 2010 to 2014

It is impossible to go back ... DIMISSIONS? Taking responsibility? Obviously nope! Like no one in Norway took responsibility for the disaster they did before, during and after the attack!

Because yes, from one side we need to learn ...
but we need to take responsibility, not just "i'm sorry" ...

Otherwise every criminal could just say "sorry" and we fixed issues! Let we remember that Norway failed in so many things ... some things we still need to write ....
Let we remember even the topic abortion ...

Ok, let we go back to Germany ...

As you can see, both Germany and Norway had an EPIC fail about phone support, where Germany learned anything from Norway.

Ist nach Kenntnis der Bunderegierung bei der Polizei in Hanau mittler- weile ein Überleitungssystem für Notrufe eingerichtet worden, und wenn nein, warum nicht?

Hierzu liegen der Bundesregierung keine Erkenntnisse vor.

Welche Erkenntnisse hat die Bundesregierung bezüglich des Umstandes, dass der Täter nach Beginn seines Anschlags sehr lange Zeit, scheinbar unbehelligt, durch die Stadt laufen und fahren und weitere Taten ausüben konnte, ohne dass die Polizei ihn daran hinderte, und das, obwohl die Polizeiwache nur wenige hundert Meter vom ersten Tatort entfernt lag?

Die Bundesregierung nimmt keine Bewertung landespolizeilicher Einsatzmaßnahmen vor (wie die meisten Antworten)

Bundesregierung macht also einfach nichts ...

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 9

Part 1:

MS Thorbjørn la om kurs mot nord og gradvis forsvant ut av syne.

MS Thorbjørn changed course to the north and gradually disappeared from sight.

YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF

«Det kan ikke ha vært lenge etter at jeg oppdaget «MS Thorbjørn» ute i fjorden, midt i ferjeleie. Båten så tom ut. Den drev sakte mot landssiden. Det lå et håp i å se den. Noen hadde kommet seg unna. Det betydde jo også at noen ville komme tilbake. Var det derfor den hadde stoppet opp? Da den istedenfor å snu eller fortsette inn til brygga, brått la om kurs mot nord og gradvis forsvant ut av syne, var det ikke til å fatte. Skjedde det noe på landsiden? Hvorfor la den ikke til? Vi var fanget på øy med en mann som ville drepe oss. «MS Thorbjørn» var vårt eneste håp for å komme oss vekk og nå hadde den forlatt oss. Våt, kald og alene - fra min plass på steinen virket Utøya nå som det mest forlatte stedet på jordens overflate», skriver Pracon.

"It cannot have been long after I discovered "MS Thorbjørn" out in the fjord, in the middle of the ferry berth. The boat looked empty. It drifted slowly towards the land side. There was hope in seeing it. Some had gotten away. It also meant that someone would come back. Was that why it had stopped? When, instead of turning around or continuing to the jetty, it suddenly changed course to the north and gradually disappeared from sight, it was unbelievable. Did something happen on the land side? Why didn't it add? We were trapped on an island with a man who wanted to kill us. "MS Thorbjørn" was our only hope to get away and now it had left us. Wet, cold and alone - from my place on the rock, Utøya now seemed like the most abandoned place on the face of the earth", writes Pracon.

It is impossible to go back in time when we have all the answers afterwards

Eskil Pedersen er en tidligere politiker for Arbeiderpartiet som var leder i Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) fra 2010 til 2014.

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 8

Part 1:

1 hour after 🇳🇴 Schettino Eskil Pedersen left Utøya
The first four policemen from the Delta group go ashore on Utøya helped by a sailor in a civilian boat. After talking to some of the young people, the police move towards the Kafebygget, where the young people have seen a perpetrator dressed in a police uniform.

Det er lett å si at det er det folk ville gjort, at de fleste ville flyktet fra stedet. Men dette var lederen for gruppa på øya. Det er som om kapteinen forlater skuta, sier Ihler

It's easy to say that's what people would do, that most would flee the place. But this was the leader of the group on the island. It is as if the captain is leaving the ship, says Ihler.

No matter what, the question about the boat is much more important! If police could use such boat ... BUT IT WAS NOT THE CASE AT ALL!

Det ene alternativet var at jeg gikk og konfronterte skytteren. Jeg tror vi alle forstår hvilket resultat det ville blitt. Det andre alternativet var å gjemme seg. Da ville det vært umulig for meg å ringe mine kontakter for å bidra til en raskere mobilisering, sier Pedersen.

The only option was for me to go and confront the shooter. I think we all understand what the outcome would be. The other option was to hide. Then it would be impossible for me to call my contacts to contribute to faster mobilization, says Pedersen.

The first option MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL (except if you have weapons)! Is not Costa Concordia ... but is still not an excuses to left kids alone on Utøya.

How exactly do you have contributed to "faster mobilization", if Utøya rescue was just an EPIC FAIL!
You could still help other people (for example by waiting a bit more) or bring the boat to the police! which was NOT the case ... you could even return back to Utøya. We need to remember there were two police officers ...

Det er umulig å gå tilbake i tid når vi i etterkant har alle svarene

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 7

Part 1:

30 minutes later: Heavily armed Delta forces arrive at the quay facility at Utvika off Utøya after initially driving too far.

Kampklare politifolk er parat til at sejle over, men har på det tidspunkt ingen båd. De ender efter nogen forvirring med at køre længere nordpå til et mødested ved Storøya. Senere kommer det frem, at der er både tilgængelige ved campingpladsen 700 meter væk

Combat-ready policemen are prepared to sail over, but at that time have no boat.
After some confusion, they end up driving further north to a meeting point at Storøya. Later it emerges that there are boats available at the campsite 700 meters away.

Where the fuck is MS "Thorbjørn"?!

Ved Sundvollen, 3,7 km fra Utøya, finder Delta-styrkerne en rød gummibåd. Efter godt 400 meter trænger der vand ind i båden, der får motorstop. To motorbåde ankommer, og Deltastyrkerne fordeler sig i stedet i dem.

At Sundvollen, 3.7 km from Utøya, the Delta forces find a red rubber boat. After about 400 metres, water enters the boat and the engine stops. Two speedboats arrive, and the Delta forces deploy in them instead.

1 hour later: Breivik taler med politiet for anden og sidste gang. Han beder om at blive stillet videre til operationslederen i beredskabsenheden, men samtalen bliver afbrudt, og politiet kan ikke ringe tilbage.

Breivik speaks to the police for the second and last time. He asks to be put through to the operations manager in the emergency unit, but the conversation is interrupted and the police cannot call back.

De fire første politifolk fra Delta-gruppen går i land på Utøya hjulpet af en sejler i en civil båd. Efter at have talt med nogle af de unge bevæger politifolkene sig mod Kafebygget, hvor de unge har set en gerningsmand iklædt politiuniform.

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Telephone call between Costa Concordia Captain and Italian Coast Guard (ENGLISH SUB)

Backup by @NorwayErrors
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 6

Part 1:

Ni personer rømte med ferja mens skytingen pågikk.

Jeg tror jeg handlet slik folk gjør i slike situasjoner. Man handler på instinkt.

Nine people escaped by ferry while the shooting was going on.

I think I acted as people do in such situations? Do you mean like Schettino?!

If you left at 17.25 - 17.30

and Breivik was in another place ...
even if all maps show a bit different things ..

No matter what, the real question is, what happened to the boat???!

20 minutes later:
To betjente fra Nordre Buskerud politidistrikt ankommer som de første til færgelejet ved Utvika

Two officers from the Nordre Buskerud police district are the first to arrive at the ferry berth at Utvika.

De får først at vide, at de ikke skal tage ud til Utøya – at de i stedet skal blive på land og observere. Næste ordre går på, at de skal gøre sig klar til at blive hentet af politiets egen båd og deltage i indsatsstyrkens aktion på Utøya.

They are first told that they should not go out to Utøya – that they should instead stay on land and observe. The next order is for them to get ready to be picked up by the police's own boat and participate in the task force's action on Utøya.

Den endelige ordre bliver dog, at de skal blive på kajen og sørge for, at ambulancerne kan nå frem. Betjentene er bevæbnede med pistol og maskinpistol og iført skudsikre veste.

However, the final order is that they must stay on the dock and ensure that the ambulances can arrive. The officers are armed with pistols and submachine guns and wear bulletproof vests.

30 minutes later: Tungtbevæbnede Delta-styrker ankommer til kajanlægget ved Utvika ud for Utøya efter først at være kørt for langt.

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 5

Part 1:

MS Thorbjørn er godkendt til 50 passagerer, men de ombordværende sejler i sikkerhed på bagsiden af Utøya uden at hjælpe de omkring 200, som snart efter forsøger at svømme fra øen. De bliver i stedet reddet af af folk, der trodser Breiviks kugler og sejler ud i små både fra landsiden

The ferry MS Thorbjørn sails from Utøya. On board are six participants from the summer camp – among them AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. In addition, the ship's captain and a crew of two are on board the ferry. MS Thorbjørn is approved for 50 passengers, but those on board sail to safety at the back of Utøya without helping the 200 or so who soon after try to swim off the island. They are instead rescued by people who defy Breivik's bullets and sail out in small boats from the land side.

Hjetland var om bord på MS «Thorbjørn» sammen med daværende AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen og syv andre som kom seg vekk fra øya med fergen mens skytingen pågikk 22. juli

Hjetland was on board the MS "Thorbjørn" together with then AUF leader Eskil Pedersen and seven others who got away from the island by ferry while the shooting was taking place on 22 July.

MS «Thorbjørn» forlot Utøya rundt 17.30, et kvarters tid etter at Anders Behring Breivik kom i land. Mens skipperen styrte fergen, lå de åtte andre flatt i bunnen av båten. Flere av dem fikk melding på telefonene sine om at det ble skutt vilt på øya.

MS "Thorbjørn" left Utøya around 17.30, a quarter of an hour after Anders Behring Breivik came ashore. While the skipper steered the ferry, the other eight lay flat in the bottom of the boat. Several of them received a message on their phones that game had been shot on the island.

Meanwhile the most important question is: HAVE YOU MADE A TRIP TO ICELAND WITH THIS BOAT??! SINCE POLICE WAS NOT ABLE TO USE THAT, so why?!!!

Near all issues with the boats the policed had ...

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Le due telefonate della Capitaneria di Porto al comandante Schettino della nave Costa Concordia

Backup by @NorwayErrors
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 4

Part 1:

At that time, Breivik had just got out of Oslo. He passed Lysaker on his way out of Oslo at 15.56, 22 minutes after the tipster had first reported the possible perpetrator

Etter at en operatør var blitt ledig og hadde fått snakket med tipseren, som altså kunne oppgi registreringsnummeret på den mistenkelige «politimannens» bil, var operasjonslederen i kontakt med Kripos og ba dem sende ut riksalarm på det aktuelle registreringsnummeret.

Da var klokken 16.04, en halvtime etter at tipseren først ringte politiets nødtelefon med opplysninger om det som skulle vise seg å være Anders Behring Breivik.

After an operator had become available and had been able to speak to the tipster, who could therefore provide the registration number of the suspicious "policeman's" car, the operations manager was in contact with Kripos and asked them to send out a national alert on the registration number in question.

It was then 16:04, half an hour after the tipster first called the police emergency number with information about what turned out to be Anders Behring Breivik.

Det var først da jeg så en enslig politimann med noe jeg oppfattet som et våpen, som deretter satte seg inn i en sivil bil og kjørte i feil kjøreretning, at jeg tenkte at her må det være noe galt, og at det var viktig å observere mer detaljert, sier Olsen

It was only when I saw a lone policeman with what I perceived to be a weapon, who then got into a civilian car and drove in the wrong direction, that I thought that there must be something wrong here, and that it was important to observe in more detail, says Olsen.

Færgen MS Thorbjørn sejler fra Utøya. Om bord er seks deltagere fra sommerlejren – blandt dem AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen. Desuden er skibets kaptajn og en besætning på to personer ombord på færgen.

Vidnet Andreas Olsen kontakter politiet og fortæller, at han så en nordisk udseende mand iført politiuniform og bevæbnet med pistol. At manden fem minutter inden eksplosionen forlod området i en bil med nummerpladen VH 24605. Der bliver ikke meldt noget ud om observationerne - hverken til det lokale politi eller offentligheden.

The witness Andreas Olsen contacts the police and says that he saw a Nordic-looking man wearing a police uniform and armed with a gun. That the man left the area five minutes before the explosion in a car with the number plate VH 24605. Nothing is reported about the observations - neither to the local police nor to the public

Andreas Olsens observationer bliver dog ikke videregivet – den vagthavende skriver hans oplysninger ned på en gul seddel og går hen for at aflevere sedlen til en operationsleder – men vedkommende er optaget, så den gule seddel bliver i stedet lagt på et bord

However, Andreas Olsen's observations are not passed on – the duty officer writes his information down on a yellow note and goes to hand the note to an operations manager – but the person is busy, so the yellow note is instead placed on a table.

15.34: Meldingen ble ikke loggført i PO.
The message was not logged in PO.

20 minutes later: Vitnet som ringte inn om kjøretøy kl. 15.34, ringes opp. Han bekrefter meldingen og gir mer informasjon.

The witness who called in about vehicles at 15.34, call up. He confirms the message and provides more information.

: Operasjonslederen ber Kripos sende ut ”riksalarm” om kjøretøy VH 24605.

The operations manager asks Kripos to send out a "national alert" about vehicle VH 24605.

På det tidspunktet hadde Breivik akkurat kommet seg ut av Oslo. Han passerte Lysaker på vei ut av Oslo klokken 15.56, 22 minutter etter at tipseren først hadde meldt fra om den mulige gjerningsmannen.

At that time, Breivik had just got out of Oslo. He passed Lysaker on his way out of Oslo at 15.56, 22 minutes after

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