Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
2022 is the years of trials that will separate TRUE Aryans from Internet Aryans. As I declared 2022 to be the year of the Aryans, this declaration is being fulfilled post haste by pretend Aryans exposing themselves by flipping on the vaccine mandates for fear of lost income, liberty, or acceptance by society. Even some well known talking heads in the movement have chosen to optics cuck on the vaccine, for shame. Anyone who flips on their beliefs when they actually have to follow through on their convictions are NOT Aryan. Aryan means Noble, cowards are not noble. Submitting to untested gene altering tech that WE KNOW is part of the (((enemy))) agenda to destroy us is no different than willingly destroying your blood by race mixing. There are still a lot of unknowns with this “vaccine” but literally everything we do know is bad. If you take it or are an apologist about it in any way you are a coward and don’t deserve any form of following in this movement. You are as poisonous as the clot shot!
-Father Orion
-Father Orion