Airdrop News

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🤑Odeffanno waayee airdrop
🧑‍💻Odeffanno waayee technology ttin walqabatan
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Phantom busaati ykn update godhaadhatiii

User namee ittii galchaadhaa
Bakaa search jiruu kaanatii xuqqatii @Yonas012 jedhaa follow naa godhaaa namoota hundaa akkasit waliif godhaa wallifis debisaaa

110m$ raised godhanii jiruu carraa kaanati fayaadamma

ZOO mining guyyotaa 38 boodaa dhabbataa

Forward from: Crypto Daily Combo
End of Mining Phase 🚩

Frens, we promised this would be a fast and exciting journey.

We're thrilled to announce that the final day of the mining phase is January 31st!

There’s just a little time left to mine $ZOO and secure your spot in the Airdrop!

Jump into the game now and level up your @Zoo! 🦏

🥰 $SEED Tokenomics: 70% for the Community

Zoo Story riddle of the Day


Zoo Story rebus of the Day


Zoo Story rebus of the Day


Zoo Story riddle of the Day

Rainbow Skink

Official !!
Pocket listing is coniformed for Q1 2025.



Akkuman kanaan dura isinitti hime bot baayyee faayidaa qabu kan akkuma daldalli tokko raawwatameen Offchain & Onchain Transaction Scans adda addaa Ether Scan jedhamu raawwachuudhaan ergaa nuuf ergu ture.

Waltajjii daldala SPOT fi PERP ofii isaanii irratti gara waltajjii daldalaatti jijjiiruun DEX Exchange mataa isaanii irratti akka raawwatan isaan dandeessisu hojjechaa jiru

Leverage fi wantoota daldalaan walqabatan biroo asitti hojjechuu dandeenya osoo gara CEX hin deemin

Egaa amma hojii nuti Mini app isaanii keessatti hojjennu hundaaf DPS Point kennaa jiru

Ulaagaaleen ulaagaa guutuu qaban waan jiran hin fakkaatu, qabxii jijjiiruu irratti kan xiyyeeffataniidha

$DPS Token TON, BASE, SOL ykn ETH kan jalqabamu Blockchains kana keessaa tokkoon

Kanaaf ammoo Project Dwf labs invastara ijoodha

Haala kanaan, DPS Token kaayyoo kanaaf Utility Token dha, akkuma ani Binance Bnb'f qabu

Tarii hanga ammaatti hin jalqabne ta'a?

Odeeffannoo dabalataa barbaaduu fi barbaaduu dandeessu Kun gahaadha Yeroon odeeffannoo dabalataa argadhu asitti isin beeksisa.

Zoo of the Day

Riddle: Betta Fish

Rebus: Parrot

Carraa kaaan fayaadam abbaa carraa tahuuu dandesaanii

Wallet phantom kessaan address issaa irrat adda godhaa too dhisaaa

Notpixel warri hojjacha jirtaan jirtuu?
Yoo jirataan fi Requirement 3ffa(TON captcha) yoo siin rakkisee 👇👇....I will tell you how to complete


Snapshot December 30 ?

Zoo Quote of the Day

Riddle: Hippopotamus



Forward from: PAWS Community

rebus of the Day



🚩 የ Zoo Daily Riddle Code : Raven

riddle of the Day



xPortal amma irrati.hojjacha hin jiruu


rebus of the Day



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