Forward from: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Remember, in Breivik story there is NO missing topic he is not talking (in wrong* or right way) or we can analyse, things related to everyone lifestyle.
* if wrong, we can talk about why is wrong providing facts, not just like most people simply say "it's wrong, without even be able to proof that" (we don't mean the discrimination against Islam ...)
No other story in the world is related to so many missing human / animal and planet rights! Even not the story of Dahmer or Palestine or 11 September!
Yes, it's more about human rights and less about animal / planet, but ...
BREIVIK STORY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY IN OUR HISTORY! THAT SHOULD REMAIN IN OUR BOOKS FOREVER! What is happening instead? Just an underevaluated story, where they prefer to talk about Palestine and other things ...
So not important for the massacre he did, but for all things behind such story. People ignoring and spreading bullshit can still ignore that. But then don't complain about things this story is talking by protesting in the street or saying "why is not available, we have shitty laws" (and we don't talk just about the death sentence now ...). Because this story is already covering such things (again, a bit less related to animals ...).
The fact that most viewed video this week made less than 30k views! show how people give a shit! Yes, all people shared the video posted by 🇷🇺 on Twitter ... but they just talked about this video and only because such big 🇷🇺 newspaper shared that, by reposting that on other socials.
Yes, few other mass medias shared such story too, but again only by focusing on things THAT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER TO IMPROVE SUCH PLANET! (means what is showing the 🇷🇺 video, that is a copy of what 🇳🇴 posted).
Yes, on TikTok there are some videos ... but just focusing on the same topic.
EVERYONE IS STILL SPREADING BULLSHIT ABOUT THIS STORY, without even probably reading what scientists, journalists, Breivik and other wrote ...
Conclusion, would be time that people show more interest on story that really could make a difference between YESTERDAY and TOMORROW!
Netflix understand that, by making the Tv Show about Dahmer ... but has not understand fully with Breivik, showing almost just negative points of such story ...
Because both stories are not just about Breivik or Dahmer, it's about YOU and US! It's about EVERYONE! It's about our rights! Especially Breivik story, which contains much more elements. But we need to be honest, until now we haven't investigate Dahmer story in detail. Maybe we discover things, that Netflix and other still ignored ... exactly like it happened with Breivik
* if wrong, we can talk about why is wrong providing facts, not just like most people simply say "it's wrong, without even be able to proof that" (we don't mean the discrimination against Islam ...)
No other story in the world is related to so many missing human / animal and planet rights! Even not the story of Dahmer or Palestine or 11 September!
Yes, it's more about human rights and less about animal / planet, but ...
BREIVIK STORY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY IN OUR HISTORY! THAT SHOULD REMAIN IN OUR BOOKS FOREVER! What is happening instead? Just an underevaluated story, where they prefer to talk about Palestine and other things ...
So not important for the massacre he did, but for all things behind such story. People ignoring and spreading bullshit can still ignore that. But then don't complain about things this story is talking by protesting in the street or saying "why is not available, we have shitty laws" (and we don't talk just about the death sentence now ...). Because this story is already covering such things (again, a bit less related to animals ...).
The fact that most viewed video this week made less than 30k views! show how people give a shit! Yes, all people shared the video posted by 🇷🇺 on Twitter ... but they just talked about this video and only because such big 🇷🇺 newspaper shared that, by reposting that on other socials.
Yes, few other mass medias shared such story too, but again only by focusing on things THAT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER TO IMPROVE SUCH PLANET! (means what is showing the 🇷🇺 video, that is a copy of what 🇳🇴 posted).
Yes, on TikTok there are some videos ... but just focusing on the same topic.
EVERYONE IS STILL SPREADING BULLSHIT ABOUT THIS STORY, without even probably reading what scientists, journalists, Breivik and other wrote ...
Conclusion, would be time that people show more interest on story that really could make a difference between YESTERDAY and TOMORROW!
Netflix understand that, by making the Tv Show about Dahmer ... but has not understand fully with Breivik, showing almost just negative points of such story ...
Because both stories are not just about Breivik or Dahmer, it's about YOU and US! It's about EVERYONE! It's about our rights! Especially Breivik story, which contains much more elements. But we need to be honest, until now we haven't investigate Dahmer story in detail. Maybe we discover things, that Netflix and other still ignored ... exactly like it happened with Breivik