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@Donediving ya mutsieee, aku udah isi semua board pakai bc #RY. Kalau ada board yg kelewat/hfw bisa langsung pisi aku aja okee, have a nice day mutss🙇‍♀💟

Ayayu 💟

📝 Text me as your gf

sang. tnst: babe, how's your day going today? apa ada cerita menarik yang mau kamu ceritakan??

noelle. @ctaeyonggie: ayo putus, bosen gua

rave @rvearnldie: putus aja lah, bosen gua berantem mulu

Renka ୨♡୧ @renjumnnct: sayangg ku sibuk terus, ga kangen aku?

pira: heiiii, want to jalan jalan with mee?

Jevaska. @jisunxzh: 🪐. bubb, ayo siap siap kita nonton film

milmil: nanti aku jemput

ansel @melbouner: hugg yuu sinii, aku kangen

Karl A. @minjieess: bubb, i need you :( i want hug you to badly, help

Keira E. @prxttyirene arlok: sayangnya aku keren banget, makasih ya udah ajarin aku masak spagetti tadi!!!

Herva @hansouheez: Babee kesini ya? Aku kangen mau pelukk

Samuel @psunghoonis: bosen, netflix yu? kita nonton kisah candi borobudur

Laskar @demosekrat: mau jalan ga? what places do you want to go?

Temp, Jeka. @tDazed: bosen ga si? mau keluar ngga? sekalian jalan-jalan malem

Khalid @leyhmark: sayang, aku cpk bgt ayo peluk

Ethan, J. @Beijak: sayang, aku butuh pelukan, kamu gk ada niatan buat peluk aku? dingin banget ini

Makima. @myiestique: bae, kamu kok lucu bangett. lucu nya sama aku doang kan?

Keyza @SunbgZiyoung: kamu bisa gak sih gak usah cantik dan keren gitu, aku cemburu sama yang bisa liat kamu tiap hari!!

Zacky Forthern: Yang cuman mau ngasi tau gua habis bungkus cewek baru lagi tadi

Blace V. cownrvl: #acee yang, ayo mampir ke rumah di cariin bunda tuh. sekalian silahturahmi

ines مليح @badanarkoba: diem dirumah dulu gausa nyusul kesini

Lillie Daverië @deukKIMJENNIE: #𝐢𝐋𝐋𝐢ë. sayang, bagaimana dengan awal Maret nya? menyenangkan, atau sebaliknya?

Keyzie @yookarlnal: by, kenapa kita segender sih?? pdhl aku pengen sm kamu teruss

Benjamin.: Sayang, nanti malam main ke rumah ya? Bunda kangen sama kamu katanya.

mrv². Ithikä A.C @YooJiimiina: sayang ayo kita ke taman katanya ada pentas seni

👥 44 people have voted so far.
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ㅤㅤ𖤝 MMII; Handsome gorgeous boy, that one that I love. His precious doe eyes when he look at me always make me fall in love twice, how can people can be this stunning? Little smile that always he make when I tell some interesting story always can make my stomach full of butterflies. Yes, he's the one that I love, a grown up men who's really love to play guitar, have a green parrot, loves to make people around him to feel happy it's a plus poin, I feel so special to have him. That's how I want to feel, because he's an idol and my chance to have him is just 0.0001% I don't care, I still love him whatever it is.

ㅤㅤ𖤝 MMI; two orbs of vision, which have been given a special silhouette on the exterior and are excellently embellished by the architect, shine out against the brown background. anyone who saw that arch beneath it would perish. e’erything can feel more alive thanks to the sculptures visible on the surface. the crude scratches the artist has produced are plenty for her. it was hailed as the most exquisite artwork formed in, which was the joy of the year.

📝 Anything 'bout Riyu
Please be honest mutsieee~

👤 #rage cantik, lucu banget juga


👤 #nh ; kenapa ayam dinamain ayam?

👤 ☘️🧧. Pretty, elegant and seems humble

👤 🐙. Pretty and elegant at the same time

👤 🪐. so pretty

👤 #mild cantik sekali pake ryujin 🥺

👤 #Jenodra Kayaknya ramah nih anaknya, terus juga bakal seru diajak temenan

👤 #étoiles. U look so pretty and saluran mu sangat indah

👤 ᐢ..ᐢ  ࣪˖ #아이린 ࣪ 𖥔 you look so pretty!

👤 #simba. Pretty and elegant looks friendly and humble have positif vibes

👤 #Ben Cantik.

👤 Pretty girl, and cute 🤩🤩

👤 #星💊 pwettyyy banget kamuuu

👤 cantik

👤 keren banget #Lee

👤 #eya. you are pretty and elegant, cute humble, attractive pluss positive vibes

👤 ˖ ࣪ 💭🎀 𝗛𝗔𝗖𝗬𝗘̷᜔᜔᜔ִֹ๋ׅᨘ֗֗ ⵓ you're shouu pretty anddeu humble person

👤 #𝓝𝐚𝐢 ur so pretty

👤 #Arsギュ tetap tersenyum Riyuu

👤 #𝐄th cantik bener buset dah

👤 #bas🧨 pretty girl

👤 #RDJ. Cantik banget kamu dan vibes mu, suka liatnya

👤 #khaf. cantik

👤 cakep bgt riyu, jaga kesehatan ya

👤 Seems fun to get along with

👤 #𝐙𝐆 pretty

👤 #ISAH kamu cantik banget kayak bidadari

👤 #acee U SO GEMES, prenly juga ya kamu? omgg pengen temenan

👤 #shei pretty and cool guirll

👤 #𝐆! very kind and soft

👤 #jangkar vibes lo keliatan positip banget siii

👤 #kz✰ kamu cantik dan baik banget, tetep senyum ya apapun yang terjadi kamu udh keren

👤 #renkɑׁׅ֮ pretty, cool but cute too

👤 #ꦲꦒ. Nona Manohara dengan paras jelita, perangai ayu nan dewasa tersemat apik padanya tatkala pertama jumpa.

👤 #LARAS. mengagumkan, gampang berbaur serta memiliki kepribadian yang baik.

👤 #𝑲𝒆𝒚𝒛𝒊𝒆 pretty, humble, dan gampang berbaur

👤 #sang cantik, positive vibes

👤 🦊🦋. cantik banget buseett

👤 #Gavz lu cantik angjay

👤 #𝕽 cantik banget sih, cool ++

👤 #KEM soooo pweeetttyyy and humble

👥 75 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

𓏲ּ ֶָ֢ 𔓕 Let me know! what do you think about Riyu?
  •   ⊹ such a pretty person, badass vibes. cool! honestly you caught my attention, so i've crush on you.
  •   ⊹ you're so elegant, have a positive vibes! kind hearted and also social-butterfly.
  •   ⊹ humble! kinda noisy, good-listener, talk-active, beautiful soul and pretty kind.
  •   ⊹ kinda intimidating, sarcasm, difficult to interact, divingphobic, and also have a dark side.
79 votes

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