Forward from: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Well, he acted not properly, by expressing the opinion on social during the sentence, but for sure was the only one with 🧠 between all!
«Dødsstraff er det eneste rettferdige i denne saken», skrev han – og ga nok uttrykk for hva en god del nordmenn tenkte akkurat i disse forferdelige dagene i fjor sommer.
"The death penalty is the only fair thing in this case", he wrote - and probably expressed what a good number of Norwegians were thinking in those terrible days last summer.
Fagdommernes beslutning er tuftet på domstollovens paragraf 108: Når det foreligger særegne omstendigheter som kan svekke tilliten til meddommerens uhildethet, så må vedkommende vike sete.Ved starten av rettssaken i går ble satt med tre meddommere og en varameddommer, Anne Elisabeth Wisløff. Det var planen at hun skulle følge saken og tre inn i tilfelle sykdom. Det er vanlig i saker som er så langvarige som denne. Nå flytter reserven et hakk nærmere fagdommerne og overtar jobben til Indrebø.
The expert judges' decision is based on section 108 of the Courts Act: When there are special circumstances that can weaken confidence in the co-judge's impartiality, then that person must step down. At the start of the trial yesterday, three co-judges and one deputy co-judge, Anne Elisabeth Wisløff, were seated. The plan was for her to follow the case and step in in case of illness. It is common in cases as long-standing as this one. Now the reserve moves a notch closer to the professional judges and takes over Indrebø's job
Indrebøs kommentar er en av totalt 45 kommentarer til artikkelen «Breivik erkjenner begge terrorangrepene».
Indrebø's comment is one of a total of 45 comments to the article "Breivik acknowledges both terrorist attacks"
First, the book contains so many informations, that there is not really a lot that need to get investigated ...
and what they did, they did it partially badly
«Dødsstraff er det eneste rettferdige i denne saken», skrev han – og ga nok uttrykk for hva en god del nordmenn tenkte akkurat i disse forferdelige dagene i fjor sommer.
"The death penalty is the only fair thing in this case", he wrote - and probably expressed what a good number of Norwegians were thinking in those terrible days last summer.
Fagdommernes beslutning er tuftet på domstollovens paragraf 108: Når det foreligger særegne omstendigheter som kan svekke tilliten til meddommerens uhildethet, så må vedkommende vike sete.Ved starten av rettssaken i går ble satt med tre meddommere og en varameddommer, Anne Elisabeth Wisløff. Det var planen at hun skulle følge saken og tre inn i tilfelle sykdom. Det er vanlig i saker som er så langvarige som denne. Nå flytter reserven et hakk nærmere fagdommerne og overtar jobben til Indrebø.
The expert judges' decision is based on section 108 of the Courts Act: When there are special circumstances that can weaken confidence in the co-judge's impartiality, then that person must step down. At the start of the trial yesterday, three co-judges and one deputy co-judge, Anne Elisabeth Wisløff, were seated. The plan was for her to follow the case and step in in case of illness. It is common in cases as long-standing as this one. Now the reserve moves a notch closer to the professional judges and takes over Indrebø's job
Indrebøs kommentar er en av totalt 45 kommentarer til artikkelen «Breivik erkjenner begge terrorangrepene».
Indrebø's comment is one of a total of 45 comments to the article "Breivik acknowledges both terrorist attacks"
First, the book contains so many informations, that there is not really a lot that need to get investigated ...
and what they did, they did it partially badly