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Forward from: Laputa
🧨 . . Today is a very special day. Happy Anniversary 5th BLACKPINK. We will continue to support BLACKPINK at any moment. Thank you for all effort and hard work. Thank you for sticking around until now for us.

Happy Anniversary too for all BLACKPINK rp-ers especially:
Esterline (me) Narasha, Sebielle, Natusha, Mariè, Lorraine, Keisya, Amalthea, Nanami, Laloueesa, Rarity, Salepis, Jelov, Gabbiè, Laurèsha, Matlèya, Manisha, Meara, Fabiènne, Reine, Joseptha, Jibbie, Haley, Zio, Gemala, Rajesca, Javenra, Michie, Shàkila, Awantara, Louisa, Chaissie, Kalena, Savern, Miracle, Jenisy, Selina, Gavesha, Mademy, Juvie, Millie, Rubyse, Brunie, Blanche, Chiara, Ragesa, Juvie, Jocellyn, Joleyya, Louice, Rraxas, Lula, Leizora, Nayaa, Capa, Rogesha, Naysya, Nara, Sahara, Jeha, Annaline, Ellona, Feliciea, Jane, Shaa, Rebeca, Gloriest, Kinar, Kanjeng, Clementine, Lynelle, Kajesvana, Ayesha, Briar, Amethyst, Valerie, Jedianne, Jill, Hiera, Ayang, Zhalerie, Faye, Kady, Maureen, Jeaa, Skyla, Danierra, Bileveyra, Ralova, Giakyliè, Lavarine, Theodora, Joxran, Luna, Madame, Ashley, Narasha, Jecaryn, Gimmichie, Audinaya, Ccereya, Sasha, Shabeera, Amara, Moana, Kacella, Jani, Rolev, Amanda, Joviel, Dorothea, Laneyva, Vethala, Hisca, Maggie, Ghaleya, Alara, Mayres, Nasywa, Ronèchiya, Naysyasa, Aviza, Ashlèy, Hannah, Ranazita, Keisya, Amourèv, Annaliese, Leia, Earlyza, Shannon, Marielle, Chazyra, Louren, Rebesha, Shakiest, Zyliena, Lavièqa, Jealita, Gishara, Occie, Kinan, Karin, Pouwffiye, Ghalea, Sonatta, Kimberly. Nasywa

Always support BLACKPINK and don't forget to use the muse well and don't abuse it. See you in another 6th blinks! ♡

With love, Esterline

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Through the outcome for this line I wrote on this 8th of August--let me entirely screech out my endless gratitude to myself Zhalerie, Cathea, Teci, Gabbie, Jentapani, Amourév, Raya, Jeanne, Sebielle, Kaluna, Jopiel, Michelle, Yeshaya, Kajesvana, Calasha, Jiwa, Lauresha, Fawiesa, Delovier, Gemala, Chazyra, Kitsvae, Annaliesé, Draceloya, Lawccipa, Naya, Brunie, Nadhiesa, Namaari, Esterline, Rajesca, Natusha, Ranazita, Marielle, Earlyza, Kivarae, Zio, Josheira, Hiera, Selina, Maureen, Kady, Miracle, Juvie, Blanche, Jjvolie, Capa, Calula, Keisya, Hannah, Jeha, Salepis, Bileveyra, Shelatte, Nanami, Makayzá, Keyzyra, Danierra, Luna, Nara, Selena, Faye, Ghalea, Asteria, Theodora, Nirwala, Ayesha, Raily, Lavarine, Fawnia, Jelov, Javenra, Jacesha, Jecaryn, Rubyse, Kinar, Michiesa, Chlire, Laveiycha, Denayu, Gendhis, Rayasha, Zavera, Jenkins, Miyuka, Kalena, Vazéi, Chaissie, Hisca, Bellonarisa, Zelily, Sephora, Kaylie, Cheesie, Réshya, Ranazita, Reira, Kacella, Anya, Louva, Meara, Fabiénne, Jenisy, Michaela, Michelle, Hyoora, Rezelva, Joviel, Cabine, Elea, Julianna, Chéllin, Roséanne, Marié, Queenie, Lorraine, Sahara, Leizora, Fely, Narasha, Lashley, shabie, Amaya, Naresha, Reanne, Jeanne, Zyordax, Jenivey, Rosette, Leia, Rolev, Kajeya, Laveiycha, Mijey, Cantika, Arabellè, Naomi, Zephyra, Pattricia, Genevie, Ashilla, Bumi, Alarine, Réshya, Laviéqa, Mojaeng, Annaline, Rouzecca, Ashley, Amocel, Valerie, Laneyva, Senja, Elodieae, Sepa, Ayang, Alara, Zeppanya, Ccereya, Irisha, Kenzie, Gimmichie, Norille, Kanjeng, Cale, Lucyanne, Enzy, Jelen, Livia, Hanna, Rogesha, Jibbie, Julliétte, Lula, Yudea, Michia, Shaenette, Coklat, Livvie, Araelyn, Tyrell, Jea, Aleyah, Casey, Jealita, Anné, Ansellyn, Kaley, Leizora, Rebesha, Alana, Kadipta, Zyliena, Maisie, Helenna, Roséilyna, Abell, Shelleyïa, Kaichiley, Azzel, Karin, Jessaclair, Pìjarosie, Natusha, Joseptha, Zee, Jeyasha, Maya, Shainne, Kirumi, Jennicera, Bimoli, Saskara, Anabillie, Erisha, Salvatrice, Beyafie, Taelyn, Safaela, Cennie, Lala, Ruvisya, Millie, Diva, Shalana, Rajas, Pawchibbie, Sonya, Cisamey, Alaricé, Ellarie, Feliciea, Arlizea, Laurént, Gemma, Jellicya, Casey, Ruby, Jenkiecha, Zadine. To festive the day, once again, happy anniversary, BLACKPINK!

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“Many assumes that one most eminent zenith of enterprise is dwelling beneath the stroke regarding either regard and devotion.” Such was what we once affirmed while we were yet so juvenile. Belatedly determined and united, the more the prime enacted, the more points as well as we gained to cherish. Multiplied celebratory mirths amid the fifth to BLINK’s most endeared, admired hub of stalwart ladies, BLACKPINK! The pretty primary concern I would willingly wish to speak from is, of course, thank you very much for the hearty whole cumbersome efforts that you all have sought to set into our pleasant bond. Little do you solely ken whence thrilled I am to imply as one of the bits of the sect? Having the three of you near my front admittedly considers a refined offering.

Forward from: phosphenes
Happy 5th anniversary Blackpink!

Time flies so fast. Happy anniversary our Blackpink, our diamond, and our happiness. Thankyou for all effort and hard work. thankyou so much for growing so well. I hope you guys stay healthy and ur career get brighter!

And happy anniversary to all Blackpink rp-ers, especially:

Me, Berliena, Chaissie, Kalena, Rajesca, Leia, Ara Albert, Laloueesa, brunie, Nayaa, bileveyra, Nara, Jenkins, Jeyasha, Sephora, Amourév, Rayasha, Namari, Lauresha, Maureen, Narasha, Marielle, Feliciea, Royanna, Arabelle, Shabie, Chéllin, Roséanne, Annastasya, Lawccipa, Marie, Queenie, Lorraine, Otex, Sahara, Leizora, Louren, Zhalerie, Ashilla, Jeanne, Brunie, Kaylie, Kivarae, Rosette, Nadhiesa, Lula, Haveryn, Annaline, Zayra, Ayang, Una, Kanjeng, Laviéqa, Reine, Leora, Hiera, Miyorie, Meara, Josa, Ghalea, Jecaryn, Sevalla, Sepa, Fawnia, DeVosa, Norille, Awantara, Jibbie, Letisha, Ashley, Leizora, Syaluna, Gishara, Shelleyïa, Jecaryn, Bichiesa, Jacquelin, Seanara, Saskara, Freissya, Séanne, Tealyn, Séanne, Ronéchiya, Keisya, Jeanne.

For everyone who uses blackpink as their face claim, please use it as well and don't stop to always supporting them. Be happy and stay healthy guys.

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and happy annive too for rp-ers which uses. special greetings to :

Me, Kajesvana, Safaela, Esterlina, Delovier, Shakila, Zio, Hiera, Ayesha, Attayha, Aluna, Naysyasa, Berliena, Marie, Leia, Michiesa, Reina, Jiwa, Shabie, Annaliene, Lawccipa, Blanche, Capa, Kalena, Eilene, Gemala, Mikasa, Nara, Luna, Mia, Keisya, Rogesha, Kaichileyy, Lorraine, Jenkins, Theodora, Draceloya, Lavarine, Salepis, Narasha, Gimmichie , Genjie, Abby, Yeshaya, Manisha, Unami, Laneyva, Denaya, Selena, Rachel, Naomi, Aradisha, Jill, Ralova, Cheesie, Vellysa , Grecia, Lauresha, Queenie, Alarine, Haley, Livia, Annalins, Henjila, Senja Amoura, Ayang, Lavieqa, Kanjeng, Coklat, Daeray, Dayclen, Reanne, Jecha, Kalesha, Shakiest, Gishara, Rosemary, Sebielle, Billy, Ashley, Cecilia, Helenna, Esterline, Shelleyïa, Jeannie, Ellona, Laurene, Amocel DeVosa, Lula, Phio, Kajesha, Anna, Julliette, hewoo, Pouwffiey, Nanami, Sabeyya, Jennicera, freissya, Louice, Kaluna, Denayu, Beyafie, Clara, Zaceyka.

i spent my time today on a small bench in the park, i remember how the four of us when we first meet ( Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, Rosé ). i draw an awkward face at that time, i smile shyly when i remember it lol, but as time goes by, we get closer and know each other. we struggle together, from tears to laughter, i love you and don't even want to lose you gaes. may this new day be blessed with blessings, whatever is dreamed and aspired will soon come true. behind yesterday's sadness, there must be happiness for today ♡*. let's pray together for good things in today and tomorrow.

regards : Awantara C.

Forward from: ✧.high hopes

Forward from: Chaotic Energy
Manisha, Génjie, Nadhiesa, Jeha, Jane, Yeshaya, Javenra, Marié, Sebielle, Méara, Haveryn, Delucy, Rayasha, Jeanne, Kivaraé, Kinar, Clementine, Blanche, Otex, Louisa, Capa, Michelle, Ranazita, Ayesha, Laloueesa, Shàkila, Kajesvana, Esterline, Michelle, Zhalerie, Minnié, Amethyst, Maureen, Athena, Delucy, Jill, Nanami, Reanne, Skyla, Cleovio, Sepa, Daira, Mikasa, Leizora, Juvie, Keith, Nara, Selena, Amalthea, Theodora, Michaela, Lavarine, Ragesa, Unami, Mouriés, Shabeera, Dacylen, Azell, Louice, Jecaryn, Leveiycha, Jeyasha, Denayu, Jopiel, Jeanne, Miyuka, Joviel, Jeha, Lula, Julianna, Bileveyra, Jenivey, Jiscoya, Zelily, Kaichiley, Jacesha, Cheesie, Bellonarisa, Réshya, Kacella, Jeath, Japiel, Laveiycha, Narasha, Ellona, Jenkins, Jablé, Mijey, Javinca, Amocel, Cantika, Cinderella, Syafirá, Zyliena, Mojaeng, Aleyah, Zyordax, Rolev, Zeppanya, Senja, Ashilla, Kajeya, Sacelene, Laviéqa, Ellona, Norille, Jelen, Mayaa, Giena, Shaenette, Rolev, Kimberly, Ferbie, Delovier, Zhalerie, Jenta, Cayen, Yeshaya, Farasha, Calasha, Cale, Kitsvae, Bumii, Annaliesé, Chazyra, Reine, Marielle, Earlyza, Rajesca, Natusha, Kalena, Nadhiesa, Lawccipa, Cessie, Kivarae, Sephora, Méara, Bellonarisa, Arabelle, Royanna, Brunie, Amocel, Jishara, Alana, Maisie, Ladyana, Rebesha, Louice, Bevania, Declairyn, Selena, Delovier, Jessaclair, Mojaeng, Barbara, Earlyza, Jelisha, Athala, Breanda, Keisya, Shadine, Marilyn, Manolie, Kheiland, Jiendra, Létisha, Helenna, Pìjarosie, Jessaclair, Jjená, Araelyn, Hanna, Zavera, Jacquelin, Roséilyna, Late, Salvatrice, Delucy, Sheacié, Ronéchiya, Chaissie, Lauzel, Freissya, Bimoli, Saskara, Anabillie, Naylla, Livvie, Blair Shabie, Gembul, Tyrell, Safaela, Sea, Génjie, Cennie, Millie, Shalana, Alaricé, Jean, Arlizea, Laurént, Raily, Kaichiley, Berliena, Lauréne, Kimberly, Jiwa, Ruby, Zadine, Zurie, Clara, Lorraine.

Forward from: Chaotic Energy
in 2016, to be exact on August 8th. a capacious agency debuted a girl group with 4 members. they debuted with a song called “Boombayah”. and on the same day they released M/V “Whistle”. both songs are very easy to hear and also have a unique tone, that's why they became famous at the beginning of their debut. Their M/V can also surpass 30 million. even more than that, they have a large fanbase and also a fan called Blink. they have been working for 5 years. And in this year and beyond, their names will be enlarged and will also produce many achievements. now, on this date and today, they are celebrating their 5th debut anniversary. hopefully their names can get bigger and can produce more achievements in the future.

Happy 5th Anniversary Blackpink and also for all Blackpink rp-ers, especially for: Amourév (me), Willéna, Fawiesa, Rarity, Jibbie, Rezelva, Natusha, Draceloya, Queenie, Miracle, Zee, Kady, Gabbié, Zio, Keisya, Salepis, Haley, Royanna, Luna, Jenisy, Maggie, Fawnia, Nayaa, Rachy, Selina, Gemala,

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