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القناة الرسميه لفرقه? R.O.X ?
كل مايخص الفرقه سينشر هنا وفي مواقع التواصل الأجتماعي.?
2019/7/2 تأسيس الفرقه
The official channel of his team is R.O.X ?
Everything about the band will be posted here and in social networ
?Live your life as a king?

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Team 𝑅.𝑂.𝑋 • 🐼🌿

Dated 2019/7/2

The group consists of eight girls who met together and each of them has a dream goal

Its leader, Jeon Jaeon, has the idea of ​​collecting the band for training, enrichment and fame

RO.X teams in singing or cribs are members of the BTS

RO.X teams are trained to give you the best so please follow them on social networking sites including: Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Telegram and YouTube

Dream of the band and undoubtedly travel Some of them want to travel to countries they love, including Korea

The band are all Arab girls only one Korean origin

We'll get to know RO.X members one by one so stay tuned

_فہرقہه 𝑅.𝑂.𝑋 • 🐼🌿

_ هِيۧ فُرُۖقهِ ּتمۘ ּتأسۜيۧسۜهِا 💭 بَتَأرَيَخَ ❤ 2019/7/2

_ּتּتكَونۨ الۛفُرُۖقهِ مۘنۨ ثمانيه فּُتيۧاּت أجּۚتمۘعو سۜويۧا ولۛكَلۛ مۘنۨهِمۘ هِدُفُ وحۡۖلۛمۘ مۘعيۧنۨ 💙

_قِّاٍّمّـُتُّ اٍّلَّقِّاٍّئدٌّهّْ جٍّيٌّوّنِّ جٍّاٍّيٌّوّنِّ بّْفّْكّْرًّهّْ جٍّمّـُعَّ اٍّلَّفّْرًّقِّهّْ لَّلَّتُّدٌّرًّيٌّبّْ وّلَّلَّغٌّنِّاٍّء وّاٍّلَّشّْهّْرًّهّْ 😴🌸✿⇣

_ۖقدُوهِ فُرُۖقهِ я.σ.x فُيۧ الۛغنۨاء أو الۛكَيۧبوب هِمۘ أعضاء втs ⚡️🔱ۦ

_فُرُۖقهِ я.σ.x يּۧتدُرُبونۨ لۛكَيۧ يۧۖقدُمۘو لۛكَمۘ الۛافُضلۛ لۛدٌا ּتابعوهِمۘ رُجۚاءا علۛى مۘواۖقع الּۛتواصلۛ الۛاجּۚتمۘاعيۧ ومۘنۨهِا : فُيۧسۜ بوكَ و ּتويּۧترُ و انۨسּۜتا و ּتلۛيۧجۚرُامۘ و يۧوּتيۧوب 🍿﴿

_حَلَمَ الَفَرَقَهَ وًّبَلَا شَﮏ الَسَفَرَ فَمَنَهَمَ يَرَيَدَوًّنَ الَسَفَرَ الَى دَوًّلَ يَحَبَوًّنَهَا وًّمَنَهَا ﮏوًّرَيَا 💙

_الۛفُرُۖقهِ كَلۛهِمۘ عرُبيۧاּت فُۖقط فּُتاة ۗ واحۡدُهِ أصلۛهِا كَورُيۧ • ❥˓

_سۜنּۨتعرُفُ علۛى عضواּت فُۖقرُهِ я.σ.x واحۡدُهِ واحۡۖدُهِ لۛدٌا ּترُۖقبوا • ❥˓

_ۖقنۨاة ۗ الۛفُرُۖقهِ الۛرُسۜمۘيۧهِ ℡ ̇ ✨🐯⇣✦

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