Randorami, OPEN.

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@randoramis or @randoramibot for order and @randoramizip for archive.
ps : @aeoxng if you need some help for promotion!

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Forward from: 「 d e l u s i — o p e n 」
[ To all of my mutuals or whoever is reading this message, may I ask you to forward this message to your channel? Thanks in advance, it really helps us. ]

hai! sekarang @delusikata resmi dibuka kembali! hubungi @deIusibot atau @deIusikata untuk pemesanan ya.

Forward from: Heavenly Bloushie OPEN 15.00
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[ For my BA mutuals and anyone who heeds this, could you lend me your hand to sharing this line on your channel? Thank you in advance! 🤍 ]

Warmly greetings to the readers who are stepping on my words! As you can see presently that Heavenly Bloushie has opened for the first time! Therefore, the first batch will open on April 1st at 15.00 WIB!

Then what do we sell? We provide several items such as icons (include themed and shaped), drawing icons and shapes.

To raise your order, you can fill out the form and send it to @heavenlyblou ! Though, don't forget to read the TnC that we have provided! Have a good day and happy shopping, pleasant beings!

Randorami is open! please send your forms through @randoramis or @randoramibot yaaa.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ☆ LOVE BOOTH ☆

PRICE : 8k and +2k for recolor
Format and details are here.
ㅤ ㅤ· · ━━━━ ☆


PRICE : 6k and +2k for recolor
Format and details are here.
ㅤ ㅤ· · ━━━━ ☆

Makaci buat 4juta nya!

Forward from: Candy Factory CLOSEE!!
[untuk mutual ba aku, boleh bantu fw pesan ini? thankyou!🥺💗]

haloo! buat ngerayain 2nd mensive Candy Factory dan rayain 2K subs, aku bakal adain BIG SALE. yaitu diskon 50% untuk semua katalog kecuali detailed icons. i will open at 2nd April, 19.00pm yaa with limited slot only 💗🤩. kapan lagi bisa beli icons candy factory dengan harga 5k? atau 6k? anyway payment only via GOPAY, DANA, QRIS. see you tomorrow candies! 💖💖

Forward from: Colouring by Laluna ofc OPEN!
OPEN! send format icons ke @Glowth dan buat wording ke @woynoung / @wnoyoung yap 🤍

Forward from: Delphine Store || CEK PINNED
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[ For αll of my BA mutuαls or everyone who sαw this, would you mind to helping me to forwαrd this into your chαnnel αnd spreαd αround? Your help meαns α lot for me. Thαnks in αdvαnce — 💗 ]

Kkalian lagi butuh nokos/apk premium lainnya ? Belanja di @DelphineStore aja !! Disitu kami menyediakan banyak apk premium dengan harga yang sangat murah seperti

❝ ❀ ꒱ netflix
❝ ❀ ꒱ spotify
❝ ❀ ꒱ youtube
❝ ❀ ꒱ wattpad
❝ ❀ ꒱ disney+
 ❝ ❀ ꒱ joox
❝ ❀ ꒱ viu
❝ ❀ ꒱ canva
❝ ❀ ꒱ ticket bubble
❝ ❀ ꒱ app prem lainnya

Tunggu apa agy kkak ayo buruan jajan di @DelphineStore dijamin gak rugi deh 😗

✵ Contact person : @AssistantKiara_bot

✵ Payment: Dana ,, shopeepay ,, or vipul tsel

Forward from: 。・🌸彡 anind store, open !
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[[ kepada semua mutual ba dan siapapun yang melihat ini, boleh tolong forward pesan ini ke channel kalian ? Terimakasih sebelumnya ! 😄💗 ]]

Massive salutation earth - lings - ! @anindstore ada disini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mu ! Apa saja itu ?

Verif telegram
Upsubs / upmemb
Upfoll Ig rp
Pembersihan ig rp
Bisnis pelajar
joktug , jastik , joktul

Mulai dari Saldo 1OOO rupiah keinginan mu bisa di wujudkan oleh kami !😋

Jadi tunggu apa lagi ? Grab it fast ! Dan jangan lupa untuk membaca TnC yya !
© @anindstore

Forward from: MASJE.ID
[Untuk semua para mutual BA ku yang lihat pesan ini can you guys help me by forwarding this message to your channel, I thank you very much for that (☆▽☆)]

❀ A red morning for all my happy BA relatives. @cloyristore akhirnya buka! We are open wait because there will be many things such as aplikasi premium & aplikasi edit, apikasi streaming, bubble lysn & jyp, psd icons, koin & zem zepeto. Stay tuned and don't forget to prepare your format order, have a nice day and have a happy snack! ♡____♡

Forward from: LUNNABY: 4 JAN

boleh bantu share? makasih ya.

hai! @lunnaby mau open! kamis, 1 april jam 1 siang WIB ya. yuk dicatet waktunya xixi. open sampe slot yang aku pengen penuh & max. order 2 icons ‼️ sistemnya send form ke @ilovesdoy.

Forward from: Colouring by Laluna ofc OPEN!
[Bringing together all the honorable BA mutuals, can you help me to spread this message to your BA channel? I would be very grateful for that. ]

On this sunny day, Coloring Laluna brings together all the noble inhabitants of the earth to immediately attend our shop which will open at 10.30 today.
We provide :

★ Themed Icons
★ Detailed Icons
★ Wording Service

Check out our precious catalog @ColoringLaluna for a limited time, we hope you don't miss your purchase. Don't forget to read the terms & conditions, and fill in the format correctly. Then send the format to the contact listed. Have a nice day, all!

Forward from: MOULREX
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[Warm greetings to all my mutual BAs, will you help me spread this exciting news? Thank you for helping]

The holidays are drawing near, it's time for the year. Prepare yourself because you don't want to miss the greatness

@Moulrex also provides a variety
Themed icons, Drawing icons, Scenery icons & Detail icons starting from 3k! Of course, like any place of business, we have a Catalog & Terms, please read first.

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