"This is perception management on behalf of ISIS, to manufacture consent and normalise the idea of ISIS ruling a formerly sovereign nation.
The idea is if you'll accept it in Syria, you'll also accept it in Lebanon and Iraq.
In reality, Alawites and Christians are being tortured, ethnically cleansed, beheaded and eliminated. Scroll down my timeline for ample evidence of this fact.
But as long as NATO's Jolanskyy triangulates between welcoming NATO foreign ministers but not shaking hands with the ladies, his backers believe they can promote an image of him as a 'religious pragmatist' rather than the 'former' deputy leader of ISIS.
-David Miller
The idea is if you'll accept it in Syria, you'll also accept it in Lebanon and Iraq.
In reality, Alawites and Christians are being tortured, ethnically cleansed, beheaded and eliminated. Scroll down my timeline for ample evidence of this fact.
But as long as NATO's Jolanskyy triangulates between welcoming NATO foreign ministers but not shaking hands with the ladies, his backers believe they can promote an image of him as a 'religious pragmatist' rather than the 'former' deputy leader of ISIS.
-David Miller