The recidivism rate of life prisoners is lower than the average of all prison inmates.
Since 1980, a total of 73 life prisoners have been released, and 16 of them have returned to prison by the end of 2009. The renewal rate is 21.9%.
16 people can returned by killing 3000 people or by killing 0 people ...
A new homicide was committed by four people
Second: those who are still doing crimes without getting in prison?
Even related to homicides
Det er 29 drap i Norge politiet ikke har klart å oppklare. Så lenge en drapsmann går løs får ikke de pårørende ro.
There are 29 murders in Norway that the police have not been able to solve. As long as a murderer is on the loose, the next of kin will not rest
Third, most important: WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR THIS LIFE SENTENCE?! means bullshit or something seriously?
which type of homicide?
Vuosina 1970 - 2011 Suomessa ei ole määrätty elinkautista vankeutta muista kuin murhista.
In the years 1970 - 2011, life imprisonment has not been imposed in Finland for crimes other than murder.
The recidivism rate for prison inmates during the five- year follow-up period was 54.7% in 2012. Life prisoners seem to commit crimes related to life and health. More than 60% repeat their crime less than a year after being released.
In Finland, life imprisonment has never meant a sentence that continues throughout life, i.e. until the convicted person dies. Under the Penal Code of 1889, life imprisonment lasted 12 years, and the subsequent parole lasted the rest of life.
Since 1980, a total of 73 life prisoners have been released, and 16 of them have returned to prison by the end of 2009. The renewal rate is 21.9%.
16 people can returned by killing 3000 people or by killing 0 people ...
A new homicide was committed by four people
Second: those who are still doing crimes without getting in prison?
Even related to homicides
Det er 29 drap i Norge politiet ikke har klart å oppklare. Så lenge en drapsmann går løs får ikke de pårørende ro.
There are 29 murders in Norway that the police have not been able to solve. As long as a murderer is on the loose, the next of kin will not rest
Third, most important: WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR THIS LIFE SENTENCE?! means bullshit or something seriously?
which type of homicide?
Vuosina 1970 - 2011 Suomessa ei ole määrätty elinkautista vankeutta muista kuin murhista.
In the years 1970 - 2011, life imprisonment has not been imposed in Finland for crimes other than murder.
The recidivism rate for prison inmates during the five- year follow-up period was 54.7% in 2012. Life prisoners seem to commit crimes related to life and health. More than 60% repeat their crime less than a year after being released.
In Finland, life imprisonment has never meant a sentence that continues throughout life, i.e. until the convicted person dies. Under the Penal Code of 1889, life imprisonment lasted 12 years, and the subsequent parole lasted the rest of life.